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Re: Gov. Crist Tells APD to cut Another 10%

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Very timely and sad article, since I sent this email out last night (see below).

I find it hard to believe that the Governor could ask for additional cuts in light of what is happening. It is pretty sad when this state would rather cut the most vulnerable again, rather than really look at the waste. If there is $16 billion being spent on non-essential programs, then why are we asking APD to cut services again? I guess the Governor feels that persons with disabilities are part of the non-essential programs? This is on the back of a $100 million + cut last session. The legislature was angry with the previous administration's lack of accountability and the familles are the ones who have to suffer for it. The sad part is when they cut $100 million, they are actually cutting much more with the Federal match that is lost. $0.55 of every dollar is federal money that we lose. There are other programs that could be cut and don't lose Federal match money.

To ask the Agency for Persons with Disabilities to cut another 10% is unbelievable. There are over 4,500 cases being appealed due to the current cuts. Governor Crist needs to get some new advisors. It is apparent that his current advisors are out of touch with reality. God forbid if the Governor's staff all woke up tomorrow with an adult child with a developmental disability that needed care from this state. Maybe then they would get it. Maybe then there would be some sanity restored to the situation. This state needs to start addressing the needs of the most vulnerable in our society, not turning its back on them. Through no fault of their own, they are unable to care for themselves. Are we going to continue to allow them to be treated as second class citizens? Are we going to wait until people start dying to realize the magnitude of the situation? I feel like we going back to the time of Germany in World War II. God help us all.

Regards, Ven Sequenzia, Jr. PresidentAutism Society of AmericaState of Florida Chapter

Sent: Sun, 19 Oct 2008 8:40 pmSubject: URGENT!! Adult day care program to shutdown

Dear Governor Crist, Speaker of the House Rubio and Senate President Pruitt:

I am not sure if you have read this article about the only program that serves adults with developmental disabilities in Naples is closing in a month? This is just the beginning of a huge crisis that is hitting the state of Florida's developmental disability population. The recent cuts in the budget are systematically undoing years of hard work and efforts by providers and families to provide a meaningful life to our most vulnerable citizens. You cannot tell me that it is okay to have the only program in a county close. You cannot tell me that it is okay to have our adults with developmental disabilities sit at home and just exist. You cannot tell me that you can sit by and let this continue to happen. I beg you to stop the bleeding and appropriately fund these programs.

In Brevard County, the Achievement Center that has been in existence for 40 years, recently closed its Adult Day Training program in Melbourne. Now they have the one location in Rockledge and families are expected to drive over an hour to get their adult child to that program or else they are in the same boat as the families in Naples. That is made even more difficult, because the transportation funding decreased as well. A family whose son lives at home is now investigating a group home near the Rockledge location. This means that the cuts that were implemented will actually cost the state an additional $30,000.00 or more for this one client, because the program closed. Multiply that by the 4,500 people who have appealed their tier placement and you can see what your actions have done. The cuts will actually end up costing Florida taxpayers more.

I have lived in Florida most of my life and I must say that it makes me sick to my stomach that we can all just look people in the face and say we don't have the money. That is a lie. The state of Florida wastes more money in a week, then it would cost to fix this problem.

In today's addition of Florida Today newspaper one of the Republican candidates for the state legislature stated there is $16 billion dollars in the budget that is considered non-essential. So those non-essential programs are more important than the most vulnerable in our society? Because some of that money could have been diverted to avoid this crisis. The amount of funding that has been cut from the Agency for Disabilities budget is only about $100 million dollars. If we have $16 billion that is non-essential, then why hasn't anyone funded these programs appropriately? Please don't tell me that it is complicated. It isn't complicated. It is very simple.

This is an emergency. This needs to be addressed before more programs close. Please do not pass the buck and say we have to wait until the next sessio n. I request that you have a special session to address the plight of the developmental disability community NOW.

There are group homes closing. There are programs closing. There are families that are scared to death. Are you proud of your accomplishments in this area? Well, you shouldn't be. The state of Florida is number 49 in the country for social services spending and funding for persons with developmental disabilities.

Please don't make us wait any longer. Please don't ignore our population. Families and caregivers of persons with disabilities make up about 15-20% of the voters in this state. I promise you, that we are not going away. We are here to stay and we want action. Why is it that there always has to be a lawsuit to get Florida to do the right thing? We don't want any more lawsuits. WE WANT ACTION BY THE PEOPLE THAT WE ELECTED INTO OFFICE.

Regards, Ven Sequenzia, Jr. PresidentAutism Society of AmericaState of Florida ChapterNew MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News more. Try it out!

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