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ocular rosacea

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Jo Ann wrote:

> This is the first time that I am writing to the group. I was


> with rosacea a few years ago and have had pretty good luck so far.

> However, this last week I had a flare of ocular rosacea which ended

up in a

> chalazion cyst. I was given Tobrex ointment and was told I should


> Doxycycline. Just wanted to know if any of you have had good luck


> either the ointment, antibiotic or both. It seems to me that there

are a

> lot of side effects to the antibiotic. Do the good points outweigh


> bad?

Jo Ann,

Im sorry to say I dont have much luck w/ any of the eye stuff I use. I

know they help some but not nearly enough. I can deal w/ my face much

better than my eyes. My eyes do get a tiny bit better on antibiotics

but not enough to suffer the side effects from those. I don't know the

answer but there must be one.


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  • 2 months later...

I have had 3 chalaizon drained over the past year. Any advice on how

to get them to stop forming. I was my eyelids with baby shampoo 2x/day.

I have used warm compresses but it has never made a chalaizon on away

once it is there. I always get it on the same eye in about the same

place. I fear if I keep getting them removed it will cause scar tissue

or permanent lid damage. Any advice?


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I've had about 5 chalazion removed over the past 2 years. It is my

understanding that my opthamologist either removes or cuts up the gland to

prevent the chalazion from reoccuring. I think that you can just drain

them, but you might want to check with your doctor.

I've also had a chalazion cause another chalazion. After the swellling of

the first chalazion went down, I had a couple of small lumps on my eyelids

from other glands that were irritated by the swelling of the first

chalazion. One of these eventually became a new chalazion. This may be what

you're experiencing.

As far as what to do to prevent them from happening...I do 2x scrubs daily

as well. I also found that once I started eliminating some trigger foods

for my facial rosacea, I noticed that my eyes seemed to be less irritated.

Unfortunately, I haven't completely gotten rid of them (I've got one right

now!). Like you, I've also found that the hot compresses don't really work

that well.

I don't have an answer, but lately I've been wondering why the things that

are definite no-no's for facial rosacea, are exactly what they recommend

for ocular rosacea (hot compresses and topical antibiotics with steroids

-Maxitrol). I wonder if I'm just perpetuating my condition?


dschapker40@... wrote:

> I have had 3 chalaizon drained over the past year. Any advice on how

> to get them to stop forming. I was my eyelids with baby shampoo 2x/day.

> I have used warm compresses but it has never made a chalaizon on away

> once it is there. I always get it on the same eye in about the same

> place. I fear if I keep getting them removed it will cause scar tissue

> or permanent lid damage. Any advice?


> Diane


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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In a message dated 10/22/99 7:28:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

shoichet@... writes:

<< Does washing my eyes every morning to avoid the excessive oil which

causes blepharitis contribute to my dry eye? Am I better to stop

washing (I would actually prefer blepharitis to dry eye - I can't stand

the blinking). The question arises because someone pointed out that the

oil in tears is what makes them stay on the eye to lubricate it.


Hmmmmmm, ok, now do you mean washing your eyelids? Like with baby shampoo?

This is fine, but can cause irritation. Listen, the problem isn't usually

with excessive oil, rather, a lack of oil in the eye. And the oil that is

there is not normal and also causes irritation. Are you doing the hot

compresses for 5-10 minutes twice a day? The hot compresses opens the glands

up and helps those oils get released into the eye where they belong. The

antibiotics help change the chemistry of the oils so that they aren't so

irritating to the eyeball. As far as the lid scrubs go, unless you notice a

lot of debris on your eyelashes you probably don't need to do them unless you

find that they really help your eyes feel better. The debris from the thick

oily secretions tends to work out of the eye and accumulates around the

lashes. This is the perfect place for bacteria to grow. And then you have

infectious blepharitis. This is the only time a topical antibiotic will

help. But if you do the warm/hot compresses with a hot washcloth, just take

a q-tip soaked in a tiny bit of salt water, or if you must diluted baby

shampoo once in a while and gently cleanse back and forth along the lash

line. I can usually tell if I need to do this by taking a look in a

magnifying mirror under bright light. When I run my fingernail across my

upper lashes, sometimes they seem to be slightly stuck together or flakes

fall out.

Some eye doctors are starting to say now that the lid scrubs can cause more

irritation than they help. I guess it is individual. What is important,

though, is to do the compresses. How often you do them is up to you. If I

do them twice a day like is recommended, I often get more irritation. So,

then I back off to once a day for a while or even once every other day. It

really varies. I find that my eye condition can vary day to day. Sometimes

I have to leave my eyes alone for a while and not do anything, and sometimes

I need to start getting more aggressive.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, After 9 months of uncertainty I was diagnosed with ocular rosacea

yesterday. Ugh!

Now that I know for sure, can anyone suggest tips, like coping with

temperature extremes, cosmetics etc. I'm wondering if symptoms worsen in

winter as my eyes seem more irritable...they weren't really itchy before

this month and now they seem to be itchy fairly frequently. Has anyone

found certain supplements to be beneficial? And has anyone used the zia

cleansing gel to clean the eyes (for those of you with the ocular symptoms)

and is it ok for the eyes. I was gonna order it for my eyes only as I have a

cleanser that's ok on my face. I heard it contains ylang ylang which, I read

in a book is good for dry skin and is widely used in skincare, having a

wonderful tonic effect and gentle action. It says that there have been cases

of sensititization in a few cases but that it is generally very

safe....which is maybe why some of you have had such luck with the zia! What

do you think?

Failing that can the aderma septalibour be used in the eyes....I don't think

I have any dermatitis in my eyelashes at this point but my m.....? glands

are dysfunctioning and that is why I am having this trouble>

At the mo, they're red, a bit swollen tender and itchy....I'm only 24 and I

hope it doesn't get much worse..they've been really bloodshot once or twice

which I hated. I have been given liquid eye gel called viscotears to be

used 4 times a day (no antibiotics - didn't feel I needed them at this point

which I was pleased to hear) but I wonder how much these tears will help.

I've used them 3 times upto now and my eyes are still a bit itchy and

irritable (but better than they have been). Does anyone out there know how

much I can expect these to help and I heard something from someone in the

group about flax seed being good for moisturising the body inside. Heard


I looked flax up and it said it was good for hormonal imbalance, having the

unique ability to raise it if it's too low or lower it if it's too high!!

WOW! It may help some of us who believe our rosacea is affected by hormonal


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Hope you are all enjoying your day!!




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