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Re: Need some feedback

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Although I had IMRT as opposed to brachy, I spent 4-5 months in

the state you describe. All I can say is that time is on your side. My

extraordinary pain has finally subsided. I have some lingering effects,

probably from a botched TUMT, but the razor blades in my urine seem, thank God,

to be a thing of the past. Ditto the spasms.

Good luck from another Chicago guy,

Tom Lauterback



[mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of Munoz

Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 8:48 AM

To: ProstateCancerSupport

Subject: Need some feedback

Hi all -

Had Brachytherapy procedure completed on Jan. 7th (13 days

ago). First week I had mild pains and discomforts as expected but was able to

work. This Tuesday I quit work early due to increased issues with

sitting and inability to urinate without extreme pain and delays. My urine came

out in dribbles for 5 seconds with a 10-15 second burst of pain. I can only

describe it as a spasm or tightening feeling under the penis and scrotum.

Veeeery Painful. Last night I slept well but would wake every 1-2 hours to

urinate. This time it was worse, no urine!!! I had a soft erection and unitl it

completed subsided, no urine would come out. After 5 minutes drips started to

flow with the on and off spasm. Took 10-15 minutes to completed

urinate, I could hardly stand up. For the love of God, this was torture every


As far as the medical advice I received......I went to see

my doctor right after work on Tuesday and was prescribed antibiotics

(although no infection was detected in the urine), was told to stay aways

from the obvious coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, spicy foods, etc. He also

said to take warm baths. Yesterday I called the Chicago Prostate

Center, where the procedure was done, and was told to take Advil twice a day to

reduce swelling (at this point I fell like taking the whole bottle). During the

day I urinate OK, first dribbles then a stream. Still have the spasm and still

takes a while.

What should I do? I need to work but I also feel much

discomfort sitting down, I have a desk job. I also hate to take 10-15 minutes

bathroom breaks. Anyone been through this? Any advice from my fellow Mentors?


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Tom- thanks so much for your feedback. I really can't see myself going through this for months. I've got a message into my Urologist to see of there is anything he can prescribe. Again, thanks so much, at least I know I'm not the only one going through this. Sent from my iPhone


Although I had IMRT as opposed to brachy, I spent 4-5 months in

the state you describe. All I can say is that time is on your side. My

extraordinary pain has finally subsided. I have some lingering effects,

probably from a botched TUMT, but the razor blades in my urine seem, thank God,

to be a thing of the past. Ditto the spasms.

Good luck from another Chicago guy,

Tom Lauterback



[mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of Munoz

Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 8:48 AM

To: ProstateCancerSupport

Subject: Need some feedback

Hi all -

Had Brachytherapy procedure completed on Jan. 7th (13 days

ago). First week I had mild pains and discomforts as expected but was able to

work. This Tuesday I quit work early due to increased issues with

sitting and inability to urinate without extreme pain and delays. My urine came

out in dribbles for 5 seconds with a 10-15 second burst of pain. I can only

describe it as a spasm or tightening feeling under the penis and scrotum.

Veeeery Painful. Last night I slept well but would wake every 1-2 hours to

urinate. This time it was worse, no urine!!! I had a soft erection and unitl it

completed subsided, no urine would come out. After 5 minutes drips started to

flow with the on and off spasm. Took 10-15 minutes to completed

urinate, I could hardly stand up. For the love of God, this was torture every


As far as the medical advice I received......I went to see

my doctor right after work on Tuesday and was prescribed antibiotics

(although no infection was detected in the urine), was told to stay aways

from the obvious coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, spicy foods, etc. He also

said to take warm baths. Yesterday I called the Chicago Prostate

Center, where the procedure was done, and was told to take Advil twice a day to

reduce swelling (at this point I fell like taking the whole bottle). During the

day I urinate OK, first dribbles then a stream. Still have the spasm and still

takes a while.

What should I do? I need to work but I also feel much

discomfort sitting down, I have a desk job. I also hate to take 10-15 minutes

bathroom breaks. Anyone been through this? Any advice from my fellow Mentors?


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No, far from it. Re: prescriptions (self & otherwise): I've

done belladonna & opium suppositories, Vikodin, Oxycodone, Tramadol, prescription

strength Motrin, and enough over the counter painkillers and sleeping aids to

choke a horse. But the only thing that really worked was time.

Tom Lauterback



[mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of Munoz

Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 10:57 AM

To: ProstateCancerSupport

Subject: Re: Need some feedback

Tom- thanks so much for your feedback. I really can't see myself going through

this for months. I've got a message into my Urologist to see of there is

anything he can prescribe.

Again, thanks so much, at least I know I'm not the only one

going through this.

Sent from my iPhone


Although I had IMRT as opposed to

brachy, I spent 4-5 months in the state you describe. All I can say is that

time is on your side. My extraordinary pain has finally subsided. I have some

lingering effects, probably from a botched TUMT, but the razor blades in my

urine seem, thank God, to be a thing of the past. Ditto the spasms.

Good luck from another Chicago guy,

Tom Lauterback


ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ]

On Behalf Of Munoz

Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 8:48 AM

To: ProstateCancerSupport

Subject: Need some feedback


all -

Had Brachytherapy procedure completed on Jan. 7th (13 days

ago). First week I had mild pains and discomforts as expected but was able to

work. This Tuesday I quit work early due to increased issues with

sitting and inability to urinate without extreme pain and delays. My urine came

out in dribbles for 5 seconds with a 10-15 second burst of pain. I can only

describe it as a spasm or tightening feeling under the penis and scrotum.

Veeeery Painful. Last night I slept well but would wake every 1-2 hours to

urinate. This time it was worse, no urine!!! I had a soft erection and unitl it

completed subsided, no urine would come out. After 5 minutes drips started to

flow with the on and off spasm. Took 10-15 minutes to completed

urinate, I could hardly stand up. For the love of God, this was torture every


As far as the medical advice I received......I went to see

my doctor right after work on Tuesday and was prescribed antibiotics

(although no infection was detected in the urine), was told to stay aways

from the obvious coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, spicy foods, etc. He also

said to take warm baths. Yesterday I called the Chicago

Prostate Center, where the procedure was done, and was told to take Advil twice

a day to reduce swelling (at this point I fell like taking the whole bottle).

During the day I urinate OK, first dribbles then a stream. Still have the spasm

and still takes a while.

What should I do? I need to work but I also feel much

discomfort sitting down, I have a desk job. I also hate to take 10-15 minutes

bathroom breaks. Anyone been through this? Any advice from my fellow Mentors?


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  Munoz wrote:

> Had Brachytherapy procedure completed on Jan. 7th (13 days

> ago). First week I had mild pains and discomforts as expected

> but was able to work. This Tuesday I quit work early due to

> increased issues with sitting and inability to urinate without

> extreme pain and delays. My urine came out in dribbles for 5

> seconds with a 10-15 second burst of pain. I can only describe

> it as a spasm or tightening feeling under the penis and

> scrotum. Veeeery Painful. Last night I slept well but would

> wake every 1-2 hours to urinate. This time it was worse, no

> urine!!! I had a soft erection and unitl it completed subsided,

> no urine would come out. After 5 minutes drips started to flow

> with the on and off spasm. Took 10-15 minutes to completed

> urinate, I could hardly stand up. For the love of God, this was

> torture every time,



I had very similar symptoms after HDR brachytherapy.  The

greatest relief I had came from a prescription drug called

" Flomax " .  I could hardly urinate at all without it.

Even with the drug I got up every hour or so during the night for

about 6 weeks.  After that, it got gradually better.  By about 5

months, I was completely off the drug and back to normal.


> As far as the medical advice I received......I went to see my

> doctor right after work on Tuesday and was prescribed

> antibiotics (although no infection was detected in the urine),

It's clear that the problem was associated with radiation, not

infection.  Radiation causes the prostate to swell.  The urethra

runs right through the prostate and the swollen prostate clamps

it shut, causing the problem.  This is a common problem for a

great many radiation patients.  Fortunately, the swelling does

eventually come down.

Your general practitioner may not know anything at all about

radiation but your radiation oncologist will know about this.  I

would call the doctor's office ASAP and ask about 1) phoning in a

prescription to your nearest pharmacy for Flomax or an equivalent

drug (there may be a generic equivalent), and 2) immediately

discontinuing the antibiotic.  The Flomax could start helping

within hours of taking the first dose.

Flomax can cause a drop in blood pressure until you get used to

it.  I was dizzy for several days the first time I took it.  Be

prepared for that and don't drive your car if it happens to you.

> was told to stay aways from the obvious coffee, alcohol,

> carbonated drinks, spicy foods, etc. He also said to take warm

> baths.  Yesterday I called the Chicago Prostate Center , where

> the procedure was done, and was told to take Advil twice a day

> to reduce swelling (at this point I fell like taking the whole

> bottle). During the day I urinate OK, first dribbles then a

> stream. Still have the spasm and still takes a while.

I am really surprised that they didn't mention Flomax.  I know a

lot of radiation patients have taken it.

Best of luck.


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Alan-Thanks so much for your feedback. My aplogies for failing to mention that Flomax was indeed prescribed from day one after the Bracy procedure, as was Cipro and Medral. I am only currently taking the Cipro, Flomax and Aleve. I have been taking Flomax once a day after dinner. Could you tell me what was your dosage for Flomax and what times you took it?? Did it work in releaving your pain? Were you able to work as normal?Thanks again!Sent from my iPhone

Munoz <bancsoft1> wrote:

> Had Brachytherapy procedure completed on Jan. 7th (13 days

> ago). First week I had mild pains and discomforts as expected

> but was able to work. This Tuesday I quit work early due to

> increased issues with sitting and inability to urinate without

> extreme pain and delays. My urine came out in dribbles for 5

> seconds with a 10-15 second burst of pain. I can only describe

> it as a spasm or tightening feeling under the penis and

> scrotum. Veeeery Painful. Last night I slept well but would

> wake every 1-2 hours to urinate. This time it was worse, no

> urine!!! I had a soft erection and unitl it completed subsided,

> no urine would come out. After 5 minutes drips started to flow

> with the on and off spasm. Took 10-15 minutes to completed

> urinate, I could hardly stand up. For the love of God, this was

> torture every time,



I had very similar symptoms after HDR brachytherapy. The

greatest relief I had came from a prescription drug called

"Flomax". I could hardly urinate at all without it.

Even with the drug I got up every hour or so during the night for

about 6 weeks. After that, it got gradually better. By about 5

months, I was completely off the drug and back to normal.

> As far as the medical advice I received......I went to see my

> doctor right after work on Tuesday and was prescribed

> antibiotics (although no infection was detected in the urine),

It's clear that the problem was associated with radiation, not

infection. Radiation causes the prostate to swell. The urethra

runs right through the prostate and the swollen prostate clamps

it shut, causing the problem. This is a common problem for a

great many radiation patients. Fortunately, the swelling does

eventually come down.

Your general practitioner may not know anything at all about

radiation but your radiation oncologist will know about this. I

would call the doctor's office ASAP and ask about 1) phoning in a

prescription to your nearest pharmacy for Flomax or an equivalent

drug (there may be a generic equivalent), and 2) immediately

discontinuing the antibiotic. The Flomax could start helping

within hours of taking the first dose.

Flomax can cause a drop in blood pressure until you get used to

it. I was dizzy for several days the first time I took it. Be

prepared for that and don't drive your car if it happens to you.

> was told to stay aways from the obvious coffee, alcohol,

> carbonated drinks, spicy foods, etc. He also said to take warm

> baths. Yesterday I called the Chicago Prostate Center , where

> the procedure was done, and was told to take Advil twice a day

> to reduce swelling (at this point I fell like taking the whole

> bottle). During the day I urinate OK, first dribbles then a

> stream. Still have the spasm and still takes a while.

I am really surprised that they didn't mention Flomax. I know a

lot of radiation patients have taken it.

Best of luck.


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Several of the men in my local support group had urinary problems after


With surgery, the most-common problem is incontinence. With brachy, the most

common problem seems to be urine retention and/or urinary stricture.

This isn't rocket science -- the brachy causes inflammation and swelling of the

prostate, and the swollen prostate clamps down around the urethra, and the urine

can't get out of the bladder.

It sounds like you have a partial stricture now. A _complete_ stricture is

life-threatening -- it'll mean a trip to the ER.

My suggestion:

If you haven't learned how to self-catheterize, _do it now_ !!!! If there's a

local bladder clinic, they'll train you. It's part of the standard after-care

for brachy in one of our local clinics.

[The usual disclaimers -- I'm not medically trained, get medical advice, etc.]


> Hi all -


> Had Brachytherapy procedure completed on Jan. 7th (13 days ago). First week I

had mild pains and discomforts as expected but was able to work. This Tuesday I

quit work early due to increased issues with sitting and inability to urinate

without extreme pain and delays. My urine came out in dribbles for 5 seconds

with a 10-15 second burst of pain. I can only describe it as a spasm or

tightening feeling under the penis and scrotum. Veeeery Painful. Last night I

slept well but would wake every 1-2 hours to urinate. This time it was worse, no

urine!!! I had a soft erection and unitl it completed subsided, no urine would

come out. After 5 minutes drips started to flow with the on and off spasm. Took

10-15 minutes to completed urinate, I could hardly stand up. For the love of

God, this was torture every time,


> As far as the medical advice I received......I went to see my doctor right

after work on Tuesday and was prescribed antibiotics (although no infection was

detected in the urine), was told to stay aways from the obvious coffee, alcohol,

carbonated drinks, spicy foods, etc. He also said to take warm baths.  Yesterday

I called the Chicago Prostate Center, where the procedure was done, and was told

to take Advil twice a day to reduce swelling (at this point I fell like taking

the whole bottle). During the day I urinate OK, first dribbles then a stream.

Still have the spasm and still takes a while.


> What should I do? I need to work but I also feel much discomfort sitting down,

I have a desk job. I also hate to take 10-15 minutes bathroom breaks. Anyone

been through this? Any advice from my fellow Mentors?


> Thanks



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Thanks -

I appreciate your feedback. Will be visiting my doctor again this AM and will bring up this suggestion. I had a the same issues last night.

To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Thu, January 21, 2010 11:45:41 PMSubject: Re: Need some feedback

FWIW --Several of the men in my local support group had urinary problems after brachytherapy.With surgery, the most-common problem is incontinence. With brachy, the most common problem seems to be urine retention and/or urinary stricture.This isn't rocket science -- the brachy causes inflammation and swelling of the prostate, and the swollen prostate clamps down around the urethra, and the urine can't get out of the bladder.It sounds like you have a partial stricture now. A _complete_ stricture is life-threatening -- it'll mean a trip to the ER.My suggestion:If you haven't learned how to self-catheterize, _do it now_ !!!! If there's a local bladder clinic, they'll train you. It's part of the standard after-care for brachy in one of our local clinics.[The usual disclaimers -- I'm not medically trained, get medical advice, etc.]>> Hi all - > > Had Brachytherapy procedure completed on Jan. 7th (13 days ago). First week I had mild pains and discomforts as expected but was able to work. This Tuesday I quit work early due to increased issues with sitting and inability to urinate without extreme pain and delays. My urine came out in dribbles for 5 seconds with a 10-15 second burst of pain. I can only describe it as a spasm or tightening feeling under the penis and scrotum. Veeeery Painful. Last night I slept well but would wake every 1-2 hours to urinate. This time it was worse, no urine!!! I had a soft erection and unitl it completed subsided, no urine would come out. After 5 minutes drips started to flow with the on

and off spasm. Took 10-15 minutes to completed urinate, I could hardly stand up. For the love of God, this was torture every time,> > As far as the medical advice I received.... ..I went to see my doctor right after work on Tuesday and was prescribed antibioti cs (although no infection was detected in the urine), was told to stay aways from the obvious coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, spicy foods, etc. He also said to take warm baths. Yesterday I called the Chicago Prostate Center, where the procedure was done, and was told to take Advil twice a day to reduce swelling (at this point I fell like taking the whole bottle). During the day I urinate OK, first dribbles then a stream. Still have the spasm and still takes a while. > > What should I do? I need to work but I also feel much discomfort sitting down, I have a desk job. I also hate to take 10-15 minutes bathroom breaks.

Anyone been through this? Any advice from my fellow Mentors? > > Thanks> >

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Munoz wrote:

> Alan-


> Thanks so much for your feedback. My aplogies for failing to

> mention that Flomax was indeed prescribed from day one after

> the Bracy procedure, as was Cipro and Medral. I am only

> currently taking the Cipro, Flomax and Aleve. I have been

> taking Flomax once a day after dinner. Could you tell me what

> was your dosage for Flomax and what times you took it?? Did it

> work in releaving your pain? Were you able to work as normal?

Hello .

I was taking two Flomax capsules a day. I don't remember the

dosage. Does 25 mg per capsule sound right?

There was a significant difference for me between one and two

capsules. When I tried going down to one I couldn't do it. It

became too difficult to urinate. Around 12 or 15 weeks after the

procedure, I finally managed to cut down to one a day. Then

eventually I cut down to one every two days, then finally quit


As for pain, my experience may have been different from yours.

The pain that I experienced seemed to me to be related to

over fullness of the bladder and inability to urinate. It was

pretty upsetting and extremely uncomfortable, but urination

itself was not painful for me. That was a relief. So the

discomfort I had was indeed treated successfully by Flomax.

The radiation oncologist offered to give me a catheter to relieve

the pressure but I didn't want that and put up with the problem

since the Flomax kept it from being unbearable. However,

self-catheterization may be another approach to relieving

discomfort if you need it.

I did work as normal throughout the whole time. I just went to

bathroom frequently. I also kept a jar in my office and one in

my car so that if I couldn't make it to a bathroom (or the

janitors were cleaning it) I could close my office door or pull

off the road and relieve myself.


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