Guest guest Posted June 28, 2010 Report Share Posted June 28, 2010 Thank you, . Sounds like you've been through the mill. Hope the future brings nothing but good health. Tom Re: TURP vs. Green Light Laser Have a look at my laser experience at under " Sondeen".Looking back "tissue is the issue". Once tissue has been scarred over by laser it is no longer normal healing/repairing tissue. I would go back in time and have a rockstar surgeon do a TURP (not just any uro) and also retrieve tissue for biopsy.Post laser, my chances of revision even with active Gleason 8 cancer in the area are very dangerous (consulted with several surgeons and onco's post HIFU and laser).Member of the not-so-secret Brothers of the Walnut Club>> I've put up with incontinence for long enough and am planning to have either a TURP (uro's preference) or Green Light Laser procedure. Any thoughts? I think I understand the pros and cons of each, but I'm interested in your experiences.> > I've been diagnosed with PCa and had 44 radiation treatments, resulting in a PSA of .1. That's the good news. I've also been rendered incontinent and impotent, perhaps from a TUMT I had before my radiation treatment. I know the impotence won't be addressed by either the TURP or the laser, but I can't take the incontinence any more.> > Thanks.> > Tom/65/diagnosed 5/2009 T1/3+3 Gleason/TUMT 5/2009> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 28, 2010 Report Share Posted June 28, 2010 Thanks, . Glad to hear about the undetectable PSA. May it ever be thus! I need to find out WHY he prefers the TURP, other than it may be time for a new yacht. You're not the first person who has reported a TURP not solving the problem. On the other hand, as a devout coward, I must admit there's something comforting about spending a night in the hospital (TURP) rather than being sent home immediately after the procedure (laser). I appreciate your input. Tom Re: TURP vs. Green Light Laser Hi Tom: I would like to share some thoughts re TURP vs. Green LightLaser. I have had both the TURP and TUIP. My TUIP was done using anelectric knife which I believe the Green Light Laser is another methodof enlarging the badder neck opening and/or scar tissue removal. In mycase both proceedures were done to correct urinary tract obstructionscaused by scar tissue resulting from my Prostate Cancer treatment. Mytreatment of choice was called "HIFU". Since the treatment on Sept 2009I have had 2 PSA tests at the 3 and 6 month interval. Both readings cameback as "PSA undetectable".One of the side affects of HIFU treatment especially when the canceris close to the bladder neck is some damage that results in theformation of scar tissue leading to the restriction of urine flow. Inearly January 2010 I needed the scar tissue problem dealt with. After anexamination using a "Cystoscope" The method recommended by my Uroligistwas the TURP. In my case the TURP did not correct my problem. It seemedthat over the next 3 to 4 months the scar tissue came back to a pointwhere my urine flow was probably 90 % obstructed. About 1 month afterthe surgery I was put on a self catheterization program to try and keepthe bladder neck open but we were unsuccessful and the obstruction gotworse. For the last 2 months I was draining my bladder with a catheterabout 80 % of the time. The other times there was only a slow dribblewhen I needed to urinate. At this point I was in big trouble.The next approch was to perform a TUIP to enlarge the bladder neck andhopefully clear out the scar tissue. My Uroligist used the electricknife to perform this proceedure. I believe this can also be done with agreen laser light. The TUIP appears to have corrected my restrictionproblem. It has been mow 2.5 weeks since I had the proceedure and I havenot experienced any urination restriction or leakage problems. For me atthe moment the procceedure has been a complete success. My Uroligist hassuggested that I continue the self cathetorization program to make surethe bladder neck opening remains the current size and that scar tissuedoes not come back.If I may offer some suggestions base on my personal experience theywould be.1) Have your Urolist perform a Cystoscope Examination to assess theextent of the problem before deciding on a TURP or Green Laserproceedure. Then proceed with caution2) If you are currently leaking or unable to control your urine flow Iwould be very cautious about selecting the TURP.I hope this helps.If you have more questions please send them directly to me and I willtry and help. from Ontario>> I've put up with incontinence for long enough and am planning to haveeither a TURP (uro's preference) or Green Light Laser procedure. Anythoughts? I think I understand the pros and cons of each, but I'minterested in your experiences.>> I've been diagnosed with PCa and had 44 radiation treatments,resulting in a PSA of .1. That's the good news. I've also been renderedincontinent and impotent, perhaps from a TUMT I had before my radiationtreatment. I know the impotence won't be addressed by either the TURP orthe laser, but I can't take the incontinence any more.>> Thanks.>> Tom/65/diagnosed 5/2009 T1/3+3 Gleason/TUMT 5/2009> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 28, 2010 Report Share Posted June 28, 2010 Since you mentioned you had the GREEN LASER thing...seems LOTS of things mentioning it! Subject: Re: TURP vs. Green Light LaserTo: ProstateCancerSupport Date: Monday, June 28, 2010, 11:10 PM Hi Tom: I would like to share some thoughts re TURP vs. Green LightLaser. I have had both the TURP and TUIP. My TUIP was done using anelectric knife which I believe the Green Light Laser is another methodof enlarging the badder neck opening and/or scar tissue removal. In mycase both proceedures were done to correct urinary tract obstructionscaused by scar tissue resulting from my Prostate Cancer treatment. Mytreatment of choice was called "HIFU". Since the treatment on Sept 2009I have had 2 PSA tests at the 3 and 6 month interval. Both readings cameback as "PSA undetectable".One of the side affects of HIFU treatment especially when the canceris close to the bladder neck is some damage that results in theformation of scar tissue leading to the restriction of urine flow. Inearly January 2010 I needed the scar tissue problem dealt with. After anexamination using a "Cystoscope" The method recommended by my Uroligistwas the TURP. In my case the TURP did not correct my problem. It seemedthat over the next 3 to 4 months the scar tissue came back to a pointwhere my urine flow was probably 90 % obstructed. About 1 month afterthe surgery I was put on a self catheterization program to try and keepthe bladder neck open but we were unsuccessful and the obstruction gotworse. For the last 2 months I was draining my bladder with a catheterabout 80 % of the time. The other times there was only a slow dribblewhen I needed to urinate. At this point I was in big trouble.The next approch was to perform a TUIP to enlarge the bladder neck andhopefully clear out the scar tissue. My Uroligist used the electricknife to perform this proceedure. I believe this can also be done with agreen laser light. The TUIP appears to have corrected my restrictionproblem. It has been mow 2.5 weeks since I had the proceedure and I havenot experienced any urination restriction or leakage problems. For me atthe moment the procceedure has been a complete success. My Uroligist hassuggested that I continue the self cathetorization program to make surethe bladder neck opening remains the current size and that scar tissuedoes not come back.If I may offer some suggestions base on my personal experience theywould be.1) Have your Urolist perform a Cystoscope Examination to assess theextent of the problem before deciding on a TURP or Green Laserproceedure. Then proceed with caution2) If you are currently leaking or unable to control your urine flow Iwould be very cautious about selecting the TURP.I hope this helps.If you have more questions please send them directly to me and I willtry and help. from Ontario>> I've put up with incontinence for long enough and am planning to haveeither a TURP (uro's preference) or Green Light Laser procedure. Anythoughts? I think I understand the pros and cons of each, but I'minterested in your experiences.>> I've been diagnosed with PCa and had 44 radiation treatments,resulting in a PSA of .1. That's the good news. I've also been renderedincontinent and impotent, perhaps from a TUMT I had before my radiationtreatment. I know the impotence won't be addressed by either the TURP orthe laser, but I can't take the incontinence any more.>> Thanks.>> Tom/65/diagnosed 5/2009 T1/3+3 Gleason/TUMT 5/2009> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 29, 2010 Report Share Posted June 29, 2010 : Yet another reason to go with the TURP as opposed to the outpatient procedure. I haven't experienced life without Flomax (or Detrol, for that matter) in years. Also, I don't live close to the hospital, so if something is going to go wrong, I'd rather be there than 25 miles away. Thanks. Tom Re: TURP vs. Green Light Laser Hi Tom: In my last post I neglected to mention that I was kept in hospital over night. They would not release me until there was no bleeding and I could pee without any difficulty.The good part was I did not experience any pain from the TUIP or I did not require any prostate medication such as Flomax after the TUIP. I was given 7 days supply of antibiotics to deal with any possible infections.I wish you well: From Ontario > >> > I've put up with incontinence for long enough and am planning to have> either a TURP (uro's preference) or Green Light Laser procedure. Any> thoughts? I think I understand the pros and cons of each, but I'm> interested in your experiences.> >> > I've been diagnosed with PCa and had 44 radiation treatments,> resulting in a PSA of .1. That's the good news. I've also been rendered> incontinent and impotent, perhaps from a TUMT I had before my radiation> treatment. I know the impotence won't be addressed by either the TURP or> the laser, but I can't take the incontinence any more.> >> > Thanks.> >> > Tom/65/diagnosed 5/2009 T1/3+3 Gleason/TUMT 5/2009> >> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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