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Comparing ethnicity, CaP treatment choice and mortality

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In the Journal of Clinical Oncology, a group of

investigators use the CaPSURE database to investigate the association

of pretreatment clinical factors with treatment choice, by ethnicity.

CaPSURE is a primarily community based dataset of more than 13,000 men

with biopsy-proven prostate cancer (CaP). The hypothesis was that

pretreatment clinical factors could predict variation in treatment

between African-American (AA) men, Caucasian men, and men of other

ethnicities and that this variation may explain the differences in

CaP-specific mortality....Click on the below link for the full story:<http://www.urotoday.com/61/browse_categories/prostate_cancer/editorial__impact_of_ethnicity_on_primary_treatment_choice_and_mortality_in_men_with_prostate_cancer_data_from_capsure02152010.html>This adult group encourages our group members to post their own

messages about any male health or medical topics concerning them. To

keep us focused, messages are subject to editing for brevity and

civility. Thnx for your participation and


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