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's New House & Judy's Prayer Request

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, Don't overdo on your new house like I did. Tomorrow will be

8 months since I moved here and I still am not really settled or

organized. Of course Moving here in May, then a lung transplant in

Aug and then lung collapse in Nov. has effected my accomplishments.

Right now the prayer request I have is that I can get enough rest and

relaxation between now and Jan. 22 when I go back for another checkup

at the transplant center. My spiro breathing test was not as good on

the 8th as it had been the previous time in Dec. so he has scheduled

another bronchoscope and biopsy for the 22nd unless my breathing is

better. My oximeter says my oxygen level is high enough but I do

have the SOB feelings; however, I think they are due to my fatigue

and my stress from the shakiness which I have aquired since they did

those 10 days of IV steroids in Nov and then last week increased my

Prograf (anti rejection med) from 3 mg to 5 mg twice a day. I meant

to get to bed by 10 tonight but was feeling too shaky and stressed so

decided to request prayer & just this typing has relaxed me. I still

haven't done my Christmas cards, but hope to do them this week. They

will be Happy New Year Cards and thank yous. I also plan on writing

a card to the daughter of the donor of my left lung as I received a

card from her when I got out of the hospital on Nov. 30th.

Jeff, my oldest son volunteered to go get my 2 grandkids from

Lafayette and brought them over here New Years weekend so I was able

to give them their birthday and Christmas gifts (since I had been

depressed when their dad let me know Christmas morning that they were

not coming over for Christmas because of the 3 hour one way drive)

and enjoy their visit. Then this weekend their dad and mom brought

them over and Jeff treated us all to a dinner at a Brazilian

restaurant on Sat. night & Sun. morning I had my daughter-in-law and

my son help me cook brunch as they were planning to go home early

since 's 17 year old daughters were dog sitting for them and

wanted to get home early enough to get ready for school the next day

plus both & Loren get up very early to go to work. He has an

hour drive to his construction site where they are installing those

wind mills that generate electricity & had to be at Mc's

at 4 a.m. to open then to Macy's around 9 where she works full time.

She gets out of Mc's early enough to go home, eat breakfast and

take the kids down their country lane to wait for their school bus.

and Loren had been using Nicotine gum and trying to quit

smoking around the time I had my transplant, but had gone back to

smoking. Now they claim they haven't somked this year yet and are

back on the gum.

I haven't been on the computer much because of shaky hands and still

having vision problems but would love it if someone would right me at

email to my home email (cbayjpw@...) & give me a short run

down of how people are doing. I tried to call Kerry today but no

reply. Also I am wondering how the fellow (Greg or who had a

transplant this year) is doing and what is going on with Leanne,

Joyce and Peggy.

I attempted to sign up to another site that is people who have had

transplants since no-one on this site has answered any of my

questions about transplant med side effects. But I haven't done a

post on it yet either. Right now they have increased my Prograf from

3mg twice a day to 5 mg twice a day and it is the Grisslley Bear of

the rejection meds. I just hope it is working. I have to take 2

Xanax (anti anxiety drug that I call my anti bitch med) every 6 hours

now that the Prograf has been increased and Xanax is an addictive

med, which I am not happy aboout but you have to do what you have to

do to survive. Tomorrow I am being evaluated at CountrySide YMCA by

a Middletown Regional Hospital Physical Therapist to get signed up

for physical therapy to strengthen my muscles which have become

extremely weak since the lung collapse and all those IVs they gave

me. I also intend to join the Y since my lung doc said it was o.k.

for me to go into a pool. I hope to at least get into a water

exercise class at least once a week as I think it would not only help

strengthen my muscles but would be relaxing.

Love and Aloha to all,

Judy - IPF 11/06 - Left Lung Transplant 8/07 - Lung Collapse 11/07

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