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Re: bracytherapy?

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If you go to http://www.yananow.net/Experiences.html#brachy

you will find the stories of about 40 men who chose BT (Brachytherapy) as their

treatment. you can contact most of them for additional information.

You might also be interested in reading

this piece discussing a new study comparing QOL (Quality Of Life) issues http://tinyurl.com/QOL2010Info

All the best

Prostate men need enlightening, not



Herbert - diagnosed in 1996 and

still going strong

Read A Strange Place for unbiased information at http://www.yananow.net/StrangePlace/index.html

From: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of VH

Sent: Tuesday, 6 April 2010 4:55


To: ProstateCancerSupport



Hi guys,

I am considering getting brachytherapy, which has been recommended to

me by 2 different doctors. If you have had this therapy, I would greatly

appreciate hearing how it's worked for you.



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I read the article and it was interesting

except for the fact that it dealt only with men that were stage T1c and lower.

It should have also included the watchful waiting and ADT treatments too since

they are valid options for the low risk patients too. T1c is low

risk and a lot of the procedures are done to placate the “I want it out”

mentality. Brachytherapy is actually not recommended for higher risk



If you go to http://www.yananow.net/Experiences.html#brachy

you will find the stories of about 40 men who chose BT (Brachytherapy) as their

treatment. you can contact most of them for additional information.

You might also be interested in reading this piece discussing a new

study comparing QOL (Quality Of Life) issues http://tinyurl.com/QOL2010Info

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Larry Helber wrote:

> ... Brachytherapy is actually not recommended for higher risk

> patients.

Let me qualify that and say that, when used with higher risk

patients, it's often combined with external beam radiation and/or

hormone therapy.

External beam radiation can treat the area around the prostate,

as well as the prostate itself.


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On 4/5/10, Alan replied to Larry:

> External beam radiation can treat the area around the prostate,

> as well as the prostate itself.


But it must be understood that that is *local* tx (treatment).

It will have no effect at all upon any metastases. And those mets

may be undetectable by current technology.

Moreover, the PCa may be “systemic†which is outside the gland

but not (yet) nested in a bone or organ.

Be warned.


Steve J


> Alan



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