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FW: Inclusive Schools Network News - December 2008

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Wilbur Hawkeco directorFamily Network on Disabilities of FloridaParent Education Network (PEN)1800-TALKPEN1 800 825-5736239 417-3636wilbur@...From: "Judy" Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 3:12 PMTo:

adcwstovall@...>, ,

, " Arceneaux"

, "Debi Tucker"



, "Jeana Winter"

, "'Jeanne Boggs'"


, " "

, "' Brown'"

, "Sharon House"

, "Sharon House"

, " Moss"

, "Sylvia P"


<wilbur@...Subject: FW: Inclusive Schools Network News - December 2008Here is some information and resources from the Inclusive Schools Network.Judy Judy HigginbothamRegion 2 TA Coordinator907 Barra Row, Suites 102/103son, NC 28036 _____ From: Inclusive Schools Network OnBehalf Of Inclusive Schools NetworkSent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 2:50 PMTo: jhigginbotham@...Subject: Inclusive Schools Network News - December 2008 ibB8tLebs3BB4vep9Dq2VQgx65kDdpwysMyQpcyCzo_vtq-pGTcUQDyxfSELFIzfx7tOnScxwuI7miEY> Inclusive Schools Network logoibB8tLebs3BB4vep9Dq2VQgx65kDdpwysMyQpcyCzo_vtq-pGTcUQDyxfSELFIzfx7tOnScxwuI7miEY> Supporting Inclusive Education WorldwideInclusive Schools Network News December 2008Quick Links ibB8tLebs3BB4vep9Dq2VQgx65kDdpwysMyQpcyCzo_vtq-pGTcUQDyxfSELFIzfx7tOnScxwuI7miEY> ISN Website FmaUOGtHFT7gl_gSGxlzAtUrhKcSWTwifuZ2OiifPn5sZteJbbhSz6U5LOv4TxVCy3yiuNEqkT2sgRdj> Get Involved - Inclusive Schools Week 2008! UdG8Y0ZGrKQ2KpvLO1vMlPLlvfXBTbgqV60iiR9t-k1CCinlFMtpqq0Ftl9hdRVhRrSoIduaIlO2dMdwtlnG5gFNz9SgOjQJ2B7Auw==> ISN Products SCS9xDXeup-RprzCMfvOmY6L2f_hj_JN7c5pyOQujKYsNQU7zSfsbKsxkqco2xLc_gFyHZ32FEGD9ryIkqpZ9TnuUJg69Ny1ERbuCxHwCwvt_xJXSHEFFlSy-oghj640UrMQUtknXOK6jA_bUzNT2I9HWK0=> Past Newsletters dk-zIbf4yGLcI3-0wb1vPiYGQbgJSnIniy7VjzdmLUrB_ItGI9NovHzp8eiVoJKl2tpcX4Fna3qb7ARU1ynczWnbTd0=> Partnership, Sponsorship and Donations In This Issue ISN Events - ISW & Math Webinar Other Events Resources - ISN Forum & "Improving Education" Tip of the Month - Inclusive Schools Benefit ALL Children Inclusive Practices Around the World Inclusive Schools Network "Supporting Inclusive Education Worldwide" The Inclusive Schools Network (ISN) is a web-based resource for families,schools, and communities interested in the topic of inclusive education.This network has grown out of Inclusive Schools Week, aninternationally-recognized, annual event sponsored by Education DevelopmentCenter, Inc.. (EDC). During the 2008-2009 school year, ISN will be expandingin capacity to offer new products, conferences, online events, and socialnetworking opportunities. Composite image: ISN logo, tagline, photos of teachers and students6918448> Inclusive Schools Network News is your source for updates and informationabout the Inclusive Schools Network, Inclusive Schools Week, and otherresources and events related to building more welcoming and supportiveschools and communities. Click below to subscribe: eGPMJLpZhH_iILeM7ipxZaIVn2I8VKo_r2tT7O_X2GVT1MXFV4fCnwj1Dg6MyqlPu1oBM_CWx8YDjgTN> Composite image: ISN logo, tagline, photos of teachers and studentsISN Events: Inclusive Schools Week is Here! December 1-5, 2008 Inclusive Schools Week 2008 logo6918448> The Inclusive Schools Network is hosting the 8th Annual Inclusive SchoolsWeek this December 1-5, on the theme, "Together We Learn Better: InclusiveSchools Benefit All Children". Please share your Celebration Plans for theWeek by submitting a short description of any activities and events you haveplanned to the ISN email box: inclusiveschools@.... Go to the_GG5Ox8JfLKWnAGyJNI7d36hNGpcvipvqglQHA_8xZU6Up6DPV6ROr2s1smun4NEtp_PM0pOqz05aNWSQBpyozUIZMjhdwtlx-lBIg==> ISN Celebration Plans webpage now to readabout how some schools and communities around the world are celebrating theWeek this year: _GG5Ox8JfLKWnAGyJNI7d36hNGpcvipvqglQHA_8xZU6Up6DPV6ROr2s1smun4NEtp_PM0pOqz05aNWSQBpyozUIZMjhdwtlx-lBIg==> _GG5Ox8JfLKWnAGyJNI7d36hNGpcvipvqglQHA_8xZU6Up6DPV6ROr2s1smun4NEtp_PM0pOqz05aNWSQBpyozUIZMjhdwtlx-lBIg==>http://www.inclusiveschools.org/Celebration_Plans ISN Discussion Forum is Now Online! "Supporting Inclusive Education Worldwide" The Inclusive Schools Network is proud to announce that the ISN DiscussionForum is now online! This new feature on the ISN website enables educatorsand families around the world to network with each other and discuss topicsrelated to inclusive education. The launch of this Discussion Forumcoincides with the 8th Annual Inclusive Schools Week, and ISN AssociateDirector Layton will be moderating discussion and answeringquestions about schools' and communities' Celebration Plans throughout thisWeek. You are invited to join the discussion at: osWsbmcfpCWQMcWykr_F16LJ_mK9GC5t9SwRnLfbsgZkfQwJA0DvLJyiyfROqLuRuL-roZJge6C71Kia> http://www.inclusiveschools.org/forum Math Webinar - Sign Up NOW! December 3, 2008, 3:00-4:30 pm EST Online Registration for the December 3rd Webinar: "Reflecting Upon the NCTMFocal Points and the Role of the Special Educator in Today's MathematicsClassroom", with Drs. Hank Kepner and Dieker, will continue throughTuesday, December 2nd. Space is limited, sokYFg2CNPLp1yRDh6gLl5GS6_5keGspVoLBpPWPdL3JTw-9A1NyXIJYcxFTTQ8N3GVGNhpfZ9Gc0YjErSMwJlVBL28c8yc_KYVvZV-Q==> SIGN UP NOW!For more information, and to register online for this event, go to: kYFg2CNPLp1yRDh6gLl5GS6_5keGspVoLBpPWPdL3JTw-9A1NyXIJYcxFTTQ8N3GVGNhpfZ9Gc0YjErSMwJlVBL28c8yc_KYVvZV-Q==>http://www.inclusiveschools.org/Events_Registration Other Events: AFT Contest: "Best Ideas for Inclusive Schools" The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) hosted a contest in celebration ofInclusive Schools Week to highlight effective inclusion models inelementary, middle and high schools around the United States. Winners ofthe9b0OdsLaAfDrefzolyvdNxCW-r67uNlznTVNGg37r33SOofWG8_Jahxl0sRNl9gL4Y66jLjL_cS8O-B4ps_qX-gLvz1YJ2KMmGLVRQ==> "Best Ideas for Inclusive Schools" contesthave been selected and their names will be posted on the AFT and ISNwebsites this week! Look for more information about the winning teams andtheir effective inclusion models at: ibB8tLebs3BB4vep9Dq2VQgx65kDdpwysMyQpcyCzo_vtq-pGTcUQDyxfSELFIzfx7tOnScxwuI7miEY> www.inclusiveschools.org Resources: Improving Education: The Promise of Inclusive Schooling Now Available on the ISN Website! DXV9I6Jpo0rDD5lJbx0rYTroDdutGEukn_TICW0g1QdicXLU1y5XOXoNZ05-Bul_NL9FkzaEADqpBqzOG_iVmUl8YAf1ggwqZv4pjoiZ9rNxvSWt9RFAtiW8rpQ=> Improving Education: ThePromise of Inclusive Schooling is an excellent resource for educatorslooking to improve and expand inclusive educational practices in theirschools. This document was developed by the National Institute for UrbanSchool Improvement, a project funded by the United States Office of SpecialEducation Programs (OSEP), and it includes examples of inclusive educationalenvironments, assessment and observation tools, and guidelines forsupporting inclusive practices. Download Improving Education: The Promiseof Inclusive Schooling from the ISN website at: EGui6SccmVsZryavB_gh9cC1gcC_vauH_T4cWDHXnvqsNF4GVlIdsuaW2UY8ef5rMRRtapJf6gbr-Lg8gQalsFPqhP6iWLJgSXy6mA==>http://www.inclusiveschools.org/Improving_Education Tip of the Month: "Together We Learn Better:Inclusive Schools Benefit All Children" The journey to becoming an Inclusive School may be long and challenging attimes, but ultimately this journey can strengthen a school community andbenefit ALL children.. "Inclusion" does not simply mean the placement ofstudents with disabilities in general education classes. This process mustincorporate fundamental change in the way a school community supports andaddresses the individual needs of each child. As such, effective models ofinclusive education not only benefit students with disabilities, but alsocreate an environment in which every student, including those who do nothave disabilities, has the opportunity to flourish. The 2008 Inclusive Schools Week is focused on this theme: "Together We LearnBetter: Inclusive Schools Benefit All Children". Here are some ways inwhich inclusive educational practices build a school's capacity to educateall learners effectively: Differentiated instruction increases student engagement. One of the mostimportant principles of inclusive education is that no two learners arealike, and so inclusive schools place great importance on creatingopportunities for students to learn and be assessed in a variety of ways.Teachers in inclusive schools therefore must consider a wide range oflearning modalities (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.) in designinginstruction. Certainly this enhances the way in which educators providesupports and accommodations for students with disabilities, but it alsodiversifies the educational experience of all students. Academic supports help each student access the full curriculum. In this ageof accountability and high-stakes testing, it is important for educators toensure that every student is addressing the appropriate standards andobjectives across the curriculum. As such, inclusive schools provideacademic supports (flexible pacing and grouping, reading and literacyspecialists, tutoring, etc.) that create a supportive environment for alllearners. It is immediately clear how these supports help students withdisabilities and English Language Learners, but inclusive schools can alsobetter challenge and engage gifted and talented learners by building a moreresponsive learning environment. Behavioral supports help maintain a positive learning environment foreveryone. Another important factor in effective inclusive education is theimplementation of consistent behavioral supports throughout the learningenvironment. This consistency is essential for the success of students withemotional or behavioral disabilities in the general education environment,but school-wide behavioral supports also help to establish high expectationsthroughout the school community as a whole. Respect for diversity creates a welcoming environment for all. Inclusiveeducation for students with disabilities can only be successful when thosestudents feel that they are truly a part of the school community. Thisrequires open and honest discussion about difference, and an institutionalrespect for people of all backgrounds and abilities. In inclusive schools,the establishment of such a climate benefits everyone by fostering anenvironment where students and their families are valued for who they are. Inclusive practices make effective use of a school's resources. In thepast, special education often involved the segregation of students withdisabilities for the purpose of specialized instruction. Not only does thatmodel of special education in a separate setting deprive students withdisabilities of interaction with their peers and full access to thecurriculum, it can also involve duplicate systems and resources that arecostly for schools to maintain. Inclusive education can make more efficientuse of a school's resources by maximizing the availability of staff andmaterials for all students. To read more about benefits of inclusive education for all students, checkoutEGui6SccmVsZryavB_gh9cC1gcC_vauH_T4cWDHXnvqsNF4GVlIdsuaW2UY8ef5rMRRtapJf6gbr-Lg8gQalsFPqhP6iWLJgSXy6mA==> Improving Education: The Promise of InclusiveEducationon the ISN website at: EGui6SccmVsZryavB_gh9cC1gcC_vauH_T4cWDHXnvqsNF4GVlIdsuaW2UY8ef5rMRRtapJf6gbr-Lg8gQalsFPqhP6iWLJgSXy6mA==> http://www.inclusiveschools.org/Improving_Education Visit the Tip of the Month section of the Inclusive Schools website to viewpast Tips, at: i3a1aN0QrDnl0EbIZRtCSQ1UoUElCvtjlFPyKyhgoKEYDvW8Q483CtFtg5nR_OE1F7hznm8UOV_XdbWI> http://www.inclusiveschools.org/tips Inclusive Practices Around the World: International Day of Persons with Disabilities: December 3, 2008"Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities:Dignity and justice for all of us" This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of HumanRights (UDHR). The United Nations (UN) is observing this milestone with thetheme for this year's International Day of Persons with Disabilities:"Dignity and justice for all of us". Article 25 of the UDHR provides thateach person has "the right to security in the event of unemployment,sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood incircumstances beyond his control", and the implementation of the UN'sConvention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities this past Mayreinforces these important principles. Please join the Inclusive SchoolsNetwork and the world community in observing the International Day orPersons with Disabilities this December 3rd as part of your school orcommunity's Inclusive Schools Week celebration. More information on this event is available at the UN Enable website:hkZWt-xRJdhv3xcdD1CJE_XRc2B5gUguPJbnjLgefv1wEMrGv2EAi1KewDHulz-dX-bIFlHG9tjc8SML3nFsy4YBb5YT3nCS5Z7AIw==> http://un.org/disabilities/default.asp?id=109. Increased Opportunity for Inclusive Education for Blind Students in India With the implementation of the itinerant teaching model, The NationalAssociation for the Blind in Karnataka, India, with support from SightsaversInternational, is enabling blind children in India to access inclusiveeducation.Ninety percent of Indian people live in rural and deprived villages.Itinerant teaching brings the classroom to the child so that the child doesnot have to leave his or her family to attend a special school. In a societywhere disability carries a heavy stigma, itinerant teaching allows the blindand the sighted to become integrated which simultaneously empowers the blindand makes society more understanding and accepting of people with this typeof disability.To learn more about this initiative, check out the following article in theGuardian News: _27rK9pATG9BizRiIttZCM0NtsmXEreRQQ4p07kYc9YPYk8ICjUJJO1Fx1MVLWcsbIn7FCW2qlTczr-738wxx8vZdmPJ0G6-nvPUr4A7Skg76gFXwu2kA5uDjMg=>http://www.guardian.co.uk/journalismcompetition/blind-children. Support Inclusive Schools Network and Inclusive Schools Week!Here's how YOU can make a difference:Your purchase of products or tax-deductible contribution supports the workwe are doing to support families, schools, and communities around the worldto create awareness, build knowledge, and encourage systems change towardmore inclusive educational opportunities for all children. We are anonprofit, 501 © (3) organization, and we are extremely grateful for yoursupport! 2008 ISN products are now available for purchase! Use these items, includingCelebration Kits, posters, pencils and much more, to promote your 2008Inclusive Schools Week celebration and to raise awareness about inclusiveeducational practices throughout the year. This year, ISN is delighted to becollaborating with the Federation for Children with Special Needs, who willhost the official online store for ISN products. To view the 2008 products,order online, or download a PDF order form, please visit our newUdG8Y0ZGrKQ2KpvLO1vMlPLlvfXBTbgqV60iiR9t-k1CCinlFMtpqq0Ftl9hdRVhRrSoIduaIlO2dMdwtlnG5gFNz9SgOjQJ2B7Auw==> Products Page and Secure Online Order Form: UdG8Y0ZGrKQ2KpvLO1vMlPLlvfXBTbgqV60iiR9t-k1CCinlFMtpqq0Ftl9hdRVhRrSoIduaIlO2dMdwtlnG5gFNz9SgOjQJ2B7Auw==>https://fcsn.org/inclusiveschools/orderform.html Click here toKdn8e2lByOqJQ12QDHZZ55e7paV9AXKr6kMSPxAOQd8J0734mm8iqb0QNym1Cx5GFkuN7vl6S0MZHfiuvxK6DfEc-PuL8WO026kyTT8B9x_UcHJYdztqi6ET6fQ=> download a contributionform and make a donation today: Kdn8e2lByOqJQ12QDHZZ55e7paV9AXKr6kMSPxAOQd8J0734mm8iqb0QNym1Cx5GFkuN7vl6S0MZHfiuvxK6DfEc-PuL8WO026kyTT8B9x_UcHJYdztqi6ET6fQ=>http://www.inclusiveschools..org/files/Contribution%20Form.pdf Forward email40ecacmail.org & a=1102346918448> 0wPu0r_M8I9Ba6qUqJs3ez0Wg%3D%3D & p=un> Safe UnsubscribeThis email was sent to jhigginbotham@... byinclusiveschools@....Update Profile/Email Address0wPu0r_M8I9Ba6qUqJs3ez0Wg%3D%3D & p=oo> | Instant removal withSafeUnsubscribe0wPu0r_M8I9Ba6qUqJs3ez0Wg%3D%3D & p=un> | Privacy Policy . 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