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Re: Groupie Response

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What a perfect name for our Lady....

Mama-Sher, 69; IPF, 3-06, OR.Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

Re: Re: Groupie Response

Y'all are so clever. How perfect!

Leanne <gina.francisbigpond> wrote:

Purrfect Princess H.H. Peggy..Lady Gwynne-evere (ev-ere =Ever Here)...Translation for cryptic meaning = Lady Guinevere was a Legendary intelligent, beautiful medieval woman , whose story transcends TIME...

Good on ya Peggy,

in Oz> > > Hi all, I've only been busy for a couple of days & it's taken ALL > morning to catch up on the Posts....here's a few stand-outs for me to > respond to....> > Jackie: sorry to hear of your difficult times with very tough > treatment regime. All the best in feeling some improvement soon.> > Zena: oh I LOVED the Cracked-Pot message..that's gone to my 'to be > forwarded depot'...on the suject of Depression there IS something > called Reactive Depression as opposed to Clinical Depression. Its > DEPRESSION but the cause is KNOWN as opposed to unknown. Harder to > treat whne the CAUSE doesn't go away...ie death ofa loved one, > chronic or terminal illness etc...sound familiar. Treatment by > medication tends to mask the grief rather than DEAL with it!> > : I share an interest in Tudor England with you..what a great > name to be given - 'Mercia' VERY symbolic! I'm very jealous of Zena's > involment with History Re-enactments!> > Mama-Sher: you might not have PHYSUCAL energy but you sure display > oodles & OODLES of spiritual & 'people- energy my friend! I'd rather > 'jump-a-cog' than have a 'stuck-cog' anyday ! You're not senile 'cos > you REMEMBER that you did buy Rosebud & WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> > Bruce: great to have you back & bugling!> > Leanne: good to sense that your elquilibrium is returning after that > shock to your system. I'm interested in the Spanish Study..is there a > link you could give us. I'm intrigued that nobody seems to be part of > the Bosanten Build III Trial on this Board. Do you hear any reports > on that at the Foundation?> > L: reassuring to see a post from you..I've been wondering how > you are. Tim must have sure hands in helping with the TT.. It must be > so strange to no longer be aware of your In & OUT breath!> > Brett: what a moving account...you have so much to deal with young > man. Your little is tremendous motivation for you to stay > grounded in enjoying living EVERY moment....that must be very hard > when you have the memory of your loved mother's death from PF > emblazoned in your mind. I do hope you get the sort of help that > keeps you from progressing rapidly & gives you lots of time with your > sweet little girl! It's good that you've been doagnosed at an early > stage so that should help, at least I blinkin' well HOPE so!> > A.J. A 'Fairy Reel is a DANCE but not as wild & energetically 'over- > the-top' as a 'Heel n' Toe".....quite sweet & can be danced > individually. I've been part of an Irish Dance Group for some years > (another past-time I've had to give up!) This area has loads of Irish > Musos & Dancers & some of us go camping 4 times a year at 'Woody > Head" to use the dinky little Hall there for sharing dancing, music > 'jam' sessions & we have a Ceilah at night. I can stll watch even if > I don't dance any more....part of my 'soul-food'!> > Gwynne: so relieved to hear that your sweet Misha has recovered. I > can pisture her back on your lap! I'll mail you off board to continue > our Music -chat! Got to talk Russian to ya!> > Sandie: sorry to read of your scarey episode..thank goodness that > Bruce & Co were awake & could reply to you. Good on you for ringing > your Aunt & that she could help you through it!> > Joyce: oh what a difficult adjustment...I'd hate it too...I do hope > you can make it feel cosier. You must be feeling bad about sleeping > in your 'puter room too! I'd be VERY cross to have to move out of my > lovely bedroom.> > Peggy: I hope your sister is doing okay .....your posts continue to > make me giggle oh hee Hee suits you son well Princess H.H. > Peggy...I've been mulling over a title for oir Gwynne too...something > along 'musical' lines I was thinking...DAME Gwynne maybe as in Dame > Joan Sutherland, Dame Joan Kiri te Kanawa...softer than DIVA...wot > d'ya reckon??????> > Everyone Else: I've enjoyed reading ALL your posts but my Brain has > run out of MEMORY for sensible comments now!> > To everyone who's been feeling particularly unwell I hope you on the UP!> > Fond Regards,> > in Oz> > IPF: Fibrotic NSIP/UIP???> > Reynauds'> > May 2007>

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I'm listening Ma!

I'm such a 'visual' critter & I do LOOVE the view out of my Bedroom French Doors...I am doing a spot of futuristic 'grieving' for the changes that will have to come about eventually.

I've lived in this house since 1974 & I'm a DREADFUL hoarder....I'll be leaving in my simple little recycled cardboard 6 footer.....

Somehow we'll re-jig things BUT the plaster ceilings will NOT be touched !

And I will be staying in the bedroom that has always been mine!


in Oz

>> ...it's only in hind-sight that our home admits, it does work better to have separate rooms now. We both have tweaked and personalized our space into our restful 'nest'. > When the time comes (and maybe it won't at your house) you will have already made some changes and the last change will just drop into place.> Now you listen to mama! Enjoy the NOW and later enjoy the comfort.> Love ya.> > > Mama-Sher, 69; IPF, 3-06, OR.> Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!> Groupie Response> > > > Hi Gang,> > I've been 'chasing m'tail' this week..so much summer holiday action goin' on downunder...right now there are 3 grand-bubbies tucked up on a mattress on my lounge-room floor watching THEIR movies ! My Hubby is away to his bed (he's NOT on holiday!) It's Friday, 10pm......> > On Monday I leave for southern climes driving all the way down to Tassie with my youngest daughter, Nikki & grand-daughter Ahli. We'll take 3 night stop-overs to get to Melbourne to catch the overnight Drive-on Ferry across Bass Strait to Tassie. We'll be in Cygnet, south of Hobart on Friday which happens to be Australia Day (26th January.)> > I've been reading all your posts tonight (got dragged off yesterday before I could finish let alone send any sensible replies!)> > Crikey, JOYCE I'm FLABBERGASTED that a country at the TOP of the Techno game can't put together a comfy mattress for it's unwell citizens!!!!! Next you'll be told to try a HAMMOCK swinging in the wind!!!!! Seriously that is just NOT GOOD ENOUGH...that company should be ASHAMED of itself!> > Oh GWYNNE please, pretty PLEASE can we get you to accept the title of Lady G for 'Gwynnevere' (aka Gwynne FOREVER) it suits , it really does ...Dame wasn't right (too fusty for you!) The little titles aren't meant to make folk APART from the rest but just to acknowledge our affection & appreciation. Titles just POP into my head for different people from time to time! I KNOW I'm just a scilly gal but now you lot are Stuck with me!> > PEGGY I managed to watch at least half of your clip (it just refused to fully load!) You did us PROUD girl....the transcript was spot on! What a wonderful ambassador for us all. > > BABS & MAMA-SHER you girls have been talking about an issue that has been bothering me when I think into the future at my place....it's pretty inevitable that I'll interfere with my hubby's sleep & the 2nd bedroom idea is an obvious one BUT even though we've got a big house that is going to be a problem when the time comes. We've both changed the other bedrooms into our own studys & they are crammed FULL of our books, desks, computers etc. The only spare bedroom is a sweet tiny room that we call 'the Little Girls Room'...it has plaster roses on the ceiling...far too girly for HIM but I won't want to move out of my lovely bedroom either!!!!!!! There is a sunroom that could be converted to a bedroom for him BUT it's so nice as a spare TV room that's not a popular idea either! There are going to be sooo many adjustments & reading many of your posts often 'clicks' into underlying thoughts that I've already had! > > Some of you have made HUGE changes to your living arrangements because of the impact of this disease on your lives. I applaud your flexibility & hope that I can follow suit with as much strength & courage as you've all shown.> > NEWBIES....welcome, sorry not to have made the intro individually...when I get settled in Tassie I'll ZOOOOOOM in on you all with more time to spare!> > Haven't finished BUT now I've gotta love you lot n' leave you... Miss Zoe is scared of the 2nd Movie "Two Brothers' & I've got to tuck her up in bed with me!> > in Oz> > IPF: Fibrotic NSIP/ UIP?????> > May 2007>

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