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RE: The cost of Provenge

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THANKS..at Waukesha im Wisconsin..ONE RADIATION dose..which includes ultra sound..is 2500. EVERY ONE! So when you have to have 30 or 40...the cost is rather close. If the proton thing is a one time shot...or if that is the total. NO WAY...would I do either...for just 4 more months.. NO WAY AT ALL..for what???


To: The Prostate Problems Mailing List ; ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Wed, May 19, 2010 11:43:21 AMSubject: The cost of Provenge

There has been a lot of questions raised about the cost of Provenge ($93,000) for just 4 months increased survival. These numbers are very deceiving. I have tried to create a cost comparison between Taxotere and Provenge, if I calculated things correctly, the results are surprising. Comparison is at www.advancedprostat ecancer.net-- T Nowak MA, MSWDirector for Advocacy and Advanced Prostate Cancer Programs, Malecare Inc. Men Fighting Cancer, TogetherSurvivor - Thyroid, Recurrent Prostate and Renal Cancerswww.advancedprostat ecancer.net - A blog about advanced and recurrent prostate cancerwww.malecare. com - information and

support about prostate cancerhttp://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ advancedprostate cancer/ - an online support group for men and their families diagnosed with advanced and recurrent prostate cancer

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Provenge is not an alternative for radiation or proton therapy. it is a treatment programme for men who have had had various primary treatment regimes of radiation (all forms;photon, proton, brachy) or surgery or even both that have ultimately failed, and THEN have had hormone therapy and that has ultimately failed and they have very few other options to extend their lives. Who knows what any of us would do at that point. At the moment (18 months post IGRT) I would not want to spent $93000 dollars either to extend my life by 4 months (or want any health scheme to spend it on my behalf) but ask me after, if my radiation therapy hasn't worked, and I might be willing to spend every cent I can beg, borrow, or steal for each extra day.

By the way Proton therapy isn't a 'one time shot', it is usually 40 sessions much the same as photon (IGRT, EBRT) radiation therapy.

Malaga, Spain.

The cost of Provenge

There has been a lot of questions raised about the cost of Provenge ($93,000) for just 4 months increased survival. These numbers are very deceiving. I have tried to create a cost comparison between Taxotere and Provenge, if I calculated things correctly, the results are surprising. Comparison is at www.advancedprostat ecancer.net-- T Nowak MA, MSWDirector for Advocacy and Advanced Prostate Cancer Programs, Malecare Inc. Men Fighting Cancer, TogetherSurvivor - Thyroid, Recurrent Prostate and Renal Cancerswww.advancedprostat ecancer.net - A blog about advanced and recurrent prostate cancerwww.malecare. com - information and support about prostate cancerhttp://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ advancedprostate cancer/ - an online support group for men and their families diagnosed with advanced and recurrent prostate cancer

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THANK YOU FOR THAT CLARIFICATION...that really helped. I wish they would have called it a different NAME! There is not any treatment cen ter near here..that I'm aware of...so will continue with the treatment I'm on..and see how it turns out. Have faith that it will be 100% successful.

To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Fri, May 21, 2010 5:52:34 PMSubject: Re: The cost of Provenge


Provenge is not an alternative for radiation or proton therapy. it is a treatment programme for men who have had had various primary treatment regimes of radiation (all forms;photon, proton, brachy) or surgery or even both that have ultimately failed, and THEN have had hormone therapy and that has ultimately failed and they have very few other options to extend their lives. Who knows what any of us would do at that point. At the moment (18 months post IGRT) I would not want to spent $93000 dollars either to extend my life by 4 months (or want any health scheme to spend it on my behalf) but ask me after, if my radiation therapy hasn't worked, and I might be willing to spend every cent I can beg, borrow, or steal for each extra day.

By the way Proton therapy isn't a 'one time shot', it is usually 40 sessions much the same as photon (IGRT, EBRT) radiation therapy.

Malaga, Spain.

[ProstateCancerSupp ort] The cost of Provenge

There has been a lot of questions raised about the cost of Provenge ($93,000) for just 4 months increased survival. These numbers are very deceiving. I have tried to create a cost comparison between Taxotere and Provenge, if I calculated things correctly, the results are surprising. Comparison is at www.advancedprostat ecancer.net-- T Nowak MA, MSWDirector for Advocacy and Advanced Prostate Cancer Programs, Malecare Inc. Men Fighting Cancer, TogetherSurvivor - Thyroid, Recurrent Prostate and Renal Cancerswww.advancedprostat ecancer.net - A blog about advanced and recurrent prostate cancerwww.malecare. com - information and

support about prostate cancerhttp://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ advancedprostate cancer/ - an online support group for men and their families diagnosed with advanced and recurrent prostate cancer

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Jim H, when you say " ....for just 4 more months. NO WAY AT ALL...for what? " Four months is the average, just a statistic. What if it's more? Like 6 or 8 months? What if it where a year? " For what? " you ask, I'm not sure where to begin my list? Being 47 and five years in to a pretty bad case of

Stage 4 PCa there are a lot of things I could do with four months. Instead of wasting everyone's time with some sort of 'bucket list' how about this for an answer; four months with my wife and 13 year old son woudl be worth EVERY SINGLE PENNY!



THANKS..at Waukesha im Wisconsin..ONE RADIATION dose..which includes ultra sound..is 2500.   EVERY ONE!   So when you have to have 30 or 40...the cost is rather close.   If the proton thing is a one time shot...or if that is the total.   NO WAY...would I do either...for just 4 more months..   NO WAY AT ALL..for what???



To: The Prostate Problems Mailing List ; ProstateCancerSupport

Sent: Wed, May 19, 2010 11:43:21 AMSubject: The cost of Provenge 

There has been a lot of questions raised about the cost of Provenge ($93,000) for just 4 months increased survival.  These numbers are very deceiving.  I have tried to create a cost comparison between Taxotere and Provenge, if I calculated things correctly, the results are surprising.  Comparison is at www.advancedprostat ecancer.net

-- T Nowak MA, MSWDirector for Advocacy and  Advanced Prostate Cancer Programs, Malecare Inc. Men Fighting Cancer, TogetherSurvivor - Thyroid, Recurrent Prostate and Renal Cancers

www.advancedprostat ecancer.net - A blog about advanced and recurrent prostate cancerwww.malecare. com - information and

support about prostate cancerhttp://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ advancedprostate cancer/ - an online support group for men and their families diagnosed with advanced and recurrent prostate cancer

-- Emersonwww.flhw.orgEvery 2.25 minutes a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer.Every 19 minutes a man, dies from the disease.

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Thanks and absolutely!

Tom W.

PS Six weeks ago I would not have said that.

To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Sat, May 22, 2010 8:23:55 AMSubject: Re: The cost of Provenge

Jim H, when you say "....for just 4 more months. NO WAY AT ALL...for what?"Four months is the average, just a statistic. What if it's more? Like 6 or 8 months? What if it where a year?"For what?" you ask, I'm not sure where to begin my list? Being 47 and five years in to a pretty bad case of Stage 4 PCa there are a lot of things I could do with four months. Instead of wasting everyone's time with some sort of 'bucket list' how about this for an answer; four months with my wife and 13 year old son woudl be worth EVERY SINGLE PENNY! Ewww.flhw.org

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Jim Hoppe <jimmydaduck@ att.net> wrote:

THANKS..at Waukesha im Wisconsin..ONE RADIATION dose..which includes ultra sound..is 2500. EVERY ONE! So when you have to have 30 or 40...the cost is rather close. If the proton thing is a one time shot...or if that is the total. NO WAY...would I do either...for just 4 more months.. NO WAY AT ALL..for what???


From: Nowak <tnowakgmail (DOT) com>To: The Prostate Problems Mailing List <PROSTATElistserv (DOT) acor.org>; ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) comSent: Wed, May 19, 2010 11:43:21 AMSubject: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] The cost of Provenge

There has been a lot of questions raised about the cost of Provenge ($93,000) for just 4 months increased survival. These numbers are very deceiving. I have tried to create a cost comparison between Taxotere and Provenge, if I calculated things correctly, the results are surprising. Comparison is at www.advancedprostat ecancer.net

-- T Nowak MA, MSWDirector for Advocacy and Advanced Prostate Cancer Programs, Malecare Inc. Men Fighting Cancer, TogetherSurvivor - Thyroid, Recurrent Prostate and Renal Cancerswww.advancedprostat ecancer.net - A blog about advanced and recurrent prostate cancer www.malecare. com - information and support about prostate cancerhttp://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ advancedprostate cancer/ - an online support group for men and their families diagnosed with advanced and recurrent prostate cancer

-- Emersonwww.flhw.orgEvery 2.25 minutes a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer.Every 19 minutes a man, dies from the disease.

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I guess it is not possible to determine how to place a value on the worth of short term survival. I feel that a $93,000 cost would pretty much bankrupt my family. I would rather not deprive them to attain an additional 4 months to be with them. In addition, what quality of life would one receive during that extended period? If it means laying in a bed in pain and causing a tremendous burden to my wife and children, I pass to me it would not be worth it. Just my opinion. I try to eat right and exercise and do what I can to keep going. but as I said before, each of us has to decide on their own values.


THANKS..at Waukesha im Wisconsin..ONE RADIATION dose..which includes ultra sound..is 2500. EVERY ONE! So when you have to have 30 or 40...the cost is rather close. If the proton thing is a one time shot...or if that is the total. NO WAY...would I do either...for just 4 more months.. NO WAY AT ALL..for what???


From: Nowak <tnowakgmail (DOT) com>To: The Prostate Problems Mailing List <PROSTATElistserv (DOT) acor.org>; ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) comSent: Wed, May 19, 2010 11:43:21 AMSubject: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] The cost of Provenge

There has been a lot of questions raised about the cost of Provenge ($93,000) for just 4 months increased survival. These numbers are very deceiving. I have tried to create a cost comparison between Taxotere and Provenge, if I calculated things correctly, the results are surprising. Comparison is at www.advancedprostat ecancer.net

-- T Nowak MA, MSWDirector for Advocacy and Advanced Prostate Cancer Programs, Malecare Inc. Men Fighting Cancer, TogetherSurvivor - Thyroid, Recurrent Prostate and Renal Cancerswww.advancedprostat ecancer.net - A blog about advanced and recurrent prostate cancer www.malecare. com - information and support about prostate cancerhttp://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ advancedprostate cancer/ - an online support group for men and their families diagnosed with advanced and recurrent prostate cancer

-- Emersonwww.flhw.orgEvery 2.25 minutes a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer.Every 19 minutes a man, dies from the disease.

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There are just two rules for this group 1 No Spam 2 Be kind to othersPlease recognise that Prostate Cancerhas different guises and needs different levels of treatment and in some cases no treatment at all. Some men even with all options offered chose radical options that you would not choose. We only ask that people be informed before choice is made, we cannot and should not tell other members what to do, other than look at other options. Try to delete old material that is no longer applying when clicking replyTry to change the title if the content requires it


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> I guess it is not possible to determine how to place a value on the

> worth of short term survival. I feel that a $93,000 cost would pretty

> much bankrupt my family. I would rather not deprive them to attain an

> additional 4 months to be with them.

The 4.1 months is the _median_ improvement of survival. As I

understand it, that means the median improvement over no meds at

all. Thus, there is an equal probability of a result being above

the median as there is of the result being below it.

As usual, there are no guarantees. We PCa patients all want

certainty and don't get it.

Frex, it is said that ADT will be effective for only 18 months.

But many men experience good results far beyond that so-called

" limit. "

As for QOL, I dunno and I suspect that no one does.

> each of us has to decide on their own values.

Too true.


Steve J

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Of course my situation different than yours since I have insurance that I hope will cover some of it by then and the longer I live the financially better my familiy if that happens will be better of.

Quality of life and curcumstances are extremely important.

Harry six months ago I felt the same as you and found I was extremely deppressed these guys here recognized and told me of the dpressive effects of Lupron among other things. I had to get help and I am a former psychotherapist. Do not be too proud to get a medicine for deppression-it will make the quality of your life better now. You might not be but I did it to make what Life I have was better and it is. I just could not get out of the whole I was in otherwise. These guys here helped to see that.

Best of Wishes,

Tom W.

To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Sat, May 22, 2010 5:49:45 PMSubject: Re: The cost of Provenge

I guess it is not possible to determine how to place a value on the worth of short term survival. I feel that a $93,000 cost would pretty much bankrupt my family. I would rather not deprive them to attain an additional 4 months to be with them. In addition, what quality of life would one receive during that extended period? If it means laying in a bed in pain and causing a tremendous burden to my wife and children, I pass to me it would not be worth it. Just my opinion. I try to eat right and exercise and do what I can to keep going. but as I said before, each of us has to decide on their own values.


THANKS..at Waukesha im Wisconsin..ONE RADIATION dose..which includes ultra sound..is 2500. EVERY ONE! So when you have to have 30 or 40...the cost is rather close. If the proton thing is a one time shot...or if that is the total. NO WAY...would I do either...for just 4 more months.. NO WAY AT ALL..for what???


From: Nowak <tnowakgmail (DOT) com>To: The Prostate Problems Mailing List <PROSTATElistserv (DOT) acor.org>; ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) comSent: Wed, May 19, 2010 11:43:21 AMSubject: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] The cost of Provenge

There has been a lot of questions raised about the cost of Provenge ($93,000) for just 4 months increased survival. These numbers are very deceiving. I have tried to create a cost comparison between Taxotere and Provenge, if I calculated things correctly, the results are surprising. Comparison is at www.advancedprostat ecancer.net

-- T Nowak MA, MSWDirector for Advocacy and Advanced Prostate Cancer Programs, Malecare Inc. Men Fighting Cancer, TogetherSurvivor - Thyroid, Recurrent Prostate and Renal Cancerswww.advancedprostat ecancer.net - A blog about advanced and recurrent prostate cancer www.malecare. com - information and support about prostate cancerhttp://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ advancedprostate cancer/ - an online support group for men and their families diagnosed with advanced and recurrent prostate cancer

-- Emersonwww.flhw.orgEvery 2.25 minutes a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer.Every 19 minutes a man, dies from the disease.

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There are just two rules for this group 1 No Spam 2 Be kind to othersPlease recognise that Prostate Cancerhas different guises and needs different levels of treatment and in some cases no treatment at all. Some men even with all options offered chose radical options that you would not choose. We only ask that people be informed before choice is made, we cannot and should not tell other members what to do, other than look at other options. Try to delete old material that is no longer applying when clicking replyTry to change the title if the content requires it


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It will most probably be covered by insurance the way

chemotherapy is for prostate cancer. Cost depending on how many treatments a

man get would most likely be similar.

If your doctor recommends chemo would you also not try chemo?

Based on what I have heard and read, the QOL issues are much more

minor than they are for chemo.




[mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of Harry


Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 6:50 PM

To: ProstateCancerSupport

Subject: Re: The cost of Provenge

I guess it is not possible to determine how to place a

value on the worth of short term survival. I feel that a $93,000 cost would

pretty much bankrupt my family. I would rather not deprive them to attain an

additional 4 months to be with them. In addition, what quality of life would

one receive during that extended period? If it means laying in a bed in pain

and causing a tremendous burden to my wife and children, I pass to me it

would not be worth it. Just my opinion. I try to eat right and exercise and

do what I can to keep going. but as I said before, each of us has to

decide on their own values.


THANKS..at Waukesha im

Wisconsin..ONE RADIATION dose..which includes ultra sound..is

2500. EVERY ONE! So when you have to have 30 or

40...the cost is rather close. If the proton thing is a one time

shot...or if that is the total. NO WAY...would I do either...for

just 4 more months.. NO WAY AT ALL..for what???


From: Nowak <tnowakgmail (DOT) com>

To: The Prostate Problems Mailing List <PROSTATElistserv (DOT) acor.org>; ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com

Sent: Wed, May 19, 2010 11:43:21 AM

Subject: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] The cost of Provenge

There has been a lot of questions

raised about the cost of Provenge ($93,000) for just 4 months increased

survival. These numbers are very deceiving. I have tried to

create a cost comparison between Taxotere and Provenge, if I calculated

things correctly, the results are surprising. Comparison is at www.advancedprostat



T Nowak MA, MSW

Director for Advocacy and Advanced Prostate Cancer Programs, Malecare


Men Fighting Cancer, Together

Survivor - Thyroid, Recurrent Prostate and Renal Cancers


ecancer.net - A blog about advanced and recurrent prostate cancer

www.malecare. com -

information and support about prostate cancer

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ advancedprostate

cancer/ - an online support group for men and their families diagnosed

with advanced and recurrent prostate cancer




Every 2.25 minutes a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Every 19 minutes a man, dies from the disease.

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are just two rules for this group

1 No Spam

2 Be kind to others

Please recognise that Prostate Cancerhas different guises and needs different

levels of treatment and in some cases no treatment at all. Some men even with

all options offered chose radical options that you would not choose. We only

ask that people be informed before choice is made, we cannot and should not

tell other members what to do, other than look at other options.

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THANKS for you views. It is very difficult to put a value on an extra four months...but regardless..I would not take that away from my families long term enhancements...! I've had many heart issues before the prostate issue..and my feelings won't change on my overview all quality of life view. If I can't walk out of the hospital after a procedure...then I don't need to ...just take me FEET FIRST! lol My having been born

on a farm...enhances my views on the quality of life. WE NEVER let an animal suffer....and when their USEFUL PART OF LIFE WAS FULFILLED....enough! And I feel the same..! HAPPY SUNDAY EVERYONE.

Just ended my 10th radiation treatment..and aside from having to get up to pee three times last nite..and a very burning and difficult start...my cranberry pills and cranberry juice is working. IT COULD BE WORSE...! Hope the SWEATS abate soon...as I'm still wearing a life vest for the heart issue..and wake up SOAKING WET..and having to pee.! BUT ..IT COULD BE WORSE...I keep telling myself that...!

Jim..Waukesha...hormone/external radiation treatment.! 6 mo shot..and 28 radiation treatments...73 yrs. old

To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Sat, May 22, 2010 6:12:27 PMSubject: Re: The cost of Provenge>> I guess it is not possible to determine how to place a value on the> worth of short term survival. I feel that a $93,000 cost would pretty> much bankrupt my family. I would rather not deprive them to attain an> additional 4 months to be with them.The 4.1 months is the _median_ improvement of survival. As I understand it, that means the median improvement over no meds at all. Thus, there is an equal probability of a result being above the median as there is of the result being below

it.As usual, there are no guarantees. We PCa patients all want certainty and don't get it.Frex, it is said that ADT will be effective for only 18 months. But many men experience good results far beyond that so-called "limit."As for QOL, I dunno and I suspect that no one does.> each of us has to decide on their own values.Too true.Regards,Steve J------------------------------------There are just two rules for this group 1 No Spam 2 Be kind to othersPlease recognise that Prostate Cancerhas different guises and needs different levels of treatment and in some cases no treatment at all. Some men even with all options offered chose radical options that you would not choose. We only ask that people be informed before choice is made, we cannot and should not tell other members what to do, other than look at other options. Try to delete old

material that is no longer applying when clicking replyTry to change the title if the content requires it

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EVERYONE"S situation is different. I'm 73....and have had a WONDERFUL LIFE...and have a wife..four children and 10 grandchildren...so ENJOY THEM EVERY DAY...as they all live within 10 miles. I UNDERSTAND...and though I would SURE want to spend all the time I could...I still would NOT OPT FOR THAT...as they will enjoy what they can do with the money..MUCH MORE THAN SEE MORE OF ME! Again..it is QUAlITY OF LIFE...and if I were feeling like I do now..MAYBE ..but not if I'm laying in some bed...ete..etc..! My father died when I was 20...FAST WITH A HEART ATTACK...a wonderful way to go. I'm 73..and VERY GRATEFUL..to have made it this far..as healthy as I am. SOOO HAPPY SUNDAY TO EVERYONE..it is going to be 80 in

Waukesha Wisconsin today...and wonderful for yard work..and working in the garden!


To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Sat, May 22, 2010 12:34:59 PMSubject: Re: The cost of Provenge

Thanks and absolutely!

Tom W.

PS Six weeks ago I would not have said that.

From: Emerson <davidemerson@ flhw.org>To: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) comSent: Sat, May 22, 2010 8:23:55 AMSubject: Re: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] The cost of Provenge

Jim H, when you say "....for just 4 more months. NO WAY AT ALL...for what?"Four months is the average, just a statistic. What if it's more? Like 6 or 8 months? What if it where a year?"For what?" you ask, I'm not sure where to begin my list? Being 47 and five years in to a pretty bad case of Stage 4 PCa there are a lot of things I could do with four months. Instead of wasting everyone's time with some sort of 'bucket list' how about this for an answer; four months with my wife and 13 year old son woudl be worth EVERY SINGLE PENNY! Ewww.flhw.org

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Jim Hoppe <jimmydaduck@ att.net> wrote:

THANKS..at Waukesha im Wisconsin..ONE RADIATION dose..which includes ultra sound..is 2500. EVERY ONE! So when you have to have 30 or 40...the cost is rather close. If the proton thing is a one time shot...or if that is the total. NO WAY...would I do either...for just 4 more months.. NO WAY AT ALL..for what???


From: Nowak <tnowakgmail (DOT) com>To: The Prostate Problems Mailing List <PROSTATElistserv (DOT) acor.org>; ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) comSent: Wed, May 19, 2010 11:43:21 AMSubject: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] The cost of Provenge

There has been a lot of questions raised about the cost of Provenge ($93,000) for just 4 months increased survival. These numbers are very deceiving. I have tried to create a cost comparison between Taxotere and Provenge, if I calculated things correctly, the results are surprising. Comparison is at www.advancedprostat ecancer.net

-- T Nowak MA, MSWDirector for Advocacy and Advanced Prostate Cancer Programs, Malecare Inc. Men Fighting Cancer, TogetherSurvivor - Thyroid, Recurrent Prostate and Renal Cancerswww.advancedprostat ecancer.net - A blog about advanced and recurrent prostate cancer www.malecare. com - information and support about prostate cancerhttp://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ advancedprostate cancer/ - an online support group for men and their families diagnosed with advanced and recurrent prostate cancer

-- Emersonwww.flhw.orgEvery 2.25 minutes a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer.Every 19 minutes a man, dies from the disease.

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There are just two rules for this group 1 No Spam 2 Be kind to othersPlease recognise that Prostate Cancerhas different guises and needs different levels of treatment and in some cases no treatment at all. Some men even with all options offered chose radical options that you would not choose. We only ask that people be informed before choice is made, we cannot and should not tell other members what to do, other than look at other options. Try to delete old material that is no longer applying when clicking replyTry to change the title if the content requires it


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Jim Hoppe wrote:


> Just ended my 10th radiation treatment..and aside from having

> to get up to pee three times last nite....


When I had that problem, getting up as much as seven times a

night, I started keeping a urinal by the bed, or just a big jar

with a tight fitting cap will do. I could sit up, urinate, put

the cap on and go right back to sleep with less disruption.

> ... Hope the SWEATS abate soon...

Having a fan in the room can help with that one. I had my Lupron

treatment over the winter, so it wasn't as bad. We just kept the

heat down low.

Good luck.


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THANK you..and if it gets worse...will have to do that. Thought about getting one of the hosptial type

of urinals..but so far so good..as long as it does not get worse. THANKS

To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Sun, May 23, 2010 10:40:46 PMSubject: Re: The cost of Provenge

Jim Hoppe wrote:...> Just ended my 10th radiation treatment..and aside from having> to get up to pee three times last nite....Jim,When I had that problem, getting up as much as seven times anight, I started keeping a urinal by the bed, or just a big jarwith a tight fitting cap will do. I could sit up, urinate, putthe cap on and go right back to sleep with less disruption.> ... Hope the SWEATS abate soon...Having a fan in the room can help with that one. I had my Luprontreatment over the winter, so it wasn't as bad. We just kept theheat down low.Good luck.Alan

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