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Re: 's Surgery

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: SOOOOOOOOO happy all went well for Ang! Wow...the

bronchoscopy results must have made you feel very reassured. And Ang is

going to love having those polyps out I'm sure! Just so relieved!!!

Thanks for posting what's up and I'm glad you took her home early since

you had the option. I agree with Dorothy, " There's no place like home. "

Jen: No kidding...on my post yesterday to you my first line was all I

could think about was the mountain of laundry you must have from that

trip. I deleted it because I thought...I can't post about her laundry

with all those kids...and then I read your post this am and started

cracking up!!!! Thirty loads, and Ron took them to the laundry

mat????? I think he deserves Partner of the Week Award! Especially

after having to break in to his own home to get them. Now that could

have been a " soap " had a passing good samaritan motorist viewed this and

called the police on their cell phone. And then when the police

arrived they saw the suspect suspiciously loading his car with the

alleged victim's dirty laundry. Of course when they went in to your

room to investigate the alleged crime scene, they find you, the alleged

victim, unconscious sitting straight up in bed holding your children

surrounded by suspicious looking and smelling vapors rising all around

you. And of course they call the ambulance as you mumble something

about Ron, Neb, and Zan Tack...could these be accomplices??? And they

say Holland isn't exciting!!!

All: Kenzie's doing well, but just her normal Go Go Go self. I find

myself laughing at her antics more than getting stressed these days.

Two really is an incredible age!


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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...
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Oh, ee! I'd be concerned too! Having his back hurting

is strange isn't it? I'm not experienced with possible problems

following surgery, but I know my daughter had a kidney infection

when she was 1 1/2 and it caused her back to hurt too.

I'd be worried too I guess about some kind of infection, but I

guess the best way to allay those fears is to have him checked out.

Kisses to ...

Lori and Annika

> 's Surgery



> Hello All,


> Pam I was reading your letter just now. Up in Iowa they let me

> hold too as they gave him the gas mask. The poor dear

> began to cry the moment we pulled to the curb outside the

> hospital and cried up until the gas made him fall asleep. It was

> strange, the previous day I was a crying wreck, but the DAY of

> the operation, I woke up cheerful and optimistic,very excited he

> was getting his " new feet " ! Going into the operating room made

> me cry again, but even while waiting for the surgery, I was

> optimistic and rather cheerful feeling for him. Recovery was the

> worst, but I have to give credit to Iowa Children's Hospital

> because when I went to the recovery room a woman was holding him

> in a rocking chair and music was playing for him.


> In Arkansas with his first operation, when I arrived in recovery,

> he was in a bed alone, crying his eyes out...no one even trying

> to comfort him!


> That first 24 hours or so in Iowa they kept him on Morphine every

> two hours. He didn't know if he was coming or going and was

> delerious and inconsolable. He puked what ever he ate or drank,

> and with out taking in food, they would not release him. I asked

> the nurse finally to stop the morphine; when it was out of his

> system and he had " his head back " with out it being drugged up,

> he began to eat and stuff. I took him for walks outdoors to

> sober him up then made him eat oatmeal, there was an immediate

> improvement and they let me take him back to teh RMD house after that.


> We returned to Oklahoma June 5th. The Angel Flight was dream

> like in it's smoothness and enjoyablity. I've never had such a

> nice flight in my life!


> Since then we've been home, is depressed and complalins a

> lot about pain. He doesn't do much, or even want to do much

> beyond watch Teletubbies. Yesterday he began to run a fever.

> Last night it was 102, I called the clinic (in Iowa) but a doctor

> never did call me back. I don't know if they even got the

> message. I was On Hold long distance for the longest time, and

> told me they would call back but never did. Today I called his

> pediatric doctor here in town because he still has a high fever

> and says his back hurts. They say bring him in tomorrow, or to

> the ER today if it gets worse. There is no swelling of the feet,

> and his level of complaint about pain is about teh same as it's

> been -- constant since May 30th ya know. I don't know what is

> going on with him but I'm tight as a drum with worry/stress that

> there is a problem with his incisions inside the casts...


> I guess tht brings you all up to date, the casts come off July 12th.


> s.




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Hello ,

I hope is doing better now, it sounds like you should contact the

doctors again if that fever is still up. Have you tried Ibuprophen to

releave the pain and fever? I am not a doctor but that has worked well with

my children so maybe it is worth a try. Sorry to hear he is still in pain.

Hope today will be better. How was Angle Flights? I have thought about

contacting them for my travel but live in Mass. and are traveling to NY

weekly for castings with Dr. Feldman & Dr. Van Bosse they practice the

Ponseti method since they trained with Dr. Ponseti. I will try to write

later on but must get ready for my travel in the morning 3 am to NY City.

Take Care, Kathy

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