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Re: Preschool question/CJ

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Amen sister!! And what an AWESOME story about your son!! You must be

proud! :)


He was dx'ed with congenital global apraxia- and a lousy prognosis...

hah! I send that jerk of a " specialist " a copy of his report card

every year. Maybe he will not be so hasty to judge a person's entire

life by what he is like at 3.

> CJ

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He has busted his rear getting to this point. He is an amazing kid, and will be

an awesome, productive adult. The only thing he has not " mastered " is

pragmatics.... but we and the SLP are nailing them ( nailed semantics last year-

now he is at age level) The guidance counselor at school actually told me at the

end of last year- " There's no reason I see for him to not be able to go to

college! " I asked her if she would mind sending a copy of that to every jerk he

has ever seen. The best Dr, a Neuro form Brazil, told me that he would prove

them wrong- he could see the intelligence in his eyes he said, and he

has....never say never! I know that the other on this list has a similar

success story with her son- and he is even older than mine. I hope it gives

someone some hope. I swore I was losing my sanity at times when he was small-

and I did not have the benefit of a support list nor the research that has been

done in the past few years.

Honestly, we have guessed well.

Vivian- I give my younger two EFA and Gummy Vites Multi & Gummy Vites Calcium (

They are dairy free also): they work together well! They do not weigh enough for

a tablet, and do not like the chewables as they get stuck in their teeth.....

Take care & have an excellent week ladies! CJ

[ ] Re: Preschool question/CJ

Amen sister!! And what an AWESOME story about your son!! You must be

proud! :)


He was dx'ed with congenital global apraxia- and a lousy prognosis...

hah! I send that jerk of a " specialist " a copy of his report card

every year. Maybe he will not be so hasty to judge a person's entire

life by what he is like at 3.

> CJ

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