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Re: B12 (Folic acid)

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First I have heard of B12 for

incontinence. I always thought that incontinence was muscle control especially

once the prostate was removed or destroyed. I don’t see how B12 would

effect it. I am interested in hearing more since I will be doing IGRT in

another month.

From: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of Tom Lauterback

Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:16



malemedicalproblems ; ProstateCancerSupport ;



B12 (Folic acid)

I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for

incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT.

The B12 seems to help a bit.

Tom in Illinois

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Only thing I can think of is that B12 helps keep the nervous system healthy. Could be that the nerves that control the muscles that run the sphincter could work better with B12. Jim SchwindtTo: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Tue, March 30, 2010 5:57:38 PMSubject: RE: B12 (Folic acid)

First I have heard of B12 for

incontinence. I always thought that incontinence was muscle control especially

once the prostate was removed or destroyed. I don’t see how B12 would

effect it. I am interested in hearing more since I will be doing IGRT in

another month.

From: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com [mailto: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com ] On Behalf Of Tom Lauterback

Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:16



malemedicalproblems @yahoogroups. com; ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com ;

natural_prostate_ treatments@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: [ProstateCancerSupp ort]

B12 (Folic acid)

I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for

incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT.

The B12 seems to help a bit.

Tom in Illinois

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Good luck with the IGRT Larry. I had 40 sessions 16 months ago and didn't have any problems with incontinence. I did have significant urgency (particularly while on the treatment table!) but never got caught short. My urinary function now is completely normal (except for a strange lack of sensation while actually urinating).


RE: B12 (Folic acid)

First I have heard of B12 for incontinence. I always thought that incontinence was muscle control especially once the prostate was removed or destroyed. I don’t see how B12 would effect it. I am interested in hearing more since I will be doing IGRT in another month.

From: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of Tom LauterbackSent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:16 PMTo: malemedicalproblems ; ProstateCancerSupport ; natural_prostate_treatments Subject: B12 (Folic acid)

I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT. The B12 seems to help a bit.

Tom in Illinois

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Just got a news item this morning that says that folic acid can cause numerous cancers. It said that most breakfast cereals are fortified with folic acid and that is causing problems in the states. Damned if we do and damned if we don't, I guess. Jim SchwindtTo: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Tue, March 30, 2010 6:30:02 PMSubject: Re: B12 (Folic acid)

Good luck with the IGRT Larry. I had 40 sessions 16 months ago and didn't have any problems with incontinence. I did have significant urgency (particularly while on the treatment table!) but never got caught short. My urinary function now is completely normal (except for a strange lack of sensation while actually urinating).


[ProstateCancerSupp ort] B12 (Folic acid)

I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT. The B12 seems to help a bit.

Tom in Illinois

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Larry Helber wrote:

> First I have heard of B12 for incontinence. I always thought

> that incontinence was muscle control especially once the

> prostate was removed or destroyed. I don’t see how B12 would

> effect it. I am interested in hearing more since I will be

> doing IGRT in another month.

You never know what will happen when the doctors go to work on

you, but incontinence is rare with radiation. Impotence is

common. Urinary retention (difficulty urinating) is common. But

incontinence is rare.

When I was choosing between radiation and surgery I imagined that

surgery was risky and radiation would be safer. I figured that a

guy puts you to sleep and that starts carving you up with a

scalpel, and who know what will happen. However, it turns out

that radiation can also be risky. Small errors in aiming the

beams or in controlling the dosage can cause big problems. So,

whether you choose surgery or radiation I think it's very

important to try to find a doctor and clinic you can trust to be

experienced, knowledgeable and very, very, very careful.

Good luck with your treatment.


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I believe I got it from Wikipedia. It was the only treatment listed for incontinence. Good luck with the IGRT.


RE: B12 (Folic acid)

First I have heard of B12 for incontinence. I always thought that incontinence was muscle control especially once the prostate was removed or destroyed. I don’t see how B12 would effect it. I am interested in hearing more since I will be doing IGRT in another month.

From: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of Tom LauterbackSent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:16 PMTo: malemedicalproblems ; ProstateCancerSupport ; natural_prostate_treatments Subject: B12 (Folic acid)

I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT. The B12 seems to help a bit.

Tom in Illinois

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I am somewhat confused. Folic acid is a B vitamin (B-9 if I remember right) and is often combined with other B vitamins to give a B-complex. I am a victim of rhematoid and osteo arthritis post PCa and I am given the folic acid because methotrexate depletes something. However, it counteracts the effects of nausea and lessens the effect of the MTX. Catch 22! I did not read all of the posts and I apologize for that.FYI, I have been on this list for some time (had DaVinci in August 08). Am just now becoming mostly continent (had an infection caused when I accidentally pulled the nerve bundle loose a month post-op) and suffer from some stress incontinence. Starting to get some spontaneous erections after using the VEP for about 4-5 months. May all your PSA results be good and may God

bless.Steve S in ArkansasTo: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 7:56:40 AMSubject: Re: B12 (Folic acid)

I believe I got it from Wikipedia. It was the only treatment listed for incontinence. Good luck with the IGRT.


[ProstateCancerSupp ort] B12 (Folic acid)

I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT. The B12 seems to help a bit.

Tom in Illinois

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Excellent points. I don't understand how the B12 works either (if it does), but I've been totally incontinent ( & impotent) since a TUMT a year ago. Perhaps my dilemma has nothing to do with the radiation. Good luck with your treatment; my good news is 3 consecutive PSA's at .1, so I shouldn't complain. Just wish I'd never had the TUMT or that I'd chosen my urologist more wisely. I've fired three of them in this process.


Re: B12 (Folic acid)

Larry Helber <lhelberhelberhut> wrote:> First I have heard of B12 for incontinence. I always thought> that incontinence was muscle control especially once the> prostate was removed or destroyed. I don’t see how B12 would> effect it. I am interested in hearing more since I will be> doing IGRT in another month.You never know what will happen when the doctors go to work onyou, but incontinence is rare with radiation. Impotence iscommon. Urinary retention (difficulty urinating) is common. Butincontinence is rare.When I was choosing between radiation and surgery I imagined thatsurgery was risky and radiation would be safer. I figured that aguy puts you to sleep and that starts carving you up with ascalpel, and who know what will happen. However, it turns outthat radiation can also be risky. Small errors in aiming thebeams or in controlling the dosage can cause big problems. So,whether you choose surgery or radiation I think it's veryimportant to try to find a doctor and clinic you can trust to beexperienced, knowledgeable and very, very, very careful.Good luck with your treatment.Alan

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Sorry, I misidentified folic acid. It's B9, not B12. I'm taking B12, and I'm mildly optimistic; seems to help me get through the night.


[ProstateCancerSupp ort] B12 (Folic acid)

I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT. The B12 seems to help a bit.

Tom in Illinois

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Good luck with your IGRT. It couldn't have produced a better outcome for me (<.1 PSA). I think I have the TUMT to thank for the incontinence and impotence.


RE: B12 (Folic acid)

First I have heard of B12 for incontinence. I always thought that incontinence was muscle control especially once the prostate was removed or destroyed. I don’t see how B12 would effect it. I am interested in hearing more since I will be doing IGRT in another month.

From: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of Tom LauterbackSent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:16 PMTo: malemedicalproblems ; ProstateCancerSupport ; natural_prostate_treatments Subject: B12 (Folic acid)

I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT. The B12 seems to help a bit.

Tom in Illinois

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> I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for incontinence. I've

been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT. The B12 seems to

help a bit.


> Tom in Illinois



Sorry to hear about your issues with this. One thing to note about Folic Acid

in adults is that it has been known to cause polyps in the colon. I believe you

can do a Web search validate this. Like I went thru 44 IMRT/IGRT

treatments last year. My major issue is Hesitancy and not completly voiding my

bladder which is a side effect of radiation; worse yet, I'm allergic to most

Alpha Blockers like Flomax. I have urodymamics and cystoscopy done as well. My

Doc just says give it time as I'm still feeling the effects of treatment.

I know this is the opposite of your condition, but would luv to find something

better to help me void.


JM in Pa

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I take a version of Flomax and have since long before my biopsy & IGRT. I also take a version of Detrol. But I don't empty my bladder fully either, probably never did. My uro's answer: self-catheterization. Not gonna happen. I hope for all of us that time is on our side. It seems to be the great healer.


Re: B12 (Folic acid)

>> I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT. The B12 seems to help a bit.> > Tom in Illinois>Tom,Sorry to hear about your issues with this. One thing to note about Folic Acid in adults is that it has been known to cause polyps in the colon. I believe you can do a Web search validate this. Like I went thru 44 IMRT/IGRT treatments last year. My major issue is Hesitancy and not completly voiding my bladder which is a side effect of radiation; worse yet, I'm allergic to most Alpha Blockers like Flomax. I have urodymamics and cystoscopy done as well. My Doc just says give it time as I'm still feeling the effects of treatment.I know this is the opposite of your condition, but would luv to find something better to help me void.Best,JM in Pa

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....and best wishes to you, Steve. Yes, I had some bad information re: B12 being folic acid. It is indeed B9.

Although I did not have surgery, it's good to hear that time heals the incontinence and impotence. Can't happen soon enough for me. But at least the PSA is virtually non-existent, thank God.


[ProstateCancerSupp ort] B12 (Folic acid)

I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT. The B12 seems to help a bit.

Tom in Illinois

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To Tom:

How are you feeling? I've done self catheterization, it's not bad. My Urologist showed me what to do, only once, he was satisfied.I have an RN. It was no problem for me.

Wish you the very best,

Doug Archer, San Diego marston5000@...

To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 3:55:51 PMSubject: Re: Re: B12 (Folic acid)

I take a version of Flomax and have since long before my biopsy & IGRT. I also take a version of Detrol. But I don't empty my bladder fully either, probably never did. My uro's answer: self-catheterizatio n. Not gonna happen. I hope for all of us that time is on our side. It seems to be the great healer.


[ProstateCancerSupp ort] Re: B12 (Folic acid)

>> I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT. The B12 seems to help a bit.> > Tom in Illinois>Tom,Sorry to hear about your issues with this. One thing to note about Folic Acid in adults is that it has been known to cause polyps in the colon. I believe you can do a Web search validate this. Like I went thru 44 IMRT/IGRT treatments last year. My major issue is Hesitancy and not completly voiding my bladder which is a side effect of radiation; worse yet, I'm allergic to most Alpha Blockers like Flomax. I have urodymamics and cystoscopy done as well. My Doc just says

give it time as I'm still feeling the effects of treatment.I know this is the opposite of your condition, but would luv to find something better to help me void.Best,JM in Pa

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I sat through a catheterization video at the uro's office. Seems way beyond barbaric to me. But ultimately it may be the only answer. It seems strange that we can drive cancer out but not be able to cure side effects like incontinence and impotence. I guess time will tell.

I feel OK, but it's tough to be away from the house for too long because I go through several pads/sets of underwear during the day. And the overnight presents challenges all its own. Sure would be nice to get back to being free to go places and be a husband again.

Best wishes to you, Doug.

[ProstateCancerSupp ort] Re: B12 (Folic acid)

>> I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT. The B12 seems to help a bit.> > Tom in Illinois>Tom,Sorry to hear about your issues with this. One thing to note about Folic Acid in adults is that it has been known to cause polyps in the colon. I believe you can do a Web search validate this. Like I went thru 44 IMRT/IGRT treatments last year. My major issue is Hesitancy and not completly voiding my bladder which is a side effect of radiation; worse yet, I'm allergic to most Alpha Blockers like Flomax. I have urodymamics and cystoscopy done as well. My Doc just says give it time as I'm still feeling the effects of treatment.I know this is the opposite of your condition, but would luv to find something better to help me void.Best,JM in Pa

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RALP? Prostatectomy?

Good luck with the IGRT. It worked miracles for me; I don't blame it for any of the side effects. I think the TUMT was the culprit there.

RE: B12 (Folic acid)

First I have heard of B12 for incontinence. I always thought that incontinence was muscle control especially once the prostate was removed or destroyed. I don’t see how B12 would effect it. I am interested in hearing more since I will be doing IGRT in another month.

From: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of Tom LauterbackSent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:16 PMTo: malemedicalproblems ; ProstateCancerSupport ; natural_prostate_treatments Subject: B12 (Folic acid)

I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT. The B12 seems to help a bit.

Tom in Illinois

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FYI I don’t blame your feelings

about self-catheterization. It was just bad enough having one for the week after

surgery. I will tell you that I have become more acceptable with a lot of

things that I didn’t think I could do. I certainly wasn’t going to

se MUSE (uretheral suppository)for ED, until I did it the first time. Not real

happy about it and I would be a lot happier if it worked better. Right now it

is just a rehabilitation – use it or lose it situation.

I have been noticing here that it seems

like the surgery options surgery makes you leak a lot but things really flow

when you do go. Radiation and other cancer treatment options are just the

opposite. It can make it hard to void.

From: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of Tom Lauterback

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010

6:56 PM

To: ProstateCancerSupport

Subject: Re:

Re: B12 (Folic acid)

I take a version of Flomax and have since long before my

biopsy & IGRT. I also take a version of Detrol. But I don't empty my

bladder fully either, probably never did. My uro's answer: self-catheterization.

Not gonna happen. I hope for all of us that time is on our side. It seems to be

the great healer.


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Hi All,

I have had my prostrate removed and radiation. It took a while for me to gain control although sometimes when I am tired, an infection in my body and after surgery when I had a catheter when I sneeze forcefully I can leak. I have a meditcaton for and am reluctant to take because I want my body to adjust. My prostrate removal took care of of my ability to get an erection (never a problem before). I have a pump which works very well.

Guys I am confused about this folic acid causing cancer. Is there any evidence that it causes cancer. I have been taking it for years to help the control infections. Need real science on this not conjecture.

I have questions about lupron but will will write them in another email.

Thanks for your support,


PS It took me a long frustrating time to regain most control. I used a a pad from the women section which worked well for me,

To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 6:19:53 PMSubject: RE: B12 (Folic acid)

Well the RALP did me in with the incontinence and impotence. I knew that going in. Truthfully the cancer did me in with the impotence. Things were not working before the surgery so I don’t expect them to work after. Also I was not a candidate for nerve sparing either. I hope to be continent before starting IGRT since they say I will be the best I can get just before it starts. I will have to live with what I got afterwards. I am not in as much of a hurry as my doctors are in getting started with the next step. My last PSA this week was .08 which is a little high considering I don’t have a prostate and have been on ADT for 7 months. I guess by July I should be less than .01.

From: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com [mailto: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com ] On Behalf Of Tom LauterbackSent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 12:02 PMTo: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) comSubject: Re: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] B12 (Folic acid)


Good luck with your IGRT. It couldn't have produced a better outcome for me (<.1 PSA). I think I have the TUMT to thank for the incontinence and impotence.


[ProstateCancerSupp ort] B12 (Folic acid)

I'm curious about people's experience with vitamin B12 for incontinence. I've been incontinent after IGRT and an apparently botched TUMT. The B12 seems to help a bit.

Tom in Illinois

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Larry, I wish you well with the radiation. The possibility of radiation

following surgery in case of positive margins is why I chose surgery over

radiation. I had my surgery Jan. 28, and luckily I had no positive margins. The

lymph nodes were clear. Now I'm dealing with the expected incontinence, which

improves slowly day by day, and impotence.

Once again, I hope and pray the radiation does the trick.

Mike C


> Subject: RE: B12 (Folic acid)

> To: ProstateCancerSupport

> Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 7:53 PM


































> Robot

> Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy

> (Davinci Robot).

>  Post surgical pathology shows positive margins

> all over the place so IGRT is next on the

> agenda.













> From:

> ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com [mailto:

> ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com ] On Behalf Of Tom

> Lauterback


> Sent:

> Wednesday, March 31, 2010

> 7:25 PM


> To:

> ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com


> Subject: Re:

> [ProstateCancerSupp ort] B12 (Folic acid)






















> Prostatectomy?












> Good luck with

> the IGRT. It worked miracles for me; I don't

> blame it for any of the side effects. I think the TUMT was

> the culprit there.













































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