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Re: name question

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In a message dated 4/13/99 9:49:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

tea_4_neski@... writes:

<< She knows how to make a person feel like a juicy


~shera >>

Sorry but this made me laugh!! But it is true.... Lexi right after latching

on will sometimes pull off, and look up at me, and say Num Num........I can't

help but melt every time she does it!


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In a message dated 4/13/99 9:55:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

Fafahahema@... writes:

<< my husband and sister and BIL say that to me ALL the time....at first it

bothered me but then i started looking at them and saying " MOOOOOO "


Oh MY.....ROFL!!! That is WAY...too funny!!! I will have to remember that!



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In a message dated 13/04/99 20:24:06 GMT Daylight Time, angehowe@...


<< For what it's worth, doctors used to " relieve " a woman's migraine headaches

by giving them orgasms... >>

Okay, I'm curious, just how would these doctors give the women orgasms?!!!!!


Mum to Bethany nearly 5, Lawrence 3 and Verity 10 months

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In a message dated 13/04/99 20:28:10 GMT Daylight Time, angehowe@...


<< I figure it's the " Americanization " of the word " teat " which means nipple.

Other than my best guess, I have no idea! lol


What you call bottle nipples, we call teats. Nipple is used only to refer to

breasts. I read a story once about an american lady over here who was

discussing sterilizing bottles and she said 'oh I just boil my nipples for

ten minutes' and the english ladies looked at her in absolute horror. It was

funny at the time!


Mum to Bethany nearly 5, Lawrence 3 and Verity 10 months

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In a message dated 4/13/99 10:18:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

naturebaby@... writes:

<< Stacie,

It is my mil too! Huge culture clash. I could tell you stories. I will

email you privately, later today.

Wendi >>

LOL! Oh I am so sorry....hehe!! But at least we now know we are both dealing

with the same thing, I could go on forever with the stories too.....!!


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It is my mil too! Huge culture clash. I could tell you stories. I will email

you privately, later today.


Re: name question

From: MamaToLexi@...

In a message dated 4/13/99 12:15:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

naturebaby@... writes:

<< Stacie,

Thanks so much for telling us that. My children are 1/4 Korean ( my husband

is 1/2) That sounds similar to titty and I could easily move it to that. I

think that is so wonderful. I always love learning more about Korean

culture. Thanks again.

Wendi >>

Oh wow Wendi, my daughter is also 1/4 but to me she looks more Korean than

that. Is it your husband's mother, or father that is full Korean?? I hope for

your sake, it is his father....LOL! Mine is my MIL, and OH could I tell you

some stories of a HUGE culture clash......LOL! If you would like you can go

to my webpage and see the outfit that she wore for her 1yr birthday! The URL

is: http://members.aol.com/tddybear3/LexiPage2.htm

I think that is the right one....

I also would like for Lexi to learn as much as she can about her heritage, I

think it is a beautiful culture. I keep trying to get my husband to speak to

her in Korean, but he won't do it, he says it is hard for him to speak Korean

to her, when we usually speak English here at home. But so if he won't do it,

I am going to go and buy a few Korean tapes and play them all the time. I

would really like for her to be able to know it.

Hope we can talk more soon, it sounds like we have alot in common



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My daughter, baby #2, started by saying " nur " and it came from me asking if

she wanted to nurse. As time went on, she heard " do you want a nurse? " and

to this day, she refers to breasts as nurses! lol It is quite funny when

she shows her friends Barbie's nurses!! :)

My third child hasn't really spoken much about nursing. So far, he knows

the usual (mama, dada, bye-bye, dog, cat) and has figured out " hot " and

it's so cute... I don't even know if I'm consciously telling him what

he's doing when he nurses. Who knows what he's going to end up calling it!!

At 02:51 AM 4/13/99 , you wrote:

>From: Fafahahema@...


>i have a question for the mommies that breastfeed their children after they

>are talking......what do your children say to you when they want it...or how

>do they let you know that they want to nurse? Do they say i am hungrey or

>what? i am just curious?



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I say " Milkies for Tea, nippo for Tea. " She knows just what I am

saying. Now if I ask her if she wants milkies she looks at me and

smacks her lips. She knows how to make a person feel like a juicy





> My Son has always said " milk " I have never said tit,

> or boob regarding my

> breast to him. I feel it's derogatory and demeaning

> to women in general.



> Love,



> Pretty funny joke he told me last week....he came up

> to me, looked me in the

> eyes and said " Got Milk? " He had just seen a TV add

> for it, LOL!

> Now he goes around saying that and laughing!



> > Re: name question

> >

> >

> > From: MamaToLexi@...

> >

> > In a message dated 4/12/99 7:57:37 PM Pacific

> Daylight Time,

> > Fafahahema@... writes:

> >

> > << i have a question for the mommies that

> breastfeed their children after

> > they

> > are talking......what do your children say to you

> when they want

> > it...or how

> > do they let you know that they want to nurse? Do

> they say i am

> > hungrey or

> > what? i am just curious?

> >

> > martha

> > >>





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You don't? But would love to find out what?


Re: name question

From: Fafahahema@...

i don't but would love to find out


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That's true Wendi.

I got to thinking about it afterwards and wondered since they said he was in

the passenger side of the car, maybe he's mentally retarded and someone just

left him in the car as they did their shopping??

You never know. I just hope it stays out of the public, LOL!


Re: name question



> From: Fafahahema@...


> In a message dated 4/13/99 3:03:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> MamaToLexi@... writes:


> << I had a similar discussion one day with a friend of my

> husbands who was

> saying I was sexually abusing my child, and as he put it " if she

> was sucking

> on my tits I HAD to be getting off on it " and in his mind this

> constitutes

> as

> sexual abuse. >>



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I figure it's the " Americanization " of the word " teat " which means nipple.

Other than my best guess, I have no idea! lol

At 03:21 PM 4/13/99 , you wrote:



>anyone know the origin of calling breasts a " tit " ?



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There are many medical professionals who question whether or not a mother

gets pleasure from breastfeeding since one of the same hormones of orgasm

is also involved in breastfeeding. :) Of course, the same hormone is also

involved in labor (it contracts the uterus), but its role in breastfeeding

is the milk-ejection reflex, or let-down... and it's not an ongoing sense

of pleasure in that way, as I'm sure you can attest. :)

For what it's worth, doctors used to " relieve " a woman's migraine headaches

by giving them orgasms... that's where they say the term " hysterical "

originated. " Hyster " refers to the uterus (not sure if it's Latin), and

" hysterectomy " is surgical removal of uterus. Think about it! It was just

a bunch of men with nothing better to do than to think women weren't sexual


At 04:44 PM 4/13/99 , you wrote:

>From: Fafahahema@...


>In a message dated 4/13/99 3:03:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

>MamaToLexi@... writes:


><< I had a similar discussion one day with a friend of my husbands who was

> saying I was sexually abusing my child, and as he put it " if she was


> on my tits I HAD to be getting off on it " and in his mind this constitutes


> sexual abuse. >>


>what a jerk wad.....sorry ya'll for my language but that really irritates me

>when someone says that we are abusing our children by letting them


>mean come on wouldn't we be abusing them by not feeding them?




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now when doctors give their patients orgasms they get their licenses taken


life is funny!


> Re: name question





> Martha,


> There are many medical professionals who question whether or not a mother

> gets pleasure from breastfeeding since one of the same hormones of orgasm

> is also involved in breastfeeding. :) Of course, the same

> hormone is also

> involved in labor (it contracts the uterus), but its role in breastfeeding

> is the milk-ejection reflex, or let-down... and it's not an ongoing sense

> of pleasure in that way, as I'm sure you can attest. :)


> For what it's worth, doctors used to " relieve " a woman's migraine

> headaches

> by giving them orgasms... that's where they say the term " hysterical "

> originated. " Hyster " refers to the uterus (not sure if it's Latin), and

> " hysterectomy " is surgical removal of uterus. Think about it!

> It was just

> a bunch of men with nothing better to do than to think women

> weren't sexual

> enough!




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Probably the same way everyone else does??? You know?

This is so funny to me! I guess I need to grow up, LOL!

I hope I don't offend anyone :o) Is there a Full moon tonight?


> Re: name question



> From: HHamer1810@...


> In a message dated 13/04/99 20:24:06 GMT Daylight Time,

> angehowe@...

> writes:


> << For what it's worth, doctors used to " relieve " a woman's

> migraine headaches

> by giving them orgasms... >>


> Okay, I'm curious, just how would these doctors give the women

> orgasms?!!!!!


> Hannah(UK)

> Mum to Bethany nearly 5, Lawrence 3 and Verity 10 months



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In a message dated 4/13/99 5:12:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

naturebaby@... writes:

<< Stacie,

I finally looked at your website and she is a doll. It does make me feel

guilty though because I didn't do the traditional birthday with either of

them. My mil wouldn't compromise at all in any way and if I wasn't willing

to have the party at her house on Kaija's birthday with her friends then she

wouldn't participate at all. Things have gotten a lot better since then but

it has been hard. Also Kaija has always been afraid of her so it makes it

very difficult. Lexi looks much more Korean than my children. Zaid is

blond. It is so interesting how the genes show up.



Thanks Wendi, I am glad you liked it, it needs some work, but it is

ok....LOL! And Oh I am sorry for you, but don't feel guilty at least they

got a party =)......At least I have ONE thing on my side, and that is that

MIL lives 3000 miles away in Hawaii, and in fact she had YET to even SEE

Lexi........But she did insist that we have her wear the tradional dress for

her birthday. So I had one picture taken of her in it, and she was

satisfied......LOL! And I can understand Kaija, being afraid of her..... if

your MIL is ANYTHING like mine, with mine she can be VERY LOUD, and not to

" Kid Friendly " ......and this tend to scare the kids away. Even my DOG runs

away from my MIL......ROFL! And I am worried how Lexi will react to her when

she DOES finally get to meet her, especially since she is now almost 16

months old, and has never seen her before, and Lexi is now kind of getting

into that Stranger Anxiety Stage, she will be fine with strangers as long as

me or my husband are holding her....but as soon as we put her down she gets

scared........So I am sure having her loud big mouthed grandmother show up,

will just scare the pants off of her......LOL!

And as for her looking more Korean that has to do with the genes, and if your

son is blond than you obviously have a brown or black hair color, Which means

your son got the recessive gene from you and your husband.....It is like 2

dark haired people can make a blond haired baby, but 2 blond people can not

make a dark haired baby.......Now with me, both of my parents have dark hair,

yet my Gramma had Auburn so I got my moms recessive genes, and Lexi got her

dads Dominant gene........I think I got that right.....been awhile since I

was in Biology Class......LOL!! But yes it can be funny the way the genes

show up!

Thanks again!


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clitoral stimulation!

At 07:35 PM 4/13/99 , you wrote:

>From: HHamer1810@...


>In a message dated 13/04/99 20:24:06 GMT Daylight Time, angehowe@...



><< For what it's worth, doctors used to " relieve " a woman's migraine


> by giving them orgasms... >>


>Okay, I'm curious, just how would these doctors give the women orgasms?!!!!!



>Mum to Bethany nearly 5, Lawrence 3 and Verity 10 months




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At 08:37 PM 4/13/99 , you wrote:

>From: MamaToLexi@...


>In a message dated 4/13/99 12:37:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

>HHamer1810@... writes:


><< Okay, I'm curious, just how would these doctors give the women



> Hannah(UK) >>

>I was wondering the same thing.....LOL!!

>But it does work......I can attest to that, not the doctor doing it, but

>getting rid of the headaches I mean....LOL!!




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>Oh My.......that is just sick, Yes peole do mastrubate, but ou are


>does not belong in the veiw of every one else.....that is why it is called

>masturbation, Oh wow, I am just stunned.....And I bet people would have

>FREAKED had that been a mother nursing her child out in the car!!!! Where is

>the logic to that??!! Oh I wish I could have been there to give that sick

>pervert a peice of my mind....the odacity(sp?) of some people......


And I'm the kind of person who would probably go knock on the window or

cause a huge scene so that everyone would be standing around this person,

and eventually the police would show... lol

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At 10:04 PM 4/13/99 , you wrote:<br>

& gt;From: Steph M MN & lt;stephmn@... & gt;<br>


& gt;college, but this particular one was not part of the curriculum. :)  


& gt;more info, you could check an unabridged dictionary...it would


& gt;give the difinitive listing of usage & lt;VBG & gt;.<br>


I just did that... lol<br>


there are two entries.. both amusing. & nbsp; :)<br>


<b>tit </b>(tit) <i>n</i>. <b>1</b>. a titmouse. <b>2</b>. any of various

other small birds. <b>3</b>. <i>Archaeic</i>. a girl or young woman;

hussy. 4. <i>Archaeic</i>. a small or poor horse; nag. [1540-50; repr. ME

<i>tite</i>- (in <i>titemouse</i>); c. Norw <i>tite</i> titmouse; akin to

ON <i>tittr</i> tack, pin. & nbsp; See tit.]<br>


<b>tit</b> (tit) <i>n</i>. <b>1</b>. a teat. & nbsp; <b>2</b>. <i>Slang

(vulgar)</i>. a breast. [bef. 1100; ME <i>titte</i>, OE <i>titt</i>; c.

MLG, MD <i>titte</i>, G <i>Zitze</i>, Norw <i>titta</i>; akin to



Do we have any English majors here?! & nbsp; lol<br>



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I wonder what my excuse is then??? LOL!


> Re: name question

> >

> >

> > From: HHamer1810@...

> >

> > In a message dated 13/04/99 20:24:06 GMT Daylight Time,

> > angehowe@...

> > writes:

> >

> > << For what it's worth, doctors used to " relieve " a woman's

> > migraine headaches

> > by giving them orgasms... >>

> >

> > Okay, I'm curious, just how would these doctors give the women

> > orgasms?!!!!!

> >

> > Hannah(UK)

> > Mum to Bethany nearly 5, Lawrence 3 and Verity 10 months

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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NO WAY!!! are you serious?

At 11:45 PM 4/13/99 +0000, you wrote:



>clitoral stimulation!


>At 07:35 PM 4/13/99 , you wrote:

>>From: HHamer1810@...


>>In a message dated 13/04/99 20:24:06 GMT Daylight Time, angehowe@...



>><< For what it's worth, doctors used to " relieve " a woman's migraine


>> by giving them orgasms... >>


>>Okay, I'm curious, just how would these doctors give the women orgasms?!!!!!



>>Mum to Bethany nearly 5, Lawrence 3 and Verity 10 months




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In a message dated 4/14/99 11:50:58 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

naturebaby@... writes:

<< He is very american in his beliefs but does have the asian drive and

determination. He actually loves it when I put her in her place because very

few people have ever been able to. She takes it from me well and respects me

a lot because of me standing firm. It is trying though.

Wendi >>

Well that would be the difference......LOL! My husband is American in ALOT of

his beliefs...but ONE , His Mother.....to him she is God, he would not even

dare question her! When we first got together, he told me his mother came

first.....and I had no idea how true this was until now. The way he puts it

" I can have as many wives, girlfriends as I want, but I only have one mother "

So I would LOVE to stand up to her, and I think it WOULD make her respect me

more, knowing she can't push me around. But I also do not want to cause a

HUGE fight between Dh and I, so maybe one of these days when I get angry at

her, I will do it. But for now I will keep my mouth quiet until I have Dh a

little more trained.......LOL!


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I refer to the nursing time as " num, num " . Just what I do...



>From: Fafahahema@...[sMTP:Fafahahema@...]

>Sent: Monday, April 12, 1999 9:53 PM

>To: breastfeedingonelist

>Subject: Re: name question


>From: Fafahahema@...


>The reason I asked this question was to get an idea of what I should start

>referring nursing time as.....my sister has suggested " nunnies " which is what

>she used with both of her children.....what do ya'll think?





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He's a clown!

I swear that TV commercials are subliminal? Kids always tune into them...all

3 of mine did.

Love, /indigo

> Re: name question






> Oh, this is just hilarious!!! I am laughing out loud!!! Too funny...

> e

> >

> >Pretty funny joke he told me last week....he came up to me,

> looked me in the

> >eyes and said " Got Milk? " He had just seen a TV add for it, LOL!

> >Now he goes around saying that and laughing!

> >


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Oh, this is just hilarious!!! I am laughing out loud!!! Too funny...



>Pretty funny joke he told me last week....he came up to me, looked me in the

>eyes and said " Got Milk? " He had just seen a TV add for it, LOL!

>Now he goes around saying that and laughing!


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