Guest guest Posted September 29, 2010 Report Share Posted September 29, 2010 Very glad to belong to this group at this time..... seeing my Dad go through this is unspeakable, but at the same I typed that, the thought came to mind that - there is a beauty here the past week I have had to do things I thought I could never do, never thought I'd have the courage to.....Ms. Abena**** "There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist,or accept the responsibility for changing them." "Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.""ALL are called. Few chose to listen." "We're not here to earn God's love, we're here to spend it!" "Change how you see things, and the things you see will change"Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2010 15:06:24 +0000From: To: ProstateCancerSupport Subject: Digest Number 3410 Message body Prostate Cancer Support Messages In This Digest (9 Messages) 1a. my papaw From: rcm71499@... 1b. Re: my papaw From: Metcalf 1c. Re: my papaw From: jonnorris2@... 1d. Re: my papaw From: Dan 1e. Re: my papaw From: Alan Meyer 2a. 3D transperineal mapping biopsy From: Dennis Humphries 2b. Re: 3D transperineal mapping biopsy From: Alan Meyer 3. Yana Updates September 15 - September 26 2010 From: Terry Herbert 4.1. allergic reation to CT contrast From: Genie View All Topics | Create New Topic Messages 1a. my papaw Posted by: "rcm71499@..." rcm71499@... bassetgurl79 Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:02 am (PDT) I don't know if I've posted here before or not but my papaw was in perfect health until he turned 68 or so and as he says everything wetn down hill from there. His appendix burst, then he went we noticed his alzheimers was getting worse and then he went to his regular doctor and found out his psa was in the 1000s...and had already spread into his bones. The diagnosis was a little over a year ago and he's done the basic chemo and has weekly iv's that are suppose to strengthen his bones. Well currently he only knows who mamaw is no one else in the famiily and his hip has started bothering the point the dr put him on morphine ( he had been on other pain meds that the family didn't know about) and was using a walker but because of the alzheimers he thought was a he's in a wheelchair and is having another bone scan on monday. I don't know why cause we all know what they are going to find. Even my dad told my mom that he would be surprised if papaw made it to Christmas. I don't know what I am going to do....I left work crying friday then I started thinking about the good things like some people suggested and that made me cry too lol...noone that I really cared about (my other grandmother) has died in 15 years and I dont' know if I can handle this...and my poor mamaw is stressed and is his main caregiver even though the four kids and older grandkids visit each night and bring food.....Sorry for the rant but I'm so sad, and depressed... M in TN = Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (7) 1b. Re: my papaw Posted by: " Metcalf" bryan.metcalf@... bryanmetcalf2001 Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:41 am (PDT) These are always difficult posts to write but we offer lots of empathy for you and your family. There seems to be lots of things affecting pawpaw. The combined effect is that one illness makes another more difficult to deal with. If you were next door I'd pop round with a cup of tea and a scone, but as it is I'm in England and there are few miles of water in the way, please have a coffee and cookie knowing I'm thinking of you. You know many of us fight for improved means of detection of prostate cancer, we want to get men to doctors sooner that when the PSA gets to 1000. Sadly the diesease is at a point where it is affecting him, and we become aware that the major sorrow being that he has significant secondary prostate cancer. Noone can say when he will pass to the place with no pain, we do know that he has a battle on and it could be sooner than later, but maybe he will fight on for a good while yet. These are times of mixed emotions, awaiting a loss, but wishing that his pain will end. One important fact seems to have been addressed, he is being given morphine adding to his comfort. His comfort is so importantat this stage. It is so right to remember life when he was well, the funny things he said, the funny things you all did, those moments that live on in your minds, the genes that live on in you and yours. There seems to be a big caring gene there! My best wishes Has anyone dealt with serious allergic reation to CT contrast I need help to understand what we can do in our particular situation. My husband is allergic to the contrast dye in the CT scan. As he's done each CT scan he's getting more reaction to it. He's taking Prednisone the night before and the morning of plus another drug to combat the reaction. He does this only in a hospital setting because of the seriousness of his reaction. The Prednisone is not doing the job and we are very concerned. He is continuing to need monitoring after each CT scan as a doctor is called in because of his reaction to the contrast. His oncologist will not allow an MRI instead. We didn't know how serious this could be until we consulted another oncologist who said he could actually die from the contrast at his level of reaction. We are at a loss. We are at a facility where our medicare pays for the tests. His oncologist still will not allow any other method of testing. Has anyone else dealt with this. I have to go back to our consultant and find out why he said he 'could' do an MRI instead and advised against another CT scan. Is there something about an MRI that won't work? Why the insistance of the CT scan. Any thoughts on this that I might take to our oncologist. I've had conversations with our doctor about this without any consideration of our concerns. I can not push this doctor more than I have, which is actually to explain how my husband feels and how the reactions are getting worse. Is it money? I do need information to bring to our doctor to see if we can budge the situation. It is the only time I've seen my husband emotional. He's very upbeat but knows this is detrimental to him in many ways... thanks grace _____ Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (86) Recent Activity 3 New Members Visit Your Group Yahoo! News Fashion News What's the word on fashion and style? Share Photos Put your favorite photos and more online. Yahoo! Finance It's Now Personal Guides, news, advice & more. Need to Reply? Click one of the "Reply" links to respond to a specific message in the Daily Digest. 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