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Yana Updates #2 February 2010

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I have managed to deal with my backlog but it seems

that some submissions may have gone astray in cyberspace over the last few

weeks. This happens from time to time and I have not been able to establish precisely

what causes it to happen. It seems to be something to do with anti-Spam

programs. So if anyone has sent in material that I have not acknowledged can

they please e-mail me to let me know.



RICHARD CROSS posts as a Gold Two Star member, having been diagnosed in 1998

when he chose Active Surveillance and life style changes


STU CRAWFORD chose RP (Radical Prostatectomy) and had adjuvant EBRT (External

Beam Radiation Treatment) but now has problems with bladder stones. He lost his wife recently to liver cancer with

no warning


THOTA REDDY diagnosed with a GS6 tumour and a PSA of 8.1 has had ADT (Androgen

Deprivation Therapy) – Orchiectomy on the basis of a suspicion for




FRANK P chose CyberKnife® and had his fiducials placed

earlier this month


TOM C is happy with his brachytherapy decision and the



JOHN FARROW although his PSA was only 5.0 at diagnosis in

2002, his GS was 8 and he was staged T3 or T4 and his ADT (Androgen Deprivation

Therapy)/EBRT (External Beam Radiation Therapy) failed he is now on a trial


CHARLES CORYN twelve months after PBT (Proton Beam Therapy)

at ville

he has no side effects and is happy with his choice


CHARLES BLAKELY thirteen months after RALP (Robotic

Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy) still has some ED issues and slight



AL CALKINS twelve months after IMRT (Intensity Modulated

Radiation Therapy) with adjuvant ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) bowel and

urinary issues are almost resolved but still has hot flashes


STEVE JENNINGS almost twelve months after his RALP (Robotic

Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy) his ED issues are still improving


JEFF NOVAK has decided on PBT (Proton Beam Therapy) at Loma


RICHARD LEE had his RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic

Prostatectomy) but had positive margins and starts EBRT (External Beam

Radiation Therapy) in three months


GARY POWELL two years after RALP (Robotic Assisted

Laparoscopic Prostatectomy) and still has some ED issues


GREG B twelve months after RP (Radical Prostatectomy) ED issues are

still slowly improving


RON T sings the

praises for HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) despite an increase in PSA

having stopped buying Cialis


BOB B had RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic

Prostatectomy) for his GS 8 tumour and is now waiting for his PSA


JOHN FISHER twelve months after RALP (Robotic Assisted

Laparoscopic Prostatectomy) all’s well and he hardly ever uses Levitra


GREGORY WILLIAMS concerned about a rise in his PSA after

intermittent adjuvant ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) following EBRT

(External Beam Radiation Therapy) for failed RALP (Robotic Assisted

Laparoscopic Prostatectomy)


LEE PULLEN two years after RALP (Robotic Assisted

Laparoscopic Prostatectomy) not only is all well, but something are better

– no more trips to the bathroom at nights


BUCK DEAN another satisfied customer after his PBT (Proton

Beam Therapy) at ville

with no problems


TOM TESCHER two years after his RALP (Robotic Assisted

Laparoscopic Surgery) his PSA is undetectable – had some ED problems


KEN TESCHER eighteen months after his RALP (Robotic

Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery) – no problems reported (and yes, they are



BOB WOOD not sure if his latest PSA is a post EBRT (External

Beam Radiation Treatment) “bump” or a sign that he is up the creek

without a paddle


PAT INGLESE another very satisfied HIFU (High Intensity

Focused Ultrasound) man – undetectable PSA and no side effects

All the best

Terry Herbert

I have no medical qualifications but I was diagnosed

in ‘96: and have learned a bit since then.

My sites are at www.yananow.net and www.prostatecancerwatchfulwaiting.co.za


“Snuffy” Myers : " As a physician, I am painfully aware that most of the decisions

we make with regard to prostate cancer are made with inadequate data "

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