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I only breastfed my first for 3 months.. he was really constipated with my

breastmilk.. don't know why but he was.. My second child I breastfed for a

year, and the third for 6-7 months.. the third has PKU and I had to wean her

because of her condition.. the fourth I pumped for a month but she passed

away, and my 5th, I am still breastfeeding and he is 3.. I will have to say

that he is closer to me than the other kids because he comes to me for

comfort, but I am not sure if its me he likes or his Boo Boo.. My 6th is only

3 months, and I am breastfeeding her, and so far its going ok..

As far as a difference.. I think the longer you breastfeed, the stronger the

bond, but I do feel close to the others.. Does that make sense??


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I have to say that Gracie is the only one that I breastfed but I honestly do not

have any

stronger of a bond with her than I do my other 3.... It's just not there.... I


strongly bonded with all of my children and I don't want to make anyone feel

badly for

having this but I can't imagine having stronger feelings for one than the other.

But of

course, that's just me.... Me and my kids have a super strong bond. Let me

also add

though that my children slept with me as babies and even longer in my 5 yr olds

case. (

Just ask dh who's back is killing him today from getting kicked last

night....*G*) And

Gracie is not only still in our bed but doesn't even have a crib... So there

were other

things that I did that bonded us and that could be why. I always picked them

up when they

cried, fed them on demand, etc. We just didn't breastfeed. The reason was a

really stupid

one too......I wish I would have been smarter.

Kathleen Bazinau wrote:



> I would like to know if anyone out there has formula fed one of their

> children and then breastfed another and how they compare the two and if

> there is a different kind of bond with the breastfed child. I sometimes

> feel a tad guilty that I feel so attached to my youngest whom I bf. My

> other children are older and less dependent on me now. Maybe that is

> part of it. I am interested on any input anyone may have. Thanks!

> Kathleen


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Wendi wrote:

> ,


> Do you mind my asking what the reason was? I am just so surprised to hear

this from you. I naturally assumed that you had bf them all. I am so curious

as to what made you nurse Gracie.


> Wendi


I'll try to explain as best I can and of course I don't mind you asking..... I

grew up pretty poor. There were many things that I wanted and we just couldn't

afford. My friends had things

and I didn't. When I was newly married and a new mom I still had issues

regarding this. I had sort of a complex about it. If I wore something with a

hole in it ( even though I had nice

things ) I felt like people thought I was poor. So I wouldn't wear any thing

that had a hole in it. When I had kids ( This is the really stupid stupid

stupid part !) I didn't breast feed

them because I didn't want people to think I couldn't afford to feed them. SO I

formula fed to prove that I ( and my husband) could afford to. Now... How

STUPID is that ? It was just a

matter of pride...... :o( stupid senseless pride ! The reason that I

breastfed Gracie is because 1. I no longer have those issues. 2. I knew it was

right and I knew she would more than

likely be my last and I didn't want to give that up again....

Let me also say that I didn't bf my oldest because he's not my biological

son and he was 3 when we were brought together. So it's only my second and

third that I didn't nurse and I do

regret it but don't dwell on it.... I do the best for them now that I can.....

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My first was bfed (pumped milk) and formula fed (since I never pumped enough

for him exculsively) for the first six months. The second 6 months, he was

formula fed. We had medical issues working against us, so that didn't help

things. I called him my " bottle lover " because he really liked

bottles...hated nursing. We finger fed him for months and the whole nine

yards. It was a REAL struggle for me as I wanted to bfed him all along and

we could never get it to work. Probably one of the hardest things I ever

went through. Still, I have breast fed my second and know what you mean by

that special bond. It is not that the love is not the same for both, the

breastfeeding bond is just something that is special!

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--- Wendi wrote:

> ,


> Do you mind my asking what the reason was? I am

> just so surprised to hear this from you. I

> naturally assumed that you had bf them all. I am so

> curious as to what made you nurse Gracie.


> Wendi


> Re: Question:




> I have to say that Gracie is the only one that I

> breastfed but I honestly do not have any

> stronger of a bond with her than I do my other 3....

> It's just not there.... I am

> strongly bonded with all of my children and I don't

> want to make anyone feel badly for

> having this but I can't imagine having stronger

> feelings for one than the other. But of

> course, that's just me.... Me and my kids have a

> super strong bond. Let me also add

> though that my children slept with me as babies and

> even longer in my 5 yr olds case. (

> Just ask dh who's back is killing him today from

> getting kicked last night....*G*) And

> Gracie is not only still in our bed but doesn't even

> have a crib... So there were other

> things that I did that bonded us and that could be

> why. I always picked them up when they

> cried, fed them on demand, etc. We just didn't

> breastfeed. The reason was a really stupid

> one too......I wish I would have been smarter.




> Kathleen Bazinau wrote:


> >

> >

> > I would like to know if anyone out there has

> formula fed one of their

> > children and then breastfed another and how they

> compare the two and if

> > there is a different kind of bond with the

> breastfed child. I sometimes

> > feel a tad guilty that I feel so attached to my

> youngest whom I bf. My

> > other children are older and less dependent on me

> now. Maybe that is

> > part of it. I am interested on any input anyone

> may have. Thanks!

> > Kathleen

> >

> >



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> > Breastfeeding is Best!!

> > http://www.maclee.com/breastfeeding

> >

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> Breastfeeding is Best!!

> http://www.maclee.com/breastfeeding


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> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/ms-tnef


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--- Wendi wrote:

> ,


> Do you mind my asking what the reason was? I am

> just so surprised to hear this from you. I

> naturally assumed that you had bf them all. I am so

> curious as to what made you nurse Gracie.


> Wendi


> Re: Question:




> I have to say that Gracie is the only one that I

> breastfed but I honestly do not have any

> stronger of a bond with her than I do my other 3....

> It's just not there.... I am

> strongly bonded with all of my children and I don't

> want to make anyone feel badly for

> having this but I can't imagine having stronger

> feelings for one than the other. But of

> course, that's just me.... Me and my kids have a

> super strong bond. Let me also add

> though that my children slept with me as babies and

> even longer in my 5 yr olds case. (

> Just ask dh who's back is killing him today from

> getting kicked last night....*G*) And

> Gracie is not only still in our bed but doesn't even

> have a crib... So there were other

> things that I did that bonded us and that could be

> why. I always picked them up when they

> cried, fed them on demand, etc. We just didn't

> breastfeed. The reason was a really stupid

> one too......I wish I would have been smarter.




> Kathleen Bazinau wrote:


> >

> >

> > I would like to know if anyone out there has

> formula fed one of their

> > children and then breastfed another and how they

> compare the two and if

> > there is a different kind of bond with the

> breastfed child. I sometimes

> > feel a tad guilty that I feel so attached to my

> youngest whom I bf. My

> > other children are older and less dependent on me

> now. Maybe that is

> > part of it. I am interested on any input anyone

> may have. Thanks!

> > Kathleen

> >

> >



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> > Breastfeeding is Best!!

> > http://www.maclee.com/breastfeeding

> >

> > If you like this list also check out

> http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/weanedbuddies







> Did you know that knowledge is power?

> http://www.ONElist.com

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> Breastfeeding is Best!!

> http://www.maclee.com/breastfeeding


> If you like this list also check out

> http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/weanedbuddies

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/ms-tnef


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