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My trip to Israel

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So, after many bumps along the way.. I am home.

I can't say it was an easy trip to Israel but it was gratifying,

amazing and I had a WONDERFUL time.

My grandma had a nasty fall in Dec. and due to SCD I was able to

consider going to visit and comfort her. I can't express what an

accomplishment this is for me. A GIFT!

Due to my experience with the Israeli embassy here in NYC before my

trip (all my snacks thrown out) I was super prepared at the airport

and all those hours traveling. People on the lists and groups gave me

such incredible advice that I am just humbled and indebted for all of

the help and support.

I had more than enough food and I didn't go hungry and I didn't feel

sick at all! My husband and I made;

simple chicken (from soup) took it off the bone, put it in a double

ziploc bag

3 rib eye steaks that I grilled and broiled and diced it cutting away

all the fat and I put that into a double Ziploc

I made zucchini and carrot sticks

took some apples and oranges (flight attendant peeled apple for me,

she was more than helpful)

some peppermint tea bags (asked for hot water on flight)

My cold packs in my cold lunch box weren't chucked as I had a note

from my GI. I was prepared for them to be tossed so, I froze some

extra chicken and I took frozen peas to keep everything cold. Plus, I

took empty ziplocs in case all of those things would be confiscated so

I could ask a flight attendant to fill up ziplocs with ice. Didn't

have to do that though. :)

My first bump along the way is that I didn't purchase water in the

terminal before I boarded the flight (Upon my return my mother in law

was so worried that she gave me an empty bottle so that if for any

reason I couldn't get water in the terminal I could ask the flight

attendant to fill it up for me, which I thought was a great

suggestion.) Due to me not really drinking enough I got a little

dehydrated. I didn't realize this until the 2nd day I was in israel.

I slept on the flight and I felt totally fine when I arrived. Which

is a miracle (haven't felt ok from a flight in like 15 years, let

alone a 10 hr flight!)

I was very hungry when I got to my in-laws house up in the North at

around noon. My mother in law had made eggplant for me and some chicken.

I shouldn't of had the eggplant salad. I eat it on rare occasion at

home without the skin (which is how she made it.. but still it's quite

a no-no for me. Since, I can only eat it if I am feeling REALLY good)

I just didn't want to hurt her feelings (later she told me she won't

get offended if I don't eat something she makes. I know I made a

mistake and I shouldn't feel guilty or bad.. but what can I say I

inhabit this human body and I have issues with being strong sometimes)

When I arrived I didn't have a BM which is RARE for me, I attributed

it to holding in some gas on the plane, not drinking enough and the

time zone changes. So during that night, after I had the eggplant

salad I started having INSANE pain and I couldn't go to the bathroom

AT ALL! (which always gives me some relief) I was so angry at myself

for flying as I thought I wasn't ready or I pushed myself too much.

Maybe I did. I still don't know. But, I woke up in the morning and

my mother in law saw I was totally pale white and she was worried.

She made me simple chicken soup with carrots. So, that first whole

day I was there I just had some broth and went to sleep and woke up at

3pm. I couldn't eat but, I felt totally ok and I was able to go visit

my family near Tel-Aviv. I cannot explain how amazing this is that I

was able to function!! Usually an episode like this would make me

bedridden for weeks and if I didn't kick it I would end up on prednisone.

Anyway, I was able to eat some chicken from the soup that next morning

and I had a small piece of lamb later that day. After that day I was

able to eat and be totally normal for the rest of my trip. I had more

than enough energy (I actually helped my grandma clean some of her

closets out without getting tired! I saw family and friends.. drove

all over and I was totally happy and FULL of vitality) it was just

incredible! OMG I am so encouraged by this experience I cannot

express it in words.

Upon returning home I brought the same menu/protocol with me and it

worked out beautifully! My mistake coming home was that the next day I

took the Lyosan Probiotic from Lucy's which I didn't take during my

trip for about 9 days in total. This totally set me back. Couldn't

eat and drink for 2 days. This time though I got a good receipe for

an SCD electrolyte drink mix and today I am feeling so so so much better.

So there is the saga. I actually went to the store in Bnei-Brak with

my husband and father. If I had time I would of gone to Jerusalem but

that is a different story. My family was so happy with how I was

talking about my health (first time in 10 years) and how good I am

looking that we decided to visit the store so I can get the books in

Hebrew along with some SCD approved foods. I must say (and I can say

this since I am Jewish moreover, some of my family is orthodox that

this visit to Bnei-Brak was extremely upsetting. The store is in an

Ultra-Orthodox community and the owners/employees are all

Ultra-Orthodox. Since, this is the case and I was wearing pants and a

colorful sweater and my husband and father didn't have a yameka on

they TOTALLY ignored me and my questions. It didn't occur to us to

dress differently AT ALL! But, being that I was already there- I was

pushy and asked my questions anyway. I purchased two BTVC books in

Hebrew (which is an interesting discussion in itself since the Hebrew

translation has many differences than the English version. I

attribute this to making the diet accessible to life in Israel and

outfitting it to be Kosher.)

The store had the following items from what I could tell but this is

with the ZILCH/NADA/NO help I got. So what I am saying is they might

have more items. From what I saw, they had " SCD yogurt " ready made in

the fridge. I am unsure who makes it. No DCCC. She told me that

people drip that yogurt and that is the cheese. They had almond flour

(didn't answer my questions as to who makes it) they had raw nuts, nut

butters (israeli made) with no additives although I do not know how

Israeli labeling laws work. I wanted to ask about a probiotic that is

SCD legal because my 13 month old niece who lives in Israel is having

chronic ear infections and is on antibiotics over and over that cause

her green watery BM her developement has totally been impeded and she

doesn't really stand anymore (3 weeks ago she was). The probiotic

they give her has 5 different bacterias in it including, tapioca

starch, lactose, corn starch, sucrose and a whole bunch of other

things that just broke my heart. So I wanted to find a good source of

a probiotic for the baby that they can buy in Israel. I still need to

look into this.

My suggestion is if going to Bnie Brak and if you want attention (and

I can't know if this will work for sure. Women should wear long

sleeve shirt and long skirt and men should put on a yameka) My father

said they still won't be helpful but I think sometimes there are nice

people that go by a different moral code despite their religious

belief system and help fellow humans especially those with chronic

illness- But, since they are the only store in central Israel that has

the book and SCD oriented stuff maybe kissing up isn't a bad angle

some people would call it respect, I don't know. But hey that's a

whole other rant.

In Netanya which is just North of Tel-Aviv there is a new HUGE (for

Israeli standards) Organic Super-Market (not everything organic) and

they have many items that seem SCD legal. Now, I am unsure of Israeli

labeling laws but they have nut butters that the store in Bnei-Brak

had along with organic whole milk, low fat milk from the " HARDOF "

brand. If I were in israel for an extended period of time that would

be the milk I would personally buy to make yogurt. Usually in Israel

whole milk is not sold only %3, %2, %1. They also had some other

basics. Right next to this organic market in Netanya (It's called

EDEN) there is a different store that is totally non-kosher that is a

gourmet chain supermakret called " Tiv-Tam " that sells pork and meat

and cheeses. They had real Parm cheese and some hard aged cheeses

from Europe.

I was very happy to see that when I go back to Israel it will be much

easier than I thought to buy SCD legal things. (Probably wouldn't be

a problem in the Tel-Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem area but the fact that

some of the stuff is in two stores in very close proximity to one

another is just awesome!)

Anyway, I ranted enough and this will be one hell of a long post.

Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions and I feel slowly I am

getting my life back and I am able to live a little. What a blessing

and what a gift. God Bless Elaine for her life's work and Dr. Haas.


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I loved reading your travel story, thanks for sharing! Sorry to hear

about the store experience though. Welcome back! I'm inspired now

that I can travel easier too, especially since I won't be going

anywhere near that far for quite some time. Now, if I can just figure

out how to travel easier with a toddler's car seat :).


SCD 6 m

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Jodi's story caused a strange thing to happen to me. An SCD-er who

demanded a lot of private attention a few years ago is Kosher and had

asked for travel advice so I forwarded Jodi's wonderful travel story

only to get a curt reply about removing her from the list (she was

never on a list) as she is no longer SCD.

I would think Israel would not be as difficult as many other

countries and think Jodi was very resourceful both in her advanced

planning and how she skillfully navigated obstacles and I enjoyed her

report so much it tempts me to travel. ( something I have not done

much of since getting MCS)

> I loved reading your travel story, thanks for sharing! Sorry to hear

> about the store experience though. Welcome back! I'm inspired now

> that I can travel easier too, especially since I won't be going

> anywhere near that far for quite some time. Now, if I can just figure

> out how to travel easier with a toddler's car seat :).


> Carol F.

Celiac, SCD 8 years,MCS, Latex Allergy



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I must say that I did not meet the Rabbi or see him there. So he

might be a Mensch. So I totally don't want to misrepresent LOL!

I myself am not kosher but they had some delicious recipes in there!


> >So, after many bumps along the way.. I am home.


> Welcome back! Reading your story is very, very

> gratifying! And I'm certainly glad we were able

> to help you make the trip successfully!


> I admit that I find it saddening that the store owners ignored your



> My understanding is that the SCD yogurt is made

> by the rabbi who translated BTVC into Hebrew. At

> least, that is what I recall from discussions when Elaine was alive.


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