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Re: name question

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My dh has had a difficult time getting along with her. I have actually

facilitated their relationship a lot. I am always respectful to her, even when

I am putting her in her place. She drummed respect into her son as well, but he

is someone who believes you must earn it. He respects his mother for being his

mother but other than that she has to earn it in his opinion. He is very

american in his beliefs but does have the asian drive and determination. He

actually loves it when I put her in her place because very few people have ever

been able to. She takes it from me well and respects me a lot because of me

standing firm. It is trying though.


Re: name question

From: MamaToLexi@...

In a message dated 4/14/99 9:44:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

naturebaby@... writes:


Well aren't you lucky. My mil lives about 2 miles away. Yes she is very

loud and very grabby. My son loves her because she always has food. She is

mellowing a lot since when Kaija was little. I have had to put her in her

place on numerous occasions. If you get a pic of you mil to show Lexi, she

might not be as frightened. I just did that with my sister and her husband.

Zaid was only mildly nervous around them and then warmed right up. He had a

picture of them for about 5 months.



Yeah I am pretty lucky to have to only see her once or twice at the most a

year......But she still finds way to degrade me, and what not over the phone,

so I just don't talk to her anymore.....I let Dh do it!

And I do have a picture of her up on the wall, and Lexi will walk over and

say Gama, so she does know who she is, but I am worried that when she

actually sees her, and sees how loud she is, she will be frightened!

And unless she comes over soon, like this summer, I know Lexi won't get to

see her until she is over 2yo.

Because MIL WON'T come over here in the winter, so if Lexi is going to see

her before she turns to it will have to be this summer!

And about you putting MIL in her place, How does your Dh do when you do that??

So far, mine has told me, DO NOT.....sass back to her.....Well I did one time

and he did ok, but he gets VERY Defensive of his mother.

Due to her, demanding his respect since he was a child!

Well respect does not come so easy with me, you have to EARN it with me! I

respect her as HIS MOTHER, but she has to earn it, for me to respect her as

anything other than that!

But OH there have been SEVERAL times I would have like to just tell her where

to take it.

But I haven't, even right now, when I am trying to deal with the fact she has

not taken the effort to come and see her first grandaughter....And I would

LOVE to say something to her about it, but I am afriad of how Dh would react

to that.....!!



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In a message dated 4/14/99 5:04:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

angehowe@... writes:

<< I've heard of side-lying, football hold and cradle... Is this some new

position? >;) (wink!)


ROFL......You know speaking of that, I saw in a book somewhere, that another

nursing position, I don't remember if it had a name, or if so what it was,

but it was where the Mother would be laying down on a pillow, and the child

would be like laying on thier stomach over your shoulder nursing upside down,

where thier feet would be up at your head......I thought that was a little

odd, but hey whatever works!!


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Ivy calls it " feed " --she will tell me that " babies get feed from their

Mommie's bras " --I have told her breasts on many occasions but--still she

call them bras--she also says " when my bras get big I can feed my baby

too " --just melts my Mommy heart!!--Joy

Asheville, NC



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Sweet as it gets!

Love, /indigo

> Re: name question



> From: j.ham@...


> Ivy calls it " feed " --she will tell me that " babies get feed from their

> Mommie's bras " --I have told her breasts on many occasions but--still she

> call them bras--she also says " when my bras get big I can feed my baby

> too " --just melts my Mommy heart!!--Joy


> Asheville, NC

> j.ham@...

> ---------------------------------------------------

> Come and see my family at

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