Guest guest Posted June 5, 2003 Report Share Posted June 5, 2003 , And we are, very loopy, every last one of us...LOL. I'm sure the others will forgive me for saying that. We share our knowledge, pain, triumphs and failures, and through it all we care and support each other as much as we can. We have even been known to travel a distance to meet some of the other members so we can see them face to face. Cyber friendships are great, but sometimes you like to put a name to the words you read every day. Where is Cedar Park? I live in northern CA about 50 miles from San Francisco. Right in the middle of Sonoma Wine country, about 30 miles from the Pacific Ocean. We get the cooling fogs, here, so our temperatures are pretty mild most of the time. We do get into the 100's about twice a year, usually near the end of May, and in mid-August, but our average temp. is in the 80's throughout the summer. Expensive to live here, but too lovely to leave it as long as we can hang on. Please keep writing to the group, ask questions, share your worries and frustrations, we know all about it. Again, welcome. Hugs, MM aka: Mike, one of the moderators Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 2, 2003 Report Share Posted December 2, 2003 Tricia wrote: << visiting family in Oregon for the holidays and was sure surprised to get a call at my mom's this morning from my doctor. They had already called a lab in Oregon where I'm visiting (I live in CA) for the Holidays to set up a fasting for tomorrow because my last blood sugar was 277. >> He's hoping that the thought of having to submit to another fasting blood sugar during the holidays will keep you on the straight and narrow - and that approach often works! He's showing a lot of care. Susie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 2, 2003 Report Share Posted December 2, 2003 When I find the self-care hard and tiring and start blowing it off, I can usually get back on track by doing affirmations such as: - I deserve to feel good - I deserve to be healthy - I enjoy taking good care of myself - I love myself, and show it by taking care of myself - I'm worth taking the time - I'm worth the effort Hope this helps! -- el (andreafrankel at sbcglobal dot net) " wake now! Discover that YOU are the song that the morning brings... " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 29, 2004 Report Share Posted February 29, 2004 S. I was thinking....(yup, a bad thing!!!) lol....I may have done something Saturday night when I was putting a new sheet on my bed. My hip somewhat wanted to go out on me....and I laid down before it did completely and drop me on the floor...again. Well, the pain started Immediately when I laid down. Considering I had the block done on Wed., I don't know which it is from! I just know that I'd rather still be pregnant with Petey and have him back on my Sciatic Nerve again! lol....RSD, Pregnancy, and have a baby laying on the same side as the RSD. Trust me, it was NOT a good combo! BUT, THIS is hurting even WORSE than when I did have Petey on my RSD Side laying on the Sciatic Nerve!!!!! Also, I'm just finally getting rid of a neck is KILLING me due to my sinus's and a weak muscle, and its been hard to even hold my head up for the past 3 days from it. Gee, can anyone tell that it rained here today??? lol....never fails. Right now, its so windy that if I let Crystal outside she'd blow away!!!! Hmmm, Lovely start for Spring in Iowa....NOT. I'm guessing that we'll get hit with at least one more snow storm before Spring actually starts. We always do.... Tonia as you can tell....they ain't got me yet! lol, once, they shut my Internet connection off at 3 am!! So, as long as I can be online tonight...I'm gonna be here! ____________________________________________________ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 9, 2008 Report Share Posted January 9, 2008 Jim...this is wonderful and I am Irish! Thanks...I'll send it along to my daughters. Mama-Sher, 69; IPF, 3-06, OR.Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there! (unknown) I'm not Irish......maybe in a previous life......but liked this....... MAY THOSE THAT LOVE US, LOVE US AND THOSE THAT DON'T LOVE US, MAY GOD TURN THEIR HEARTS, AND IF HE DOESN'T TURN THEIR HEARTS MAY HE TURN THEIR ANKLES, SO WE'LL KNOW THEM BY THEIR LIMPING. Ohhhhhh.......I feel a heel 'n toe comin' on........... Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 9, 2008 Report Share Posted January 9, 2008 , Welcome! For each of us progression is very different. I was diagnosed March 2006 and have just started to need oxygen when exercising and walking. If your O2 level is below 90 you are damaging your organs and desperately need to use the O2. I agree it is a pain, but I am able to exercise longer, harder and I feel so much better after each workout. Part of the problem we face is staying strong and active. The stronger your leg muscles are the less strain on your lungs and the longer you will be able to live a normal life. God bless you-. Sarcoid/PF 3/2006 California (unknown) Hi, am new at this. i was diagnosed with pf 1 year ago, also emphzema. has not progressed much as of July. Don't really know what to expect. don't really like doc. I am supposed to use oxygen at 2 for exercise and I have resisted but i feel I need to. going to mailbox or up stairs my level goes to about 77-78. I guess that is not good. considering moving downstairs to den but feel like i am giving in. Know I am rambling but not sure what to ask. Is progression very individual? Glad for some answers. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 9, 2008 Report Share Posted January 9, 2008 Thanks , i will give andtry it. clairedenise randel wrote: , Welcome! For each of us progression is very different. I was diagnosed March 2006 and have just started to need oxygen when exercising and walking. If your O2 level is below 90 you are damaging your organs and desperately need to use the O2. I agree it is a pain, but I am able to exercise longer, harder and I feel so much better after each workout. Part of the problem we face is staying strong and active. The stronger your leg muscles are the less strain on your lungs and the longer you will be able to live a normal life. God bless you-. Sarcoid/PF 3/2006 California (unknown) Hi, am new at this. i was diagnosed with pf 1 year ago, also emphzema. has not progressed much as of July. Don't really know what to expect. don't really like doc. I am supposed to use oxygen at 2 for exercise and I have resisted but i feel I need to. going to mailbox or up stairs my level goes to about 77-78. I guess that is not good. considering moving downstairs to den but feel like i am giving in. Know I am rambling but not sure what to ask. Is progression very individual? Glad for some answers. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 9, 2008 Report Share Posted January 9, 2008 Hi ...glad to have you here but sorry for the reason. Yes, progression is different for us all. I've been fairly stable for about two years, others not. There is no one person you can compare yourself with. Maybe symptoms, tests and so on but not time table for progression. Seems like when we're new we fight what we need. If you are on need it. Use it. It strengthens other parts of the body as well and our heart doesn't have to work so hard. It's not "giving in" to move to a more comfortable, less stressful place in your home! That's taking care of yourself. You'll get the hang of it soon enough. Where do you live, age, kids, married? When you sign off do so with name, dx (diagnosis) date of dx and state. And anything else you want to add. I'm mama-Sher because I tend to tuck people under my wings and cluck to them. lol. Sometimes I even peck at 'em. lol I'm married, kids grown and deal w/other chronic health problems besides ipf. Most of us do. There are young people here too. Always someone to answer a question or explain something to you. Never hesitate to ask or vent. Do you have a good support system within your family? Again, welcome. Mama-Sher, 69; IPF, 3-06, OR.Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there! (unknown) Hi, am new at this. i was diagnosed with pf 1 year ago, also emphzema. has not progressed much as of July. Don't really know what to expect. don't really like doc. I am supposed to use oxygen at 2 for exercise and I have resisted but i feel I need to. going to mailbox or up stairs my level goes to about 77-78. I guess that is not good. considering moving downstairs to den but feel like i am giving in. Know I am rambling but not sure what to ask. Is progression very individual? Glad for some answers. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 9, 2008 Report Share Posted January 9, 2008 Thanks Sher. I am 66, married, grown kids and grandkids. I am newly retired,trying to find my niche. It is frustrating because now I have the time but not the energy. Is that part of it, just no energy to do much, not even shop--- yikes. I think my husband is in denial. he doesn't want to talk abourt it much but i know he looks it up on net. I just got a cold and it scares me as it goes right to my lungs. I am going to bed. , Tiverton, RI.Sher Bauman wrote: Hi ...glad to have you here but sorry for the reason. Yes, progression is different for us all. I've been fairly stable for about two years, others not. There is no one person you can compare yourself with. Maybe symptoms, tests and so on but not time table for progression. Seems like when we're new we fight what we need. If you are on need it. Use it. It strengthens other parts of the body as well and our heart doesn't have to work so hard. It's not "giving in" to move to a more comfortable, less stressful place in your home! That's taking care of yourself. You'll get the hang of it soon enough. Where do you live, age, kids, married? When you sign off do so with name, dx (diagnosis) date of dx and state. And anything else you want to add. I'm mama-Sher because I tend to tuck people under my wings and cluck to them. lol. Sometimes I even peck at 'em. lol I'm married, kids grown and deal w/other chronic health problems besides ipf. Most of us do. There are young people here too. Always someone to answer a question or explain something to you. Never hesitate to ask or vent. Do you have a good support system within your family? Again, welcome. Mama-Sher, 69; IPF, 3-06, OR.Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there! (unknown) Hi, am new at this. i was diagnosed with pf 1 year ago, also emphzema. has not progressed much as of July. Don't really know what to expect. don't really like doc. I am supposed to use oxygen at 2 for exercise and I have resisted but i feel I need to. going to mailbox or up stairs my level goes to about 77-78. I guess that is not good. considering moving downstairs to den but feel like i am giving in. Know I am rambling but not sure what to ask. Is progression very individual? Glad for some answers. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 9, 2008 Report Share Posted January 9, 2008 Jim, I'm not Irish either ( definitely not in a previous life),but this is a good one! Z fibriotic NSIP/05 Z fibriotic NSIP/o5/PA And “mild” PH/10/07 and Reynaud’s too!! Potter, reader,carousel lover and MomMom to Darah “I’m gonna be iron like a lion in Zion” Bob Marley james wallman wrote: I'm not Irish......maybe in a previous life......but liked this....... MAY THOSE THAT LOVE US, LOVE US AND THOSE THAT DON'T LOVE US, MAY GOD TURN THEIR HEARTS, AND IF HE DOESN'T TURN THEIR HEARTS MAY HE TURN THEIR ANKLES, SO WE'LL KNOW THEM BY THEIR LIMPING. Ohhhhhh.......I feel a heel 'n toe comin' on........... Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.0/1216 - Release Date: 1/9/2008 10:16 AM Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 10, 2008 Report Share Posted January 10, 2008 ... Some of us seem to have energy to burn... and come to mind first...there are others. Maybe it's because they are younger than we. I don't have energy either. I don't do much and I don't go out much. That's certainly not my recommendation or approval, just letting you know you are not alone! Give your husband (his name?) time. Maybe he just doesn't know what to say to you. At least he looks on the net for info. Take care. Mama-Sher, 69; IPF, 3-06, OR.Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there! (unknown) Hi, am new at this. i was diagnosed with pf 1 year ago, also emphzema. has not progressed much as of July. Don't really know what to expect. don't really like doc. I am supposed to use oxygen at 2 for exercise and I have resisted but i feel I need to. going to mailbox or up stairs my level goes to about 77-78. I guess that is not good. considering moving downstairs to den but feel like i am giving in. Know I am rambling but not sure what to ask. Is progression very individual? Glad for some answers. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 10, 2008 Report Share Posted January 10, 2008 Sher, thanks for the followup. I think it is a general malaise. I just don't feel good and have no energy. not sure if there is anything to do about it. i hate the thought of doing nothing but looking at reruns on tv. thanks again. claireSher Bauman wrote: ... Some of us seem to have energy to burn... and come to mind first...there are others. Maybe it's because they are younger than we. I don't have energy either. I don't do much and I don't go out much. That's certainly not my recommendation or approval, just letting you know you are not alone! Give your husband (his name?) time. Maybe he just doesn't know what to say to you. At least he looks on the net for info. Take care. Mama-Sher, 69; IPF, 3-06, OR.Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there! (unknown) Hi, am new at this. i was diagnosed with pf 1 year ago, also emphzema. has not progressed much as of July. Don't really know what to expect. don't really like doc. I am supposed to use oxygen at 2 for exercise and I have resisted but i feel I need to. going to mailbox or up stairs my level goes to about 77-78. I guess that is not good. considering moving downstairs to den but feel like i am giving in. Know I am rambling but not sure what to ask. Is progression very individual? Glad for some answers. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 10, 2008 Report Share Posted January 10, 2008 : I know where you're coming from! I think I slept June through November last year. I rarely left my home. I had a beautiful garden full of vegetables that mostly went to waste because when harvest time came I didn't have the energy to do my canning. My son started kindergarten and I didn't even go to Kindergarten orientation! His father took him, because I didn't have the energy. Then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I have more energy. Of course, I didn't mention thst I have a new psychiatrist, who is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. And he gave me a prescription for Provigil, which gives me more wakefulness. It is not really energy, I am just more awake when I am awake. It doesn't give me the jitters or anything like that. It is a drug prescribed for narcolepsy and shift work disorder. But, he thought it might help me and it has. He also increased my anti-depressant medication, which has definitely made an improvement in my bouts with depression and hopelessness. I love being a " stay at home " mom, but it is definitely not the way I wanted it. I guess that it is much like retirement, but not the retirement you wanted. I just wanted to let you know, you're not alone and I am glad you are here among friends! Tina IPF/April 07/Ohio Hi ...glad to have you here but sorry for the reason. Yes, progression is different for us all. I've been fairly stable for about two years, others not. There is no one person you can compare yourself with. Maybe symptoms, tests and so on but not time table for progression. > Seems like when we're new we fight what we need. If you are on need it. Use it. It strengthens other parts of the body as well and our heart doesn't have to work so hard. > It's not " giving in " to move to a more comfortable, less stressful place in your home! That's taking care of yourself. You'll get the hang of it soon enough. > Where do you live, age, kids, married? > When you sign off do so with name, dx (diagnosis) date of dx and state. And anything else you want to add. > I'm mama-Sher because I tend to tuck people under my wings and cluck to them. lol. Sometimes I even peck at 'em. lol > I'm married, kids grown and deal w/other chronic health problems besides ipf. Most of us do. There are young people here too. > Always someone to answer a question or explain something to you. Never hesitate to ask or vent. > Do you have a good support system within your family? > Again, welcome. > Mama-Sher, 69; IPF, 3-06, OR. > Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there! > (unknown) > > > Hi, am new at this. i was diagnosed with pf 1 year ago, also emphzema. has not progressed much as of July. Don't really know what to expect. don't really like doc. I am supposed to use oxygen at 2 for exercise and I have resisted but i feel I need to. going to mailbox or up stairs my level goes to about 77-78. I guess that is not good. considering moving downstairs to den but feel like i am giving in. Know I am rambling but not sure what to ask. Is progression very individual? Glad for some answers. > --------------------------------- > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. > > > > > > > > > --------------------------------- > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. > > > > > > > --------------------------------- > Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 10, 2008 Report Share Posted January 10, 2008 , I hate oxygen !!! I resisted oxygen !!! Then someone told me how oxygen deprivation effects other organs and the rest of the about a wake-up call......I figure I have enough to deal with, don't need a heart attack, etc. Now oxygen......"he be's my best friend". jimclaire smith wrote: Hi, am new at this. i was diagnosed with pf 1 year ago, also emphzema. has not progressed much as of July. Don't really know what to expect. don't really like doc. I am supposed to use oxygen at 2 for exercise and I have resisted but i feel I need to. going to mailbox or up stairs my level goes to about 77-78. I guess that is not good. considering moving downstairs to den but feel like i am giving in. Know I am rambling but not sure what to ask. Is progression very individual? Glad for some answers. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 10, 2008 Report Share Posted January 10, 2008 I'm even obsessive....not surprising, but as long as I can I'm going to make sure I'm getting enough oxygen. My lungs are going to be the first thing to fail, not going to let something else go. You know, I think its the thought sometimes too that by turning it up we're worsening, but like the past two weeks with pneumonia, I've known my sats would be impacted. So, when I saw on my oximeter they were, it was as simple as up one liter. I love supplemental oxygen because without it I'd have organ failures one after another. I love it because it allows me to do things that otherwise I just couldn't. I love it because it improves the quality and prolongs the quality of my life. Oh yes, the tanks, the hoses, everything is a pain. But, until I get to the point its impossible to maintain my sats, I'll make sure they are ok. That doesn't mean I'm going to use more than necessary, but I've found so many things impact my needs and they change even from day to day. I don't know all the things that impact my sats as my activity and environment and rest and sleep and everything is always changing. My needs certainly vary from sitting to walking slowly to faster activity to exercise and by pretty large amounts of difference. > Hi, am new at this. i was diagnosed with pf 1 year ago, also emphzema. has not progressed much as of July. Don't really know what to expect. don't really like doc. I am supposed to use oxygen at 2 for exercise and I have resisted but i feel I need to. going to mailbox or up stairs my level goes to about 77-78. I guess that is not good. considering moving downstairs to den but feel like i am giving in. Know I am rambling but not sure what to ask. Is progression very individual? Glad for some answers. > --------------------------------- > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. > > > > > --------------------------------- > Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 11, 2008 Report Share Posted January 11, 2008 Thanks Tina, depression is something to look into. claire ipf 05Tina wrote: : I know where you're coming from! I think I slept June through November last year. I rarely left my home. I had a beautiful garden full of vegetables that mostly went to waste because when harvest time came I didn't have the energy to do my canning. My son started kindergarten and I didn't even go to Kindergarten orientation! His father took him, because I didn't have the energy. Then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I have more energy. Of course, I didn't mention thst I have a new psychiatrist, who is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. And he gave me a prescription for Provigil, which gives me more wakefulness. It is not really energy, I am just more awake when I am awake. It doesn't give me the jitters or anything like that. It is a drug prescribed for narcolepsy and shift work disorder. But, he thought it might help me and it has. He also increased my anti-depressant medication, which has definitely made an improvement in my bouts with depression and hopelessness. I love being a "stay at home" mom, but it is definitely not the way I wanted it. I guess that it is much like retirement, but not the retirement you wanted. I just wanted to let you know, you're not alone and I am glad you are here among friends!TinaIPF/April 07/Ohio Hi ...glad to have you here but sorry for the reason. Yes, progression is different for us all. I've been fairly stable for about two years, others not. There is no one person you can compare yourself with. Maybe symptoms, tests and so on but not time table for progression.> Seems like when we're new we fight what we need. If you are on need it. Use it. It strengthens other parts of the body as well and our heart doesn't have to work so hard.> It's not "giving in" to move to a more comfortable, less stressful place in your home! That's taking care of yourself. You'll get the hang of it soon enough.> Where do you live, age, kids, married?> When you sign off do so with name, dx (diagnosis) date of dx and state. And anything else you want to add.> I'm mama-Sher because I tend to tuck people under my wings and cluck to them. lol. Sometimes I even peck at 'em. lol> I'm married, kids grown and deal w/other chronic health problems besides ipf. Most of us do. There are young people here too.> Always someone to answer a question or explain something to you. Never hesitate to ask or vent.> Do you have a good support system within your family?> Again, welcome. > Mama-Sher, 69; IPF, 3-06, OR.> Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!> (unknown)> > > Hi, am new at this. i was diagnosed with pf 1 year ago, also emphzema. has not progressed much as of July. Don't really know what to expect. don't really like doc. I am supposed to use oxygen at 2 for exercise and I have resisted but i feel I need to. going to mailbox or up stairs my level goes to about 77-78. I guess that is not good. considering moving downstairs to den but feel like i am giving in. Know I am rambling but not sure what to ask. Is progression very individual? Glad for some answers. > ---------------------------------> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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