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IEPs & Measurable Annual Goals.txt

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J I wrote: From: iepguidefilesII Moderator

<iepguidefilesII-owner >Subject: File - Measurable Annual Goals.txtDate: Saturday, November 1, 2008, 7:14 AMMeasurable Annual Goals / Short Term Objectives All IEPs must contain measurable annual goals and short-term objectives thatare related to meeting the student’s needs that result from the student’sdisability to enable the student to be involved in and progress in the generalcurriculum; and meeting each of the student’s other educational needs thatresult from the student’s disability. (Sec. 1414(s)(1)(A), IDEA 1997) Annual Goals:Annual goals are written to address priority educational needs identified inthe present level of educational performance statements. A measurable annualgoal should focus on the skills, knowledge, behaviors, or attitudes that willenhance the student’s performance in the general curriculum, in curriculumrelated to

other educational needs that result from his or her disability, andultimately, in major life roles. (DOE Quality IEP, 2001) An annual goal is the focus of instruction for a period of 12 months unlessotherwise specified by the IEP team. It must be a reasonable and realisticexpectation compatible with the student’s age; cognitive, social/emotional,and physical abilities, rate of learning, and interests. In addition, it isimportant that progress toward the annual goal can be measured. At theexpiration of the IEP, the team should be able to determine whether the studentachieved the annual goal. (DOE Quality IEP, 2001) Write annual goals for the priority needs identified in the PLEP. Each goalmust describe in specific / measurable terms what the student is expected toaccomplish within a twelve month period. Goals and objectives are not writtenfor specific courses/classes that a student has, but

are written for the needsof the student. Goals should state the outcomes that the student is workingtoward not the process that is used to get there. The goals must relate to thestudent’s performance not the teacher’s. Goals should be clear and mean thesame thing to everyone who reads them. Each goal must include a description of the condition, performance, andcriterion. The three terms are listed in the Annual Goal box on part 3 of theIEP as a visual reminder to include all three components in each goal. Thecomponents (condition, performance, criteria) may be written in any order aslong as each is included. *Condition – the conditions under which the performance is to occur.. (e.g. when asked; with supervision; without prompting; given 20 complete sentences;etc.) *Performance – what the learner is expected to do and/or produce. (e.g.

write; read aloud; point; draw; add; walk; etc.) *Criterion – the level of acceptable performance. (e.g. 100%; 8 outof 10; within 3 minutes; etc.) *See appendix for additional examples and Preparing Instructional Objectives by Mager for additional information. Evaluation Method(s):Choose appropriate code(s) to indicate evaluation methods that will be used toassess progress toward the annual goal. Record as many different methods asneeded. Progress will be reported on goals only (refer to information underProgress Reports). Short Term Objectives:Write at least two short-term objectives for each Annual Goal. Objectivesshould be measurable intermediate steps to accomplish the goal. Example: Annual Goal: When given a paper and pencil and asked to do so the student

willlegibly print all 26 upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet. Short Term Objectives:1) When given a paper and pencil the student will legibly print all 26lower case letters of the alphabet as they are dictated.2) When given a paper and pencil the student will legibly print all 26upper case letters of the alphabets as they are dictated.3) When given a paper and pencil and asked to do so the student willlegibly print all 26 lowercase letters of the alphabet.4) When given a paper and pencil and asked to do so the student willlegibly print all 26 uppercase letters of the alphabet. Progress Reports:IDEA requires that progress on annual goals be reported to the parent at leastas often as general education students. Progress toward annual goals will bereported on part 3 of the IEP. Fill in the position(s) responsible forreporting progress

toward the goal. Copy all Part 3 pages of the cum foldercopy of the IEP. Enter the date and one progress code to indicate progress madetoward annual goal. Progress Code # 4 (Progress is not sufficient to meet this goal by the time theIEP is reviewed. Instructional strategies will be changed) requires the teacherto make an instructional change; if the goal is still appropriate for thestudent the IEP would not need to be reviewed. Progress Code # 5 (Your child did not work on this goal during this reportingperiod) requires a written explanation in the comment space provided. Additional notes/comments may be written for any reporting period in thecomment space as appropriate. It is the responsibility of the person (position) providing the services toreport progress to the student’s parents. Progress reports for ALL of thestudent’s annual goals should be sent to the

parents within three (3) schooldays of the release of the student’s report card for each grading period. Remember, the purpose of this procedure is to keep the student’s parentsinformed of progress in meeting the goals of the IEP. The comments should beconcise, professional and parent-friendly. It is appropriate to address astudent’s behavior, attendance and motivation in the comment section. Formore detailed and longer comments, use Part 3A of the IEP. THIS REPORT OF PROGRESS IS THE IEP IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. Progress is onlyreported to the parent. Do not make a copy for central files. File the schoolcopy of the progress report in the cum. folder with the matching IEP when a newIEP is written.

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