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Re: New dry eye treatment

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HI please let us know more about the pilocanpine when you can..I to

suffer from terrible dry eyes...even have my tear ducs cauterized. Also

sorry forgot to tell you..that my eye doc said that they are

perscribing salegen. It is a med used for chemo patients. It is suppose

to help produce more saliva from the dryness of chemo but has been

proven to produce more tears in the eyes. I could not take because of

another med I am on..so may want to check into that to..Please keep

me posted . Jane

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Hi Jane,

The opthalmologist I saw said that pilocarpine causes glaucoma and he would

not suggest using it. Apparently salagen is simply another version of the

drug (oral vs drops). I have an appointment next month to see an eye doctor

who specializes in laser eye surgery. Apparently a common side effect is

dry eye and he is supposed to have access to new drops that are not yet

commercially available. I am keeping my fingers crossed. As I can't seem

to find any over the counter drop that does not make my eyes worse I have

resorted to dabbing a bit of ointment in the eye even during the day. The

ointment is Hypotears Ointment, which is very similar to Lacrilube but does

not have the lanolin, which seems to bother a lot of people. At first, my

vision is blurry, but within a few minutes it clears and I have found no

other way in which to relieve my dry eyes.


nuszki1@... wrote:

> HI please let us know more about the pilocanpine when you can..I to

> suffer from terrible dry eyes...even have my tear ducs cauterized. Also

> sorry forgot to tell you..that my eye doc said that they are

> perscribing salegen. It is a med used for chemo patients. It is suppose

> to help produce more saliva from the dryness of chemo but has been

> proven to produce more tears in the eyes. I could not take because of

> another med I am on..so may want to check into that to..Please keep

> me posted . Jane


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