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Breastfeeding Books Recommendations

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Here are all (I hope) of the Breastfeeding books you recommended when asked

about it all;

Breastfeeding your Baby by Moody, Britten and Hogg

Bestfeeding - available from nctms

The Sheila Kitzinger book

Breast is Best by P & A Stanway

The NCT breastfeeding handbook - 'Breastfeeding Your Baby'

La Leche League's 'The Womanly Art Of Breastfeeding'

Martha and Sears' book 'The Breastfeeding Book'

NCT leaflet " Making Enough Milk For Your Baby " .

Although not pg, I am keeping the list just is case, as I hope the " next "

time wouldn't be such a disaster as the first.

Did I miss any recommendations?

- breasts at the ready



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