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A group that some here may find worthwhile...

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As everyone here knows, prostate cancer and its treatment can cause problems

with sexual function.

And, of course, it is not a disease of straight men only. There will be some

here who are drawn to sex with other men. For them, there are issues unique to

their situation that can be awkward, to say the least. There is a group for

those men who would prefer to find other men in the same situation. It's called

ProstateCaM2M; here is the URL:


It's a new group with not a lot of members, so each and every new one is


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Darryl, I am well aware of that group and I am a member, but it became clear

over time that it was for discussion of issues and problems relating to prostate

cancer in gay/bi men and that the members didn't want it to turn into a meet-up

site. The group I mention is indeed a new group, not a " new " group. I know; I

created PsostateCaM2M. I recommend that anyone joining my group also join

" prostatecancerandgaymen " . It is a worthwhile resource. It just deals with a

different aspect.

Here is the description I put up: " Are you a man who loves men and who has had

prostate cancer? Tired of explaining or not sure how to explain to another man

why you have sexual issues, like not ejaculating, or needing special measures to

have an erection?

This is a group for gay and bisexual men, and straight men who have had prostate

cancer treatment and who seek to enjoy physical intimacy with other men without

having to explain or make excuses for the changes you have had in sexual

function. " this is from the description of prostatecancerandgaymen: " A place for

gay men with prostate cancer to meet and discuss health, treatment and life. "

Two different but complimentary groups.

I notice your posting about a " new " pca m2m group. You may not know that we

already have such a group on yahoo, called prostatecancerandgaymen It has been

running for over 8 or 9 years and is quite active. It has about 700 members and

we welcome all men who enjoy sex with men and are diagnosed with prostate

cancer. Please feel encouraged to email me, on or off list for more information.

Darryl darryl@...

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