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Re: Incontinence

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Keep doing the Kegel exercises. I am ALMOST continent now after 19 months. I did some damage when I had to change a blown tire and pulled things loose. Now I have mainly stress incontinence - when I cough or sneeze or try to walk or bend. Doctor wants to do the male sling and penile implant as I still cannot get an erction without the VEP or putting a ring around the rosie. Makes for a stressful time.Steve S in ArkansasFrom: mjc_316

To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Fri, March 12, 2010 3:35:36 PMSubject: Incontinence

I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but as a new member I need to ask it. I had prostate surgery (robotic) on Jan. 28, 2010, and of course I am experiencing urinary incontinence. That was expected. However, while it is improving, the improvement is very, very slow -- almost undetectable. I still wake every two to three hours to go to the bathroom, and during the day I can sit for an hour or more, but when I move, I leak. When I make any bending or twisting move, I leak. It's very frustrating. Often when I just walk, I leak.

Is my slow progress normal? Does the progress accelerate as time passes? What have others experienced?

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Thank you Steve.

Subject: Re: IncontinenceTo: ProstateCancerSupport Date: Friday, March 12, 2010, 4:42 PM

Keep doing the Kegel exercises. I am ALMOST continent now after 19 months. I did some damage when I had to change a blown tire and pulled things loose. Now I have mainly stress incontinence - when I cough or sneeze or try to walk or bend. Doctor wants to do the male sling and penile implant as I still cannot get an erction without the VEP or putting a ring around the rosie. Makes for a stressful time.Steve S in Arkansas

From: mjc_316 <mjc_316yahoo (DOT) com>To: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) comSent: Fri, March 12, 2010 3:35:36 PMSubject: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] Incontinence

I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but as a new member I need to ask it. I had prostate surgery (robotic) on Jan. 28, 2010, and of course I am experiencing urinary incontinence. That was expected. However, while it is improving, the improvement is very, very slow -- almost undetectable. I still wake every two to three hours to go to the bathroom, and during the day I can sit for an hour or more, but when I move, I leak. When I make any bending or twisting move, I leak. It's very frustrating. Often when I just walk, I leak. Is my slow progress normal? Does the progress accelerate as time passes? What have others experienced?

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UR welcome. I have always tried to help others through many issues. The prostate cancer was just another learning experience to me. As a pastor, I learn all I can to help my church members. This has given me great insight into all cancer treatments and the value of prayer in all decisions. Have a great day.Steve S in ArkansasTo:

ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Fri, March 12, 2010 3:44:07 PMSubject: Re: Incontinence

Thank you Steve.

From: wonderwhat <wonderwhat72@ yahoo.com>Subject: Re: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] IncontinenceTo: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) comDate: Friday, March 12, 2010, 4:42 PM

Keep doing the Kegel exercises. I am ALMOST continent now after 19 months. I did some damage when I had to change a blown tire and pulled things loose. Now I have mainly stress incontinence - when I cough or sneeze or try to walk or bend. Doctor wants to do the male sling and penile implant as I still cannot get an erction without the VEP or putting a ring around the rosie. Makes for a stressful time.Steve S in Arkansas

From: mjc_316 <mjc_316yahoo (DOT) com>To: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) comSent: Fri, March 12, 2010 3:35:36 PMSubject: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] Incontinence

I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but as a new member I need to ask it. I had prostate surgery (robotic) on Jan. 28, 2010, and of course I am experiencing urinary incontinence. That was expected. However, while it is improving, the improvement is very, very slow -- almost undetectable. I still wake every two to three hours to go to the bathroom, and during the day I can sit for an hour or more, but when I move, I leak. When I make any bending or twisting move, I leak. It's very frustrating. Often when I just walk, I leak. Is my slow progress normal? Does the progress accelerate as time passes? What have others experienced?

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An alternative to pads is the external catheter, this is a sheath that is changed daily, connected to a catheter bag,

It is important that the sheath is sized right and has the ability to be able to be unconnected easily to allow free passge of urine when you go to the loo.

There are various types/makes and I tried a few different ones before I got one with the right stickiness and the one I could fit easily. There are the occaisional difficulty but the more I use them the less problem days I have, in fact maybe less than one in 3 months now


I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but as a new member I need to ask it. I had prostate surgery (robotic) on Jan. 28, 2010, and of course I am experiencing urinary incontinence. That was expected. However, while it is improving, the improvement is very, very slow -- almost undetectable. I still wake every two to three hours to go to the bathroom, and during the day I can sit for an hour or more, but when I move, I leak. When I make any bending or twisting move, I leak. It's very frustrating. Often when I just walk, I leak. Is my slow progress normal? Does the progress accelerate as time passes? What have others experienced?

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Thanks . If all else fails...

Subject: Re: IncontinenceTo: ProstateCancerSupport Date: Friday, March 12, 2010, 5:11 PM

An alternative to pads is the external catheter, this is a sheath that is changed daily, connected to a catheter bag,

It is important that the sheath is sized right and has the ability to be able to be unconnected easily to allow free passge of urine when you go to the loo.

There are various types/makes and I tried a few different ones before I got one with the right stickiness and the one I could fit easily. There are the occaisional difficulty but the more I use them the less problem days I have, in fact maybe less than one in 3 months now

[ProstateCancerSupp ort] Incontinence

I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but as a new member I need to ask it. I had prostate surgery (robotic) on Jan. 28, 2010, and of course I am experiencing urinary incontinence. That was expected. However, while it is improving, the improvement is very, very slow -- almost undetectable. I still wake every two to three hours to go to the bathroom, and during the day I can sit for an hour or more, but when I move, I leak. When I make any bending or twisting move, I leak. It's very frustrating. Often when I just walk, I leak. Is my slow progress normal? Does the progress accelerate as time passes? What have others experienced?

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mjc_316 wrote:

> I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but as a new

> member I need to ask it. I had prostate surgery (robotic) on

> Jan. 28, 2010, and of course I am experiencing urinary

> incontinence. That was expected. However, while it is

> improving, the improvement is very, very slow -- almost

> undetectable. I still wake every two to three hours to go to

> the bathroom, and during the day I can sit for an hour or more,

> but when I move, I leak. When I make any bending or twisting

> move, I leak. It's very frustrating. Often when I just walk, I

> leak. Is my slow progress normal? Does the progress accelerate

> as time passes? What have others experienced?

I have no personal experience of this since I was treated with

radiation, for which the opposite of incontinence (inability to

urinate) is a common side effect. But my sense from reading

about others is that you're doing okay.

Some lucky people are very continent very quickly. Many,

probably most, are not. But many people report steady progress

with a a couple of steps forward, a step back, a couple forward,

and so on, for up to two years, before they become fully

continent. You seem to be on the right path.

Good luck with it.


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Thank you Alan. That's encouraging. The two steps forward, one step back is certainly the way it seems.

Mike> I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but as a new> member I need to ask it. I had prostate surgery (robotic) on> Jan. 28, 2010, and of course I am experiencing urinary> incontinence. That was expected. However, while it is> improving, the improvement is very, very slow -- almost> undetectable. I still wake every two to three hours to go to> the bathroom, and during the day I can sit for an hour or more,> but when I move, I leak. When I make any bending or twisting> move, I leak. It's very frustrating. Often when I just walk, I> leak. Is my slow progress normal? Does the progress accelerate> as time passes? What have others experienced?I have no personal experience of

this since I was treated withradiation, for which the opposite of incontinence (inability tourinate) is a common side effect. But my sense from readingabout others is that you're doing okay.Some lucky people are very continent very quickly. Many,probably most, are not. But many people report steady progresswith a a couple of steps forward, a step back, a couple forward,and so on, for up to two years, before they become fullycontinent. You seem to be on the right path.Good luck with it.Alan

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I am still incontient after almost 6 months. I felt just like you did when I had

my 3 month check up. I talked to doctor about it. I told him that I went 270

pads the first month and now I was at 7-8 per day. I wanted to be in control of

my bladder now and was could he give me to help. He explained a few things to

me: 1. I was on the table (robotic) for 7 1/2 hours. 2. The cancer spread

outside the front of the prostate. 3. I am doing better - my comparison proved

it. 4. It takes different time for everyone. 5. Keep doing the Kegels. 6. I

shouldn't try to take medicine for it. It will come in time and everyone is


I am happ to say that I am now down to 5 per day and on the odd occasion, 4 pads

a day. I am hoping to be 0-1 by August. I am also trying to loose another 20

pounds by then also. I am looking forward to attending my 40th HS reunion. All

things come to those who wait. BTW: If you are a Veteran you can check with your

local VA Clinic/Hospital for pads.

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From: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of mjc_316

Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 4:36


To: ProstateCancerSupport



The way my urologist explained the way to

gain urinary control is to learn when you will notice the leaking, like

coughing, sneezing, getting up, etc. Then you need to train yourself to clamp

the sphincter muscle (kegel) before the event occurs. When you do this enough

times your body will get in the habit of doing this automatically. Improving

your urinary control is a proactive activity not a passive activity.

I had my surgery on Feb 22, 2010 and even

though I still leak and have problems I am improving. My bad days I only use a

couple of pads. I still have to get up a couple of times during the night but

I am dry and am able to easily make it to the bathroom without a problem. I am

enjoying catching up on classic movies in TCM but I know that I need to kegel

before twisting or getting up from my chair. While standing or walking I need

to have a gentle tightening of the kegel muscle to keep from those “surprise”


My Uro and Ono wants me to get to full

urinary control as soon as possible so they can begin the next treatments. My

cancer was attached to my rectum and I had some other positive margins. So it

looks like radiation is next in the queue for me but it can’t start until

I have my urinary control back.


I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but

as a new member I need to ask it. I had prostate surgery (robotic) on Jan. 28,

2010, and of course I am experiencing urinary incontinence. That was expected.

However, while it is improving, the improvement is very, very slow -- almost

undetectable. I still wake every two to three hours to go to the bathroom, and

during the day I can sit for an hour or more, but when I move, I leak. When I

make any bending or twisting move, I leak. It's very frustrating. Often when I

just walk, I leak.

Is my slow progress normal? Does the progress accelerate as time passes? What

have others experienced?

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Larry, Thank you. That's the best response I have had so far, with the most useful advice. I get up a couple of times a night, but I als can make it to the bathroom without leaking. It's during the day, particularly late in the day, that I have problems, or when I twist, bend, or lift something., or coughing, sneezing, or even laughing sometimes. I'll have to keep working on my Kegel's. I wish you well with your additional treatment. I was lucky -- no signs in the lymph nodes, and no positive margins

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I will start by saying I had my surgery(LRP) at Hopkins in Oct 08. Completely continent and no erection problems prior to the surgery. Some post op complications with the catheter clogging and trips to the ER to have it opened up.


The erections are finally beginning to happen. With Viagra they are good but I need to tolerate nasty side effects. Sometimes it is worth it!

I am still incontinent. I have been through PT and do my Kegels. Actually have my Blackberry programed to remind me 3 times a day. I usually go through 1-2 pads a day.

Primarily stress incontinence.

Been discouraged but still hopeful.

Need to begin considering surgical correction for the incontinence. Anyone with experience?

Subject: IncontinenceTo: ProstateCancerSupport Date: Friday, March 12, 2010, 4:35 PM

I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but as a new member I need to ask it. I had prostate surgery (robotic) on Jan. 28, 2010, and of course I am experiencing urinary incontinence. That was expected. However, while it is improving, the improvement is very, very slow -- almost undetectable. I still wake every two to three hours to go to the bathroom, and during the day I can sit for an hour or more, but when I move, I leak. When I make any bending or twisting move, I leak. It's very frustrating. Often when I just walk, I leak. Is my slow progress normal? Does the progress accelerate as time passes? What have others experienced?

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Laughing is still my hardest one to keep

under control. I guess I am going to have to rent some good comedies and write

it off as physical therapy. The worst time was the first time I blew my nose

post surgery that was WEIRD and WRONG! I didn’t know where to hold the tissue. J About 2 weeks after

surgery I went to a couple of community dinners to catch up with some friends.

I didn’t do much but sit and visit but there were a lot of laughs. I had to

work extra hard not to wet myself. Sometimes it worked other times I was glad

to have a thick pad on. The next day I was worn out and the muscles was sore.

I spent that day resting not worrying about the number of pads I went through.

I went back to work on my exercises the next day feeling a lot better.

Good luck with your recovery and urinary



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Soon after my biopsy was positive I went

on a job interview. I mentioned to the interviewer that I would have to take

time off in the near future. He responded by saying he had gone through the

same thing several years back. He talked about regaining continence and he

ended up getting an artificial sphincter. He says that it works well and is

able to stand at urinal with people standing next to him and not knowing that

he has one. That is about all I know of them.

From: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of direkcom

Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010

3:27 PM

To: ProstateCancerSupport

Subject: Re:


I will start by saying I had my surgery(LRP) at Hopkins in Oct 08.

Completely continent and no erection problems prior to the surgery. Some post

op complications with the catheter clogging and trips to the ER to have it

opened up.


The erections are finally beginning to happen. With

Viagra they are good but I need to tolerate nasty side effects.

Sometimes it is worth it!

I am still incontinent. I have been through PT

and do my Kegels. Actually have my Blackberry programed to remind me

3 times a day. I usually go through 1-2 pads a day.

Primarily stress incontinence.

Been discouraged but still hopeful.

Need to begin considering surgical correction for

the incontinence. Anyone with experience?

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Every man is different.

I was radically incontinent from the operating room...

Went thru multiple sessions with a physical therapist, Kegels, et al.

did them till I got pelvic floor spasms...

Ultimately, during a systoscopy, my surgeon at Duke U Hospital realized the problem...

I could contract and hold the remaining sphincter, but the side of the bladder collapsed above and around the sphincter.... so an artificial sphincter has made my life a lot more manageable. Gratefully...

First AdVance sling ultimately reduced leakage by about 70%, but I was still using 3-4 pads per day... Second AdVAnce Sling helped NOT AT ALL.

Today, I can get thru most days without any pad. Awesome!!


Subject: IncontinenceTo: ProstateCancerSupport Date: Friday, March 12, 2010, 4:35 PM

I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but as a new member I need to ask it. I had prostate surgery (robotic) on Jan. 28, 2010, and of course I am experiencing urinary incontinence. That was expected. However, while it is improving, the improvement is very, very slow -- almost undetectable. I still wake every two to three hours to go to the bathroom, and during the day I can sit for an hour or more, but when I move, I leak. When I make any bending or twisting move, I leak. It's very frustrating. Often when I just walk, I leak. Is my slow progress normal? Does the progress accelerate as time passes? What have others experienced?

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