Guest guest Posted September 20, 2008 Report Share Posted September 20, 2008 From: AutismRecoveryNetwork [mailto:AutismRecoveryNetwork ] On Behalf Of Reem Hamzah Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 12:30 PM To: AutismRecoveryNetwork Subject: Re: [AutismRecoveryNetwork] " Remarkably Able " A Radio Show for All Teens and Young Adults with Autism 77787 7666 Radio Show is in Phoenix, Arizona or Listen via Internet Streaming- www.1100KFNX. com http://www.drjackie marquette. com/Radio_ show.htm Announcing a New Radio Talk Show on Autism " Remarkably Able " Hosted by Jackie Marquette Ph.D. Promoting Quality of Life and Creating Tangible Outcomes for All Teens and Young Adults with Autism and Related Disabilities Listen to my June 16th Show Listen to my June 30th Show Guest I will interview: Domenico Cavaiuolo Ph.D. expert in Special Education & Rehabilitation. Associate Professor, East Stroudsburg University. Building Self Determination and Self-Advocacy in Youth with ASD and Other Related Disabilities. Listen to my July 7th Show Guest I will interview: Donna http://www.donnawil You will be incredibly inspired as you listen to this interview with Donna who has autism and is the best selling author of Nobody Nowhere. Donna overcame insurmountable challenges. Discover how Donna searched to find herself despite living through family rejection and violence during childhood. Donna is a gifted artist, song writer, singer, and screen play writer. We have much to learn from her life. Listen to my July 14th Show Guest I will interview: Mr. Barry Whaley. Mr. Whaley is the executive director of Community Employment, providing supported employment for individuals with all disabilities. He has helped individuals reach self employment goals as well. Do you have a teen or young adult with ASD or a related disability? Are you concerned about what he or she will do in life after high school? Employment and college is not for everyone. Maybe self employment is just the right thing for your son or daughter. If you want to learn more about how self employment may be a viable option for your teen or young adult, tune in to this important topic. Listen to my July 21st Show Guest I will interview: Don Whittecar www.theemergentinst don@theemergentinst Mr. Wittiecar is the founder of the Emergent Institute, which provides resources to artists with disabilities to enable them to attain self-sufficiency through educational, employment and entrepreneurial ventures. Mr. Whittecar will also discuss how to further inclusion through changing enhanced public awareness, and perception of artists with disabilities. Listen to my July 28th Show TOPIC: EVERYTHING THAT MATTERS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN SEEKING ADULT SERVICES FOR THE YOUNG ADULT Tune-in to this program and hear what others say about building supports for a family member or client with Aspergers or autism. You can also receive a free evaluation tool I designed that can help you when seeking services and determining the needed supports for your son or daughter with ASD or a developmental disability. Negotiating services and supports for a young adult becomes a confusing maze. I know the difficulties you are experiencing. I have first hand experience in seeking and creating supports for my son Trent, who has autism and is 31 years old. ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _ I invite you to listen, call in your comments or questions, and/or email your questions, concerns or requests for discussion topics Jackie@drjackiemarq I will address a new topic each week and invite an expert guest. Where to Listen: KFNX News-Talk Radio AM 1100 on the dial, Phoenix, AZ or log onto KFNX and listen live. When: Mondays 9-10 PM, Pacific, or Listen via Internet Streaming- www.1100KFNX. com What is the Program About? Remarkably Able Radio Talk Show is designed to provide awareness and real options that are based upon best practices to deliver quality of life for people with ASD and their families. A national crisis currently exists because of limited resources that disenable individuals with ASD from adolescence into adulthood. Families are uncertain about how to help their teen or young adult. People with autism have potential and strengths that make them remarkably able in many ways. Putting together the pieces to create life opportunities begins with establishing traditional and broad innovative supports that opens opportunities for education, employment, leisure, peer relationships and community membership. Why this topic? There are reliable treatments, therapy, and educational strategies that are available for children with ASD. Every child with autism becomes an adult. As youth enter their teens and then adult years, these strategies must be integrated into a much wider framework of traditional and broad innovative supports. Success is likely when supports meet the individual's wholistic needs. This work remains undone. These comprehensive supports can enhance individual capability levels across all life domains and revealed in my research findings. What is the focus? The areas for discussion will include: emotional, social, educational, vocational, medical, alternative options, political and spiritual. Interviews with leading experts in the field will be conducted as well as interviews with people who have ASD and their families. Effective tools, collaboration strategies, and practical everyday solutions are discussed to help dissolve the barriers and deliver to youth community participation, inclusion, and personal growth. The ultimate goal is to offer hope for a better life to individuals with ASD of all ages and their families. Advertise your Service or Product Become a sponsor and support this untapped dialogue by advertising your services or products on the Remarkably Able Radio Talk Show. Use this opportunity to reach a wide audience. Contact me for more information. Thank you. Contact Information: Jackie M. Marquette, Ph.D. 7514 Warrenton Hill Ct. Louisville, KY 40291 502 742-8756/Fax 502 742-8487 jackie@themarquette www.themarquettegro Kim Hammons IPUT Informed Parents United Together Tampa, Florida Keyword: " IPUT " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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