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hello welcome ack.the only thing know if you do not clear your in box

and the ail starts to bounce yahoo kicks you out of every group you

belong to with yahoo. they did it to me and this is what they told me.

so try and empty your box if possible every day.. how are you

feeling. wh is it going to take so long for the judge to make a

decision. write soon. hugs cathy

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: Hi! Thanks for the info on the " bounce". I think what happen was when I was getting ready for my trial, I wasn't on for awhile and I had too many messages when I did finally get back on, it was too late! But I will for now on delete all my messages everytime before I get off. As for my court date, about the Judge taking so long. My lawyer told me it has taken me over 7 1/2 years to get this to court. We don't want the Judge to get in a hurry to be rushed and give us a denial, we will wait until he has time to go through all my medical records. Believe me, this is alot considering it's been this long with treatment. I don't understand this myself, but I do want to "WIN". Workman's Comp lied on the witness stand again, I just hope the Judge doesn't let them get away with it. So I guess if I have waited this long to get a Court date, I can wait another 2 months or so. I am just so glad it's over (Trial that is, my nerves are shot). I was on testimony for over 3 hours, and

they had so many witnesses against me, and mine wouldn't show up because they were afraid they would lose their jobs, So it was just me, let's hope the Judge takes this in account for. Sure hope so. As for me feeling good, I feel the same as always. BURN very bad, and wish somedays that my leg would just fall off. I have horrible electrical jolts through my body. I can't stand this horrible pain anymore, like all the rest of you. I am so glad to be back here, so I can talk to everyone. Hope all is well with you. Janetfishthatsmiles@... wrote:

hello welcome ack.the only thing know if you do not clear your in boxand the ail starts to bounce yahoo kicks you out of every group youbelong to with yahoo. they did it to me and this is what they told me.so try and empty your box if possible every day.. how are youfeeling. wh is it going to take so long for the judge to make adecision. write soon. hugs cathy

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