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Fw: USAA Autism Conf. Austin - Presidential Candidates Debate on Autism

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View =this email in=20your web browser: tinyurl.com/5ux7vl For large text =version here:=20www.sarnet.org/lib/SARtext.htm =20=Saturday,=20August 30, 2008 = =20 Reader =Supported =20 =20 Vol. 12 No.=20128Special=20Issue: • USAA 2008 International =Autism=20Conference - = =20 Austin =Sept=204-7• Presidential=20Candidates Debate on AutismSpecial reprint=20from the USAAA Weekly News, an email newsletter that =addresses=20a range of topics on Autism Spectrum Disorders and =Asperger's=20Syndrome. tinyurl.com/5ux7vl Online=20Registration Closes Tomorrow at=20MidnightOnline registration will close at 11:59 p.m. =(EDT)=20tomorrow, August 31, for the US Autism & Asperger=20Association International Conference, September 4-7, =2008. Click here to =register.If you are unable to register online, don't =worry;=20you will still be able to register directly at the =conference.=20On-site registration will be available on Thursday, =September=204, from 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Friday, September 5, =fr0m 7:15=20a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Saturday, September 6, from 7:30 =a.m. - 5:00=20p.m.; and, Sunday, September 7, from 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 =a.m."On-site =registration=20will be available every day at the conference."=20=US Autism & Asperger Association, Inc. =(USAAA)=20kicks off its third annual International Autism and =Asperger=20Conference (and 5th overall conference since 2006) in =Austin,=20Texas, September 4 - 7, 2008. Over thirty of the =world's most=20renowned leading autism experts will present new =interventions=20and new research in both education and medicine. Click here to learn more about the =conference, or click here to register for the=20conference.DO SOMETHING ABOUT AUTISM=20NOWSUBSCRIBE. . .=20! . .=20. Read, then Forward the Schafer Autism=20Report.$35 for 1=20year - or free!www.sarnet.org =20 =20Presidential =Candidates Debate=20on AutismThis week the USAAA Weekly News is including =a=20special article of the presidential candidates' =stances on=20autism. McCain has worked with issues on =Autism=20Spectrum Disorders during his time in the =Senate, such=20as when he cosponsored the Combating Autism Act =of 2006.=20" McCain is very concerned about the rising=20incidence of autism among America's children and =has=20continually supported research into its causes =and=20treatment," his campaign said. "He believes that =federal=20research efforts should support broad approaches =to=20understanding the factors that may play a role =in the=20incidence of autism, including factors in our=20environment, for both prevention and treatment=20purposes."As president, McCain would work to =advance=20federal research into autism, promote early =screening,=20and identify better treatment options. Click here to read his plan =on=20combating autism in America. tinyurl.com/5ux7vl=Barack Obama has set forth a plan =specifically=20on Autism Spectrum Disorders. "Some conditions =like=20autism don't appear until age two, so infant =screening=20is not enough," he said. "And to meet the needs =of the=20growing numbers of Americans with autism, we =need a=20comprehensive approach that includes not just =screening,=20but early intervention, research, and education=20services."As president, Obama would appoint a =federal=20ASD Coordinator to oversee all federal ASD =efforts,=20fully fund the Combating Autism Act and other =federal=20autism research initiatives, support special =needs=20education for children with ASD, and support =universal=20screening. Click here to read his full =plan, and=20click here to see his =updated plan to=20empower Americans with =disabilities tinyurl.com/5ux7vl= Today's SAR is provided through =the=20support of paid subscription =readers. - =THANK YOU=20-$35 =for 1 year -=20or free!www.sarnet.org=Copyright=20Notice: The above items are copyright protected. They are =for our=20readers' personal education or research purposes only and =provided=20at their request. Articles may not be further reprinted or =used=20commercially without consent from the copyright holders. To =find the=20copyright holders, follow the referenced website link =provided at=20the beginning of each =item.Lenny Schafer editor@... = =nbsp; &n=bsp; =20The Schafer Autism Report is a non-profit=20corporationUnsubscribe here: www.sarnet.org/frm/unsub2.h=tm=

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