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Re: RA and Fibromyalgia

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In a message dated 8/21/04 7:42:30 PM, mizdeb11@... writes:

I have seen many posts from people that have both RA and FMS.  How was this diagnosed?

RA is help by strong inflanmmatories and is worse during the morning and in cold weather..

FMS is different....



The pigs are on ABC News "Good Morning America", LIVE from NYC at 7:00 AM Aug. 26.....(Thurs.)

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In a message dated 8/22/04 6:26:05 AM, lmthib@... writes:

FMS is diagnosed by a rheumtologist by a process of checking trigger points on your back and torso.  If you have 11 or more painful points, you lose.

But some of us with RA are sore everywhere....

I took some test where they puch on 18 trigger points.

All were sore but I have RA instead...



The pigs are on ABC News "Good Morning America", LIVE from NYC at 7:00 AM Aug. 26.....(Thurs.)

Animal Planet "Pet Star", Sept. 12, 3:00 Pm ET.

Animal Planet "That's My Baby", Sept. 27, 3:30 PM ET.


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I have a friend who suffers from FMS and she sees a rheumatologist. This is definitely something you should discuss with him/her. Good luck to you.


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FMS is diagnosed by a rheumtologist by a process of checking trigger points on your back and torso. If you have 11 or more painful points, you lose. My rheumy started telling me other unrelated diseases I had - eczema, dry skin, etc, I became happy because I knew he had a name and I wasn't crazy. I didn't know there is no cure. Most days I have more trouble with the fibro than the RA, which the drugs have pretty knocked down.

Have fun,



MD - zone 7

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In a message dated 8/21/04 7:42:30 PM, mizdeb11@... writes:

I have seen many posts from people that have both RA and FMS. How was this diagnosed?

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Joint pain causes a doctor to look for RA and muscle pain causes a doctor to look for FMS. Either disease can have some element of both kinds of pain but usually there is a marked escess of one type of pain. Some people are diagnosed with both and can tell which disease is flaring at a particular time. Others have general enough symptoms that they are not diagnosed as either one but it is just called inflammatory arthritis. If a doctor sees a lot of symptoms of one disease they will usually try to treat that disease and see if some symptoms remain that require a different treatment. There are enough different kinds of inflammatory arthritis with subtle differences in diagnosis and treatment that it requires a rheumatologist and often quite a while to get a definite diagnosis. I only have RA so I don't know how the treatment of FMS differs but your rheumatologist should be able to tell you. God bless.

----- Original Message -----

From: Deborah Laliberte

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2004 8:04 PM

Subject: RA and Fibromyalgia

I have seen many posts from people that have both RA and FMS. How was this diagnosed? What made the DRs take a look at both diseases? I have had many new symptoms over the past couple of months and started searching on the web.

Right now I am on MTX, Bextra, Folic Acid, Prevacid, Remicaide and Vicodin for pain. Remicade started out well, but have not been able to go more than 6 weeks without it. I am starting on 600 mgm at that end of the month and the last two infusions seemed to have no effect at all. I have pain all the time and no relief in site.

While searching autoimmune diseases I came across a fibro site and in reading the symptoms I find that I have more that the 11 tender points and many of the other symptoms required for diagnosis. Should I talk to my Rheumy about this or go back to square one with my PCP?

If this is the case then allot of the problems I have been having make allot of sense but it is also quite depressing to add another chronic disease to RA.

Wishing you all pain free days.


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If you dont have lupus, being on 40 mg is alot. Just cutting half your dose will cause you to flare again. Try a muscle relaxant for the fibro like Soma and possibly an anti depressant like epam only at night though. Have you discussed using a biologic to modify your disease. It may help and it would take you down off the prednisone to a maintenance dose. Doctors who raise and lower prednisone like that worry me. You can go into adrenal failure or worse playing with a dosage like that. Gradual tapering is so much safer. The trauma to your body on steriod is not something to be taken lightly or fooled around with. Hugs, Deborah

On 3/23/06, bgw8490 <bgw8490@...> wrote:

Hello, I went to see my rhematologist and he said my fibromyalgia isflaring up and my joints are not any worse. He has had me on

Prednisone 40 mg daily and is going to reduce it down to 20 mg daily.I have also been on Prozac and he is going to change it to Cymbalta anew medication. He does not seem to think anything else is flaring

up. RA and fibromyalgia is enough, but with have an autoimmunedisorder it makes me feel like something else is hiding. The firmnessand swollen feeling of course I have the achyness to. Thank you forlistening.

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