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RE: Dr Snuffy Myers

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pedrobessamonteiro wrote:

> Dear Friends,

> Does anyone have an opinion on Dr Myers?

> I live in Europe but am considering travelins overseas for as

> appointment with Dr Myers but it is a long ride so I was

> wondering if any of you have any personal or close experience

> regarding him.

> Kind Regards

> Pedro

Hola Pedro,

I had a friend with very advanced prostate cancer who went to see

Dr. Myers. After he became hormone refractory, Dr. Myers treated

him with a whole list of supplements and drugs, trying one after

the other, and sometimes in combination. Some of these were

drugs that I had not heard of before in the context of prostate

cancer treatment, including Revlimid, Leucine, and some others.

My friend eventually died but, judging purely on the basis of his

PSA measurements, I'm guessing that Dr. Myers added something

like a year to his life. His PSA began climbing very fast after

the hormone therapy failed, but the different treatments kept

bringing it down again. I was impressed with the breadth of

knowledge of treatments that Dr. Myers had, and also with his

willingness to keep trying and not give up until everything he

could think of was exhausted or the patient couldn't stand the

treatments any more. When my friend had a positive response to

Revlimid but was getting dangerous side effects, Dr. Myers cut

the dose to 1/3 what it had been and administered it three times

as often - solving the side effect problem. It was a creative


I also had a brief interaction with Dr. Myers when I posted a

question for him on a website where he was answering questions.

My question and his answer can be found here:



I was very impressed with his answer, which seemed more

sophisticated than what many other doctors would say.

Unfortunately, if you live in Europe, it will be difficult to

benefit from his services. You could get a consultation with him

and that could be helpful to you, but to get regular care from

him would require repeated trips to the U.S., and of course

emergency care, for example for a bad reaction to a drug, would

be out of the question.

What you might try to do in a consultation with him is get a list

of things to try and things to look for that you could take back

to your European oncologist, though the European doctor may not

have access to all of the same drugs, or may be reluctant to

prescribe a treatment that he has no personal experience with.

If you do want to make an appointment to see him, I suggest that

you explain the problem before the appointment and make sure that

he thinks he can help. I also suggest that you talk this over

with your regular oncologist and make sure that your regular

oncologist is open to hearing suggestions from Dr. Myers and is

willing to consider new ideas.

You can communicate with Dr. Myers or his office here:


Buena suerte.


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For info, once care under Dr. Myers is accomplished, he can be in contact both with the patient and the patient’s local oncologist by direct email, of overseas, or phone call. However, in that he is invited to speak most everywhere, there are times when he is not readily available, but if an emergency, I’m sure his staff has direct contact. Chuck From: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of Alan MeyerSent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 2:12 PMTo: ProstateCancerSupport Subject: Re: Dr " Snuffy " Myers pedrobessamonteiro wrote:> Dear Friends,> Does anyone have an opinion on Dr Myers?> I live in Europe but am considering travelins overseas for as> appointment with Dr Myers but it is a long ride so I was> wondering if any of you have any personal or close experience> regarding him.> Kind Regards> PedroHola Pedro,I had a friend with very advanced prostate cancer who went to seeDr. Myers. After he became hormone refractory, Dr. Myers treatedhim with a whole list of supplements and drugs, trying one afterthe other, and sometimes in combination. Some of these weredrugs that I had not heard of before in the context of prostatecancer treatment, including Revlimid, Leucine, and some others.My friend eventually died but, judging purely on the basis of hisPSA measurements, I'm guessing that Dr. Myers added somethinglike a year to his life. His PSA began climbing very fast afterthe hormone therapy failed, but the different treatments keptbringing it down again. I was impressed with the breadth ofknowledge of treatments that Dr. Myers had, and also with hiswillingness to keep trying and not give up until everything hecould think of was exhausted or the patient couldn't stand thetreatments any more. When my friend had a positive response toRevlimid but was getting dangerous side effects, Dr. Myers cutthe dose to 1/3 what it had been and administered it three timesas often - solving the side effect problem. It was a creativesolution.I also had a brief interaction with Dr. Myers when I posted aquestion for him on a website where he was answering questions.My question and his answer can be found here:http://prostatecanceradvice.org/about/myers/androgen-deprivation-therapy-after-surgery-or-radiation/I was very impressed with his answer, which seemed moresophisticated than what many other doctors would say.Unfortunately, if you live in Europe, it will be difficult tobenefit from his services. You could get a consultation with himand that could be helpful to you, but to get regular care fromhim would require repeated trips to the U.S., and of courseemergency care, for example for a bad reaction to a drug, wouldbe out of the question. What you might try to do in a consultation with him is get a listof things to try and things to look for that you could take backto your European oncologist, though the European doctor may nothave access to all of the same drugs, or may be reluctant toprescribe a treatment that he has no personal experience with.If you do want to make an appointment to see him, I suggest thatyou explain the problem before the appointment and make sure thathe thinks he can help. I also suggest that you talk this overwith your regular oncologist and make sure that your regularoncologist is open to hearing suggestions from Dr. Myers and iswilling to consider new ideas.You can communicate with Dr. Myers or his office here:http://www.prostateforum.com/AIDP.htmlBuena suerte.Alan

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If you are going to travel from overseas to the US for Prostate treatment the ONLY place to go is MD in Houston. They seem to have the most advanced treatment programs available.

To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Thu, November 18, 2010 11:14:17 AMSubject: Dr "Snuffy" Myers

Dear Friends,Does anyone have an opinion on Dr Myers?I live in Europe but am considering travelins overseas for as appointment with Dr Myers but it is a long ride so I was wondering if any of you have any personal or close experience regarding him.Kind RegardsPedro

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Hi Daisy,Thing is, I am gonna go to MD – Madrid first, they have a Hospital there since 2000 and I heard it’s the same Protocol and approach as MD NY (Not just the same name).Dr Myers is in case they say Chemo. Running away from Chemo as I can and I hear Dr Myers uses other stuff and has excellent results in Advanced PC…What’s your opinion? De: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] Em nome de daisy pettyEnviada: sexta-feira, 19 de Novembro de 2010 14:46Para: ProstateCancerSupport Assunto: Re: Dr " Snuffy " Myers If you are going to travel from overseas to the US for Prostate treatment the ONLY place to go is MD in Houston. They seem to have the most advanced treatment programs available. To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Thu, November 18, 2010 11:14:17 AMSubject: Dr " Snuffy " Myers Dear Friends,Does anyone have an opinion on Dr Myers?I live in Europe but am considering travelins overseas for as appointment with Dr Myers but it is a long ride so I was wondering if any of you have any personal or close experience regarding him.Kind RegardsPedro

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Well Daisy Petty, What you have stated is certainly controversial.  They DO NOT have the calibre of prostate cancer Medical Oncology of Dr. Myers or Dr. Strum or Dr. Mark Scholz or Dr. Bob Leibowitz or Dr. Lam or Dr. Tucker or Dr. Glen Tisman or Dr. A. Oliver Sartor, and there are others.  Only Logothetis at M.D. in Houston may come close, but he is so involved in research that he more often shunts patients off to colleagues.  And Memoral Sloane Kettering in NYC is likely more advanced in the treatment of prostate cancer and its effects than is M.D. .  This is not to short change M.D. , but it is not, as you remark, the ONLY place that patients should consider. Chuck Always as close as the other end of your computer to help address any prostate cancer concerns. " What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others. " (Chuck) Maack/Prostate Cancer Advocate/Mentor Wichita, Kansas Chapter, Us TOOBiography: http://www.ustoowichita.org/leaders.cfm?content=bio & id=1 Email: maack1@... Chapter Website " Observations " : http://www.ustoowichita.org/observations.cfm From: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of daisy pettySent: Friday, November 19, 2010 8:46 AMTo: ProstateCancerSupport Subject: Re: Dr " Snuffy " Myers If you are going to travel from overseas to the US for Prostate treatment the ONLY place to go is MD in Houston. They seem to have the most advanced treatment programs available. To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Thu, November 18, 2010 11:14:17 AMSubject: Dr " Snuffy " Myers Dear Friends,Does anyone have an opinion on Dr Myers?I live in Europe but am considering travelins overseas for as appointment with Dr Myers but it is a long ride so I was wondering if any of you have any personal or close experience regarding him.Kind RegardsPedro

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Thank you very much Chuck and Daisy. My opinion is that Dr Myers seem to address patients from a very human side and being himself a PCa patient he knows precisely how people with PCa feel.And I read that his outcomes with Advanced PCa are indeed very good…plus he avoids Chemio.These are the things that made me think about him. De: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] Em nome de Chuck MaackEnviada: sexta-feira, 19 de Novembro de 2010 15:25Para: ProstateCancerSupport Assunto: RE: Dr " Snuffy " Myers Well Daisy Petty, What you have stated is certainly controversial. They DO NOT have the calibre of prostate cancer Medical Oncology of Dr. Myers or Dr. Strum or Dr. Mark Scholz or Dr. Bob Leibowitz or Dr. Lam or Dr. Tucker or Dr. Glen Tisman or Dr. A. Oliver Sartor, and there are others. Only Logothetis at M.D. in Houston may come close, but he is so involved in research that he more often shunts patients off to colleagues. And Memoral Sloane Kettering in NYC is likely more advanced in the treatment of prostate cancer and its effects than is M.D. . This is not to short change M.D. , but it is not, as you remark, the ONLY place that patients should consider. Chuck Always as close as the other end of your computer to help address any prostate cancer concerns. " What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others. " (Chuck) Maack/Prostate Cancer Advocate/Mentor Wichita, Kansas Chapter, Us TOOBiography: http://www.ustoowichita.org/leaders.cfm?content=bio & id=1 Email: maack1@... Chapter Website " Observations " : http://www.ustoowichita.org/observations.cfm From: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] On Behalf Of daisy pettySent: Friday, November 19, 2010 8:46 AMTo: ProstateCancerSupport Subject: Re: Dr " Snuffy " Myers If you are going to travel from overseas to the US for Prostate treatment the ONLY place to go is MD in Houston. They seem to have the most advanced treatment programs available. To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Thu, November 18, 2010 11:14:17 AMSubject: Dr " Snuffy " Myers Dear Friends,Does anyone have an opinion on Dr Myers?I live in Europe but am considering travelins overseas for as appointment with Dr Myers but it is a long ride so I was wondering if any of you have any personal or close experience regarding him.Kind RegardsPedro

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I say Dr. Louis at MD in Houston, for radiation Dr Choi at MD , for ED Dr Wong at MD .

To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Fri, November 19, 2010 9:13:51 AMSubject: RE: Dr "Snuffy" Myers

Hi Daisy,

Thing is, I am gonna go to MD – Madrid first, they have a Hospital there since 2000 and I heard it’s the same Protocol and approach as MD NY (Not just the same name).

Dr Myers is in case they say Chemo. Running away from Chemo as I can and I hear Dr Myers uses other stuff and has excellent results in Advanced PC…

What’s your opinion?

De: ProstateCancerSupport [mailto:ProstateCancerSupport ] Em nome de daisy pettyEnviada: sexta-feira, 19 de Novembro de 2010 14:46Para: ProstateCancerSupport Assunto: Re: Dr "Snuffy" Myers

If you are going to travel from overseas to the US for Prostate treatment the ONLY place to go is MD in Houston. They seem to have the most advanced treatment programs available.

To: ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Thu, November 18, 2010 11:14:17 AMSubject: Dr "Snuffy" Myers

Dear Friends,Does anyone have an opinion on Dr Myers?I live in Europe but am considering travelins overseas for as appointment with Dr Myers but it is a long ride so I was wondering if any of you have any personal or close experience regarding him.Kind RegardsPedro

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