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Re: ProEfa vs. Efalex

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Hi Pam!

Great question -and I'm positive that soon we will all know the

answer why ProEFA works better for most of our children on a much

lower dosage than Efalex. We don't know much about comparing ProEFA

to Eye Q because too few have tried both. As a mom who has tried

many -I encourage all to try different formulas -as long as they are

from reputable companies. Like many of us you will find that

ProEFA for whatever reason is the best...so far. The best formula

isn't invented yet and I certainly complain enough to Nordic

Naturals and on this grouplist enough that you would believe someone

would make a formula like ProEFA -but with " extra " EPA so those of

us upping the EPA don't have to keep playing the home chemist and

mixing the oils.

Efalex is the first one and I love and want to build a small shrine

in my front yard to Efalex and Dr. Stordy (

http://www.drstordy.com/stories.html is Tanner's story) for how much

Efalex almost overnight completely changed/helped Tanner -and for

Dr. Stordy working with dyspraxic children which must have leaked to

apraxic parents somehow even though back then it wasn't talked about

much. For whatever reason however -when I " tried " the one a day

ProEFA -in one week Tanner had a surge, said the " K " sound for the

first time which we were working on for over a year -and starting

saying long stories for the first time ever!! You can hear Tanner

right after ProEFA at http://www.debtsmart.com/talk under Tanner

(need to update that! ?!!)

In our original group from the NJ CHERAB support group which

outreached even at the beginning to families even 6 to 10 hours away

in surrounding states -and then ECHO of Canada did the same - almost

all of the children were on Efalex -and all that switched to ProEFA

had the same results -more dramatic on much less. Makes no sense I

know! I suspect in research we will learn that it's the higher EPA

in ProEFA that makes it a better formula than Efalex.

In adding extra EPA to the ProEFA -you do want to be careful not to

raise the EPA too high or like me and others you will witness a

slight regression. Like most things with EFAs -the regression is

only temporary until you get the correct formula of EFAs again.

After about a year (I posted when I started Tanner and it's up at

the CHERAB (index) http://www.apraxia.cc and you can (search)

http://www.speechville.com sites) I found a 2 ProEFA to 1 ProEPA to

be the best for my boys. So that would be 1 ProEFA to only 1/2

ProEPA for most of you. I found the one to one ratio of the two was

too high in EPA.

Anyway -you can purchase the Efalex at GNC. If you want to get

techy and know for sure -stop the ProEFA/ProEPA and give it a few

weeks -then start the 3 -6 capsules a day of Efalex and give it a

few months -then stop the Efalex -give it a few weeks and start the

1 a day of ProEFA alone even and tell us what you see (or should I

say hear?)

As far as research for ProEFA -Nordic is a small company and fish

oil in itself isn't exactly something big money pharmaceuticals are

looking to research just to let us know the obvious -that it's good

for us -they are doing their own thing in making Omega 3/6 to add to

foods or use in drugs with other marine research going on right now

all over the world http://www.esf.org/publication/127/biotech.pdf

Here is the catch 22 as well -The governments can't recommend at

this point to increase fish intake due to polluted mercury fish out

there in fresh and salt waters, as you know they did the opposite -

and on the other hand... they are not going to recommend supplements

even though mercury binds to protein (the muscle of the fish) and

can't be in the fish oil because fish oil is not manufactured and

sold to the public (yet?) by FDA approved companies -and if they

even suggest it -too many rancid unregulated untested fish oils out

there to count...just browse your local supermarket buy some take

home and whiff. You (again) need to make sure you only use good

oils from reputable companies. So what does that mean for research

for ProEFA? Unless someone out there is wealthy enough to give at

least a couple hundred thousand to get research started it's not

going to happen. But it may...

I know that Caroline in our group who posted about Dr. Ming who runs

the Autism Center out of UMDNJ and is a pediatric neurologist MD PhD

believes with some of the other MDs there that it's the ProEFA that

helped Caroline's daughter's myelin go to normal - and I know that

the autism center is interested in research (fingers crossed they

include -and mention-apraxia too) -probably exploring the myelin

aspect. I know that University of Arizona gave 250K (yay UA)

towards expanding ProEFA research from just a planned 30 autistic

children study to one that is broader based and included apraxic

children too based on reports of an MD father of an autistic child

and an SLP's full caseload out there. And I know that Dr. Chez -the

pediatric neurologist behind carnosine is interested in this

research as well.

You will find numerous articles at http://www.equazen.com which is

not for efalex either -it's for EyeQ. Also if your child has

anxiety disorder you could contact Stoll MD or read his book-

The Omega 3 Connection -he works with those that have psychological

disorders and did research with EFAs. His book is wonderful -

unfortunately the formula he promotes is a pure Omega 3 which is

what we found doesn't work for most our children -again " for some

reason " Why? Let's hope we all find out soon -and help bring all

our children a voice!!

Let us know how your personal anecdotal testing goes!


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Hi Pam,

I know there was a section in Dr. STordy's book that mentioned using

Ritalin with EFAs. I know it is a different drug but I would

certainly mention it to his Dr.

I know some people use EFAs for depression and I believe I have seen

some articles on that as well.

I am no expert but I definitely think it is something you need to

discuss with his Dr.

Just a thought.

> Quick question..

> We are now putting (12 yrs) on meds. maybe zolof. for his

> anxiety. Dr. appt. in a couple of weeks. He can't funtion even in


> places due to the anxiety.

> Will this make a difference in which oils I use?

> Any info. that anyone can give me would be of great help.

> Thank you,

> Pam

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