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Re: chronic diarrhea

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Hi Dolores,

when my husband was diagnosed with diabetes I made him loose 30 lbs with diet

and some exercise.

ever since, he has been on the almost starch free diet, food intake every two

hours, no meds, a1c 5.9, sugar 80 to 112.

how is your thyroid? it seems to be a connection: hypothyroidism, diabetes,

diarrhea, ovarian cysts.

do your own stool ph? I think it's difficult!



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>


Sent: Sat, July 3, 2010 11:29:25 AM

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


This sounds like a good idea.  I can do a steak and leafy salad every day of


week.  In my youth, I used to do that diet everytime, I would put on an extra 5

lbs and it always worked.  Can i add green peppers, onions and some garlic


to the meat?  Just kidding!  I usually do flavor my meat with onions & peppers


garlic. This is the easy part.  As far as the fast, that is a bit scary as I

take two kinds of antidiabetic meds and am afraid of going into hypoglycemia. 


would rather do that when a doctor is monitoring me.  I had the discussion


the lowered standards of the morning glucose being 80 or below with several docs

and most of them don't agree with it.  They prefer the 90-120 range.  They


it is more important to keep the A1C down around 6 which shows that the patient

has kept the glucose readings at a more even level. In my early years before I

had my sugar under control, I went into hypoglycemia several times and that

was scary.  Once in a crowd, I started shaking violently and profusly

sweating. luckily I knew the symptoms and grabbed a bottle of Pepsi and drank


down fast and then followed with another until the shaking stopped.  I was

drenched with perspiration That happened when I was first put on diabetic

medication. The doctor took me off the medicine and I went along on diet &

exercise alone for another two years before I was put on newer, safer meds that

did not produce the drop in glucose I had experienced earlier. Right now I am


metformin and Januvia.  I had been on Metformin & Amaryl for a long time with

great success. But like all diabetic meds, they stop working after a while.  I

was then put on Injectible Insulin, and had the sorest thighs.  My thighs all

turned black & blue.  That was the only place I felt comfortable injecting

myself.  and the Insulin was not keeping my glucose level low enough. So, I


given Januvia about a year

ago and my readings have been good since. If I am to go on a fast it would


to be under the direction of an M.D.  I couldn't try it alone.  It is a good

suggestion, but for me a scary one.  Couldn't I just stick the pH paper into


loose stool and read the level of acidity or alkaline the  way saliva results

are read?~~~I'm going to try it and see. ~~~~ Just curios, ~~~~~Dolores   

From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against the

use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium difficille

propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the metronidazole

or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a month

will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>

Sclero Derma <rheumatic >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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Would that happen if the Prevacid I take is as infrequent as one 30mg capsule

once or twice a week or less at times. I only take one when the entire esphagus

feels like it is on fire and never checked it out to read that it was a proton

pump.  I should be more diligent and read the little pamphlets that come with

the medication.  Most of the time I do, but since I take it so rarely it, I

didn't bother.  Again you are opening up my eyes to further info.  Thank you

so much.  Dolores

From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against the

use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium difficille

propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the metronidazole

or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a month

will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>

Sclero Derma <rheumatic >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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Hi Ana.  That is amazing what you have accomplished for your husband's

diabetes. He eats every two hours, no meds and is totally controlled.  May I

ask what he eats every two hours?  Is it just a snack or full meals?  Do you

carry foods with you when you go out?  Are you able to travel?  How do you

manage to create meals without much starch?  When he does eat starch, what kind

and how much does he eat?  I hope you don't mind all the questions. I am very

curious how you can manage a life style with stopping to eat every two hours. 

I am lucky if I eat twice a day!  I find that food preparation for 3 people

twice a day takes up so much of my time.  How do you do it? How long has he

been a diabetic?  When I was first diagnosed I went two years on diet and

exercise alone.  But then my body started to make its' own glucose, so I

finally had to go on meds which covered me well for many years, but then they

stopped working eventually and I had to

tryother things including injecting myself for a time.  I have been a diabetic

for at least 20 yrs.  So, my diabetes is pretty far advanced and yet I am doing

well for this many years. Yes, my thyroid gets checked with each new doc I see

and it has always been normal.  I have now gone two days so far w/o any

diarrhea, so I am happy.  Please let me know how you manage to feed someone

every two hours.  That sounds incredible to me.  Do either of you work or are

you both retired?  Do you have children or family living with you? I just want

to know how you manage this?  You ought to write a book about this so others

can learn your secret. You've got my curiosity.  Take care and have a happy

4th.  Dolores  

From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against the

use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium difficille

propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the metronidazole

or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a month

will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>

Sclero Derma <rheumatic >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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Hi Dolores,

we are both retired, I am in a wheelchair, my wonderful husband does all the


wheat is replaced with brown rice when absolutely needed

breakfast is tomatoes, cheese, ham, olives, avocados, peppers, basil, scallions

or eggs

more of the same two hours later, half banana

soup, nuts, apple, two hours later

more nuts and cheese around 2 or 3 PM

by 5 or 6 PM dinner: fish or meats with salads

at 8 PM some animal protein, nuts, yogurt

among fruits apples are best 

meats, fish, cooked with onions, lemon, capers, NOT potatoes

once in a while we eat beans or chick peas

lots of soups

lots of raw veggies

no cakes or alcohol

he swims every day, plays ping-pong twice a week, takes resveratrol, iodine,

chromium picolinate, niacin

happy 4th to you too



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>


Sent: Sat, July 3, 2010 4:14:43 PM

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hi Ana.  That is amazing what you have accomplished for your husband's


He eats every two hours, no meds and is totally controlled.  May I ask what he

eats every two hours?  Is it just a snack or full meals?  Do you carry foods

with you when you go out?  Are you able to travel?  How do you manage to


meals without much starch?  When he does eat starch, what kind and how much


he eat?  I hope you don't mind all the questions. I am very curious how you


manage a life style with stopping to eat every two hours.  I am lucky if I eat

twice a day!  I find that food preparation for 3 people twice a day takes up so

much of my time.  How do you do it? How long has he been a diabetic?  When I


first diagnosed I went two years on diet and exercise alone.  But then my body

started to make its' own glucose, so I finally had to go on meds which covered

me well for many years, but then they stopped working eventually and I had to

tryother things including injecting myself for a time.  I have been a diabetic

for at least 20 yrs.  So, my diabetes is pretty far advanced and yet I am doing

well for this many years. Yes, my thyroid gets checked with each new doc I see

and it has always been normal.  I have now gone two days so far w/o any

diarrhea, so I am happy.  Please let me know how you manage to feed someone

every two hours.  That sounds incredible to me.  Do either of you work or are

you both retired?  Do you have children or family living with you? I just want

to know how you manage this?  You ought to write a book about this so others


learn your secret. You've got my curiosity.  Take care and have a happy 4th. 


From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against the

use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium difficille

propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the metronidazole

or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a month

will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>

Sclero Derma <rheumatic >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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Hi Dolores,

the older we get, the less acid our stomach makes

if you have your gall bladder, main factors to a good digestion are: plenty of

acid in stomach, good digestive enzymes and balanced gi flora

when you take ppis, you suppress acid production, protein digestion is impaired,

gi flora changes to fit the existing ph.

can you lift your head, trunk when asleep, have early dinner, take peptobismol,

etc instead?



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>


Sent: Sat, July 3, 2010 12:47:14 PM

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Would that happen if the Prevacid I take is as infrequent as one 30mg capsule

once or twice a week or less at times. I only take one when the entire esphagus

feels like it is on fire and never checked it out to read that it was a proton

pump.  I should be more diligent and read the little pamphlets that come with

the medication.  Most of the time I do, but since I take it so rarely it, I

didn't bother.  Again you are opening up my eyes to further info.  Thank you


much.  Dolores

From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against the

use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium difficille

propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the metronidazole

or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a month

will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>

Sclero Derma <rheumatic >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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Hi Ana,  What do you mean by, " Can I lift my head & trunk when I am asleep?  I

don't get up when I am asleep!  I get up after I am awake.  Only sleep walkers

get up when they are asleep.  That question didn't make any sense to me.  I

know you meant to ask something, but I didn't get what you were after. 


I just re-read the e:mail and I think you mean,  do I elevate my head and trunk

on a pillow when I sleep... If that is what you meant, then the answer is no. 

I sleep on my side and sometimes on my stomach and I have never used a pillow in

my life.  I cannot sleep on a pillow.  When I was first diagnosed with

scleroderma, and extremely ill,  I spent most of my time sitting in a lazy

boy chair and slept all the time. But, we got rid of the chair when we moved

and now there is no room in my new place for a lazyboy chair plus the only time

I lay down now is when I go to bed.  I sleep with a C-PAP machine on my face

because I have severe sleep apnea.  It is not comfortable to add the pillow. 


 I get the part that Prevacid reduces the acid and as I get older my acid

decreases.   I got a message in my private e:mail telling me that aloe juice

cured GERD.  I went to the store yesterday to check out the aloe section and

there were many bottles and most had flavors added to them.  Two were not

flavored.  Being a diabetic, I always check sugar content and the label said

the bottles contained anywhere from 24 to 29 gms.  That is way too much sugar

for me. So, I didn't buy any. Does aloe contain that much sugar or is it

added?  Even the unflavored ones had that much sugar. 


Now the early dinner part.  I only eat when I am hungry.  Which means I don't

keep any kind of schedule. I make meals for Mom, but Mike and I never have any

planned schedule to eat and in 35 years we never have.  I usually eat in the

a,m. when I take my meds and again in the p.m. when I take my meds again.  I do

that because I take a handful of meds and they make me nauseous.  By taking

them with food, I am able to hold them down easier. I take the Minocin apart

from the rest of the meds without food.  That doesn't sit too well sometimes,

but I drink lots of water and get it down and sit at the computer for a couple

of hours.  The rest of the day, I don't bother eating any meals.  Mike and I

have always made ourselves our own food whenever we desire something. 

Sometimes we both eat the same thing.  Most times we don't.  I like soups and

salads.  Mike like spicy mexican and chinese foods.  I don't open up cans of

soup.  I make my own from

scratch and my favorite is chicken soup with a carrot, celery, garlic,

onion, a little bit of tomato sauce or v-8 juice for color and parsley, dill

and a spot of salt with a piece of chicken, mostly breast or leg or leg & thigh.

I remove all the fat from the soup.  I add some rice or angel hair pasta

cooked separately at the last minute when the soup is done.  I put that in

containers, freeze it and have a bowl sometimes around noon, and some

evenings   I am happy with a green salad of raw veggies, flax seed, sesame

seed, sunflower seed, black olives, tomato. celery, broccoli, cauliflower,

cucumber, onion, green pepper, sometimes radishes, sometimes shredded carrots

avocados when in season, etc.  It depends on whatever vegetable I have in the

fridge.  I have my own garden and just started raising my own veggies. They

have not grown yet.  For protein I will eat boiled chicken with all fat

removed.  Thin slices of lean steak tossed with

onion and green pepper and pan fried with a bit of olive oil or sometimes I

will boil up a couple of eggs or toss in some tuna, shrimp, sardines

 or crumbled feta cheese into the salad.  For drink I make fresh

limeade from the limes on our trees with bottled iced water, ice made from

bottled water and one packet of splenda.  Should I get hungry in the middle of

the day, I keep a few thin slices of cold fuji apple or a small 4 ounce cup of

V-8 juice.or chomp on a piece of celery.  I don't drink coffee, tea or

colas and yes I have my gallbladder. I thought I was doing everything right,

but the diarrhea started about two years ago when I started on

clindamycin. But actually, I have been prone to loose stools since I was about

8 yrs old.  That is when I took my first trip first to Florida and then to

Canada.  No doc ever found out why I get the runs whenever I travel but I

always did.  I went off the clindamycin, but the diarrhea would

continue to come intermittently until recently when it became chronic.  I

realized from what one of the members said about hand washing  The problem

may be that lately I have been working with soil that I bought at the store

and using to plant some vegetables & spices. I have been scooping the dirt

with my bare hands and most likely didn't wash my hands thoroughly enough with

hot water and soap because I have been using the outside sink to clean up and

that is not hooked up to hot water.  I live in Puerto Rico and the water is

tepid all the time so it never got hooked up to the hot water line. I had

forgotten to put new soap at that sink for a few days and so I was just rinsing

my hands after handling the soil and the plants.  We shall see if being more

diligent about that will help.  Also, I have increased the acidophillus and the

lactaid.  I am lactose intolerant and sometimes I eat some cottage cheese with

pineapple chunks.  And rarely,

drink some milk~~but always take lactaid prior to taking dairy of any sort

including cheese.  I moved from NY to a place where the air is fresh and we

have a constant breeze from the ocean.  There is no traffic or pollution and it

is a very quiet street with no outlet.  I am 300 ft. from the ocean and 350 ftl

up on a cliff so the view is gorgeous. I take care of Mom which is stressful,

but try to make the most of it and Mike help me all the way with all the

chores.  I don't know what else I can do to make it any better. I am taking

all the suggestions offered and implementing what I think will help the most. 

I appreciate all your suggestions and will use the ones I think will apply and

if that doesn't work, I will try some of the other suggestions. Thank you for

everything, Dolores & Mike    

From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against the

use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium difficille

propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the metronidazole

or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a month

will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>

Sclero Derma <rheumatic >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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Guest guest

Sounds delicious, but it also sounds like a lot of food.  Don't think I could

handle all that. It sounds like what I eat.  Only not as much.  I am little

and all that would blow me up. Sorry to hear you are in a wheelchair.  What

got you in there?  Good thing your husband can cook.  I wish you the best.


From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against the

use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium difficille

propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the metronidazole

or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a month

will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>

Sclero Derma <rheumatic >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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Hi Dolores and Mike,

yes, I am sorry, what I meant to say is to elevate your head and torso at an

angle of 30 degree so the acid would not enter your esophagus.

sure, with the c-pap machine things get complicated.

the secret with diabetes is small, frequent meals, minimum to no starch and

regular exercise. try experimenting, learn to eat little and often and your

pancreas and stomach will thank you.

it sounds like you live in paradise, water, beach, your own garden...you also

eat the right stuff, the only change you need, is frequent, small meals, every

two hours or so and exercise.

what put me in the wheelchair is my 25 years of ra.

good luck, 



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>


Sent: Sat, July 3, 2010 11:37:18 PM

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hi Ana,  What do you mean by, " Can I lift my head & trunk when I am asleep?  I

don't get up when I am asleep!  I get up after I am awake.  Only sleep walkers

get up when they are asleep.  That question didn't make any sense to me.  I


you meant to ask something, but I didn't get what you were after. 


I just re-read the e:mail and I think you mean,  do I elevate my head and trunk

on a pillow when I sleep... If that is what you meant, then the answer is no. 


sleep on my side and sometimes on my stomach and I have never used a pillow in

my life.  I cannot sleep on a pillow.  When I was first diagnosed with

scleroderma, and extremely ill,  I spent most of my time sitting in a lazy


chair and slept all the time. But, we got rid of the chair when we moved and


there is no room in my new place for a lazyboy chair plus the only time I lay

down now is when I go to bed.  I sleep with a C-PAP machine on my face because


have severe sleep apnea.  It is not comfortable to add the pillow. 


 I get the part that Prevacid reduces the acid and as I get older my acid

decreases.   I got a message in my private e:mail telling me that aloe juice

cured GERD.  I went to the store yesterday to check out the aloe section and

there were many bottles and most had flavors added to them.  Two were not

flavored.  Being a diabetic, I always check sugar content and the label said


bottles contained anywhere from 24 to 29 gms.  That is way too much sugar for

me. So, I didn't buy any. Does aloe contain that much sugar or is it added? 

Even the unflavored ones had that much sugar. 


Now the early dinner part.  I only eat when I am hungry.  Which means I don't

keep any kind of schedule. I make meals for Mom, but Mike and I never have any

planned schedule to eat and in 35 years we never have.  I usually eat in the

a,m. when I take my meds and again in the p.m. when I take my meds again.  I do

that because I take a handful of meds and they make me nauseous.  By taking


with food, I am able to hold them down easier. I take the Minocin apart from


rest of the meds without food.  That doesn't sit too well sometimes, but I


lots of water and get it down and sit at the computer for a couple of hours.

 The rest of the day, I don't bother eating any meals.  Mike and I have always

made ourselves our own food whenever we desire something.  Sometimes we both


the same thing.  Most times we don't.  I like soups and salads.  Mike like


mexican and chinese foods.  I don't open up cans of soup.  I make my own from

scratch and my favorite is chicken soup with a carrot, celery, garlic, onion, a

little bit of tomato sauce or v-8 juice for color and parsley, dill and a spot

of salt with a piece of chicken, mostly breast or leg or leg & thigh. I remove

all the fat from the soup.  I add some rice or angel hair pasta cooked

separately at the last minute when the soup is done.  I put that in containers,

freeze it and have a bowl sometimes around noon, and some evenings   I am


with a green salad of raw veggies, flax seed, sesame seed, sunflower seed, black

olives, tomato. celery, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, onion, green

pepper, sometimes radishes, sometimes shredded carrots avocados when in season,

etc.  It depends on whatever vegetable I have in the fridge.  I have my own

garden and just started raising my own veggies. They have not grown yet. 

For protein I will eat boiled chicken with all fat removed.  Thin slices of


steak tossed with

onion and green pepper and pan fried with a bit of olive oil or sometimes I


boil up a couple of eggs or toss in some tuna, shrimp, sardines  or crumbled

feta cheese into the salad.  For drink I make fresh limeade from the limes on

our trees with bottled iced water, ice made from bottled water and one packet


splenda.  Should I get hungry in the middle of the day, I keep a few thin


of cold fuji apple or a small 4 ounce cup of V-8 juice.or chomp on a piece of

celery.  I don't drink coffee, tea or colas and yes I have my gallbladder. I

thought I was doing everything right, but the diarrhea started about two years

ago when I started on clindamycin. But actually, I have been prone to loose

stools since I was about 8 yrs old.  That is when I took my first trip first


Florida and then to Canada.  No doc ever found out why I get the runs whenever


travel but I always did.  I went off the clindamycin, but the diarrhea would

continue to come intermittently until recently when it became chronic.  I

realized from what one of the members said about hand washing  The problem


be that lately I have been working with soil that I bought at the store

and using to plant some vegetables & spices. I have been scooping the dirt


my bare hands and most likely didn't wash my hands thoroughly enough with hot

water and soap because I have been using the outside sink to clean up and that

is not hooked up to hot water.  I live in Puerto Rico and the water is tepid


the time so it never got hooked up to the hot water line. I had forgotten to


new soap at that sink for a few days and so I was just rinsing my hands after

handling the soil and the plants.  We shall see if being more diligent about

that will help.  Also, I have increased the acidophillus and the lactaid.  I


lactose intolerant and sometimes I eat some cottage cheese with pineapple

chunks.  And rarely,

drink some milk~~but always take lactaid prior to taking dairy of any sort

including cheese.  I moved from NY to a place where the air is fresh and we


a constant breeze from the ocean.  There is no traffic or pollution and it is a

very quiet street with no outlet.  I am 300 ft. from the ocean and 350 ftl up


a cliff so the view is gorgeous. I take care of Mom which is stressful, but try

to make the most of it and Mike help me all the way with all the chores.  I

don't know what else I can do to make it any better. I am taking all the

suggestions offered and implementing what I think will help the most.  I

appreciate all your suggestions and will use the ones I think will apply and


that doesn't work, I will try some of the other suggestions. Thank you for

everything, Dolores & Mike    

From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against the

use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium difficille

propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the metronidazole

or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a month

will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>

Sclero Derma <rheumatic >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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it's me again. I do not think the aloe vera that grows out there contains sugar.

the sugar in the bottle is added for taste

can you try the aloe vera leaf? Asian supermarkets carry it



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>


Sent: Sat, July 3, 2010 11:37:18 PM

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hi Ana,  What do you mean by, " Can I lift my head & trunk when I am asleep?  I

don't get up when I am asleep!  I get up after I am awake.  Only sleep walkers

get up when they are asleep.  That question didn't make any sense to me.  I


you meant to ask something, but I didn't get what you were after. 


I just re-read the e:mail and I think you mean,  do I elevate my head and trunk

on a pillow when I sleep... If that is what you meant, then the answer is no. 


sleep on my side and sometimes on my stomach and I have never used a pillow in

my life.  I cannot sleep on a pillow.  When I was first diagnosed with

scleroderma, and extremely ill,  I spent most of my time sitting in a lazy


chair and slept all the time. But, we got rid of the chair when we moved and


there is no room in my new place for a lazyboy chair plus the only time I lay

down now is when I go to bed.  I sleep with a C-PAP machine on my face because


have severe sleep apnea.  It is not comfortable to add the pillow. 


 I get the part that Prevacid reduces the acid and as I get older my acid

decreases.   I got a message in my private e:mail telling me that aloe juice

cured GERD.  I went to the store yesterday to check out the aloe section and

there were many bottles and most had flavors added to them.  Two were not

flavored.  Being a diabetic, I always check sugar content and the label said


bottles contained anywhere from 24 to 29 gms.  That is way too much sugar for

me. So, I didn't buy any. Does aloe contain that much sugar or is it added? 

Even the unflavored ones had that much sugar. 


Now the early dinner part.  I only eat when I am hungry.  Which means I don't

keep any kind of schedule. I make meals for Mom, but Mike and I never have any

planned schedule to eat and in 35 years we never have.  I usually eat in the

a,m. when I take my meds and again in the p.m. when I take my meds again.  I do

that because I take a handful of meds and they make me nauseous.  By taking


with food, I am able to hold them down easier. I take the Minocin apart from


rest of the meds without food.  That doesn't sit too well sometimes, but I


lots of water and get it down and sit at the computer for a couple of hours.

 The rest of the day, I don't bother eating any meals.  Mike and I have always

made ourselves our own food whenever we desire something.  Sometimes we both


the same thing.  Most times we don't.  I like soups and salads.  Mike like


mexican and chinese foods.  I don't open up cans of soup.  I make my own from

scratch and my favorite is chicken soup with a carrot, celery, garlic, onion, a

little bit of tomato sauce or v-8 juice for color and parsley, dill and a spot

of salt with a piece of chicken, mostly breast or leg or leg & thigh. I remove

all the fat from the soup.  I add some rice or angel hair pasta cooked

separately at the last minute when the soup is done.  I put that in containers,

freeze it and have a bowl sometimes around noon, and some evenings   I am


with a green salad of raw veggies, flax seed, sesame seed, sunflower seed, black

olives, tomato. celery, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, onion, green

pepper, sometimes radishes, sometimes shredded carrots avocados when in season,

etc.  It depends on whatever vegetable I have in the fridge.  I have my own

garden and just started raising my own veggies. They have not grown yet. 

For protein I will eat boiled chicken with all fat removed.  Thin slices of


steak tossed with

onion and green pepper and pan fried with a bit of olive oil or sometimes I


boil up a couple of eggs or toss in some tuna, shrimp, sardines  or crumbled

feta cheese into the salad.  For drink I make fresh limeade from the limes on

our trees with bottled iced water, ice made from bottled water and one packet


splenda.  Should I get hungry in the middle of the day, I keep a few thin


of cold fuji apple or a small 4 ounce cup of V-8 juice.or chomp on a piece of

celery.  I don't drink coffee, tea or colas and yes I have my gallbladder. I

thought I was doing everything right, but the diarrhea started about two years

ago when I started on clindamycin. But actually, I have been prone to loose

stools since I was about 8 yrs old.  That is when I took my first trip first


Florida and then to Canada.  No doc ever found out why I get the runs whenever


travel but I always did.  I went off the clindamycin, but the diarrhea would

continue to come intermittently until recently when it became chronic.  I

realized from what one of the members said about hand washing  The problem


be that lately I have been working with soil that I bought at the store

and using to plant some vegetables & spices. I have been scooping the dirt


my bare hands and most likely didn't wash my hands thoroughly enough with hot

water and soap because I have been using the outside sink to clean up and that

is not hooked up to hot water.  I live in Puerto Rico and the water is tepid


the time so it never got hooked up to the hot water line. I had forgotten to


new soap at that sink for a few days and so I was just rinsing my hands after

handling the soil and the plants.  We shall see if being more diligent about

that will help.  Also, I have increased the acidophillus and the lactaid.  I


lactose intolerant and sometimes I eat some cottage cheese with pineapple

chunks.  And rarely,

drink some milk~~but always take lactaid prior to taking dairy of any sort

including cheese.  I moved from NY to a place where the air is fresh and we


a constant breeze from the ocean.  There is no traffic or pollution and it is a

very quiet street with no outlet.  I am 300 ft. from the ocean and 350 ftl up


a cliff so the view is gorgeous. I take care of Mom which is stressful, but try

to make the most of it and Mike help me all the way with all the chores.  I

don't know what else I can do to make it any better. I am taking all the

suggestions offered and implementing what I think will help the most.  I

appreciate all your suggestions and will use the ones I think will apply and


that doesn't work, I will try some of the other suggestions. Thank you for

everything, Dolores & Mike    

From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against the

use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium difficille

propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the metronidazole

or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a month

will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>

Sclero Derma <rheumatic >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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The aloe vera gel I use contains no sugar. I think it is desert rose brand

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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Thanks, I will check that out.  Dolores

From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against the

use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium difficille

propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the metronidazole

or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a month

will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>

Sclero Derma <rheumatic >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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Hmm!  Asian supermarkets may be difficult to find here.  But I will check out

the local markets to see if I can find it or maybe the health food supermarket

may carry it.  Will find out. Thank you for the tip. Someone also said that

aloe comes in capsules. End of day 3 and no runs so far.  Am implementing some

changes and they seems to be working, so far.  Best to you, Dolores & Mike

From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against the

use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium difficille

propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the metronidazole

or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a month

will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>

Sclero Derma <rheumatic >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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Guest guest

OH! I am so sorry. Have you been on antibiotics?  Or is the damage not

reversible.  Good thing your husband does the cooking.  Yes, I do live in

Paradise now. We wrnt to the beach today.  It felt good to frolic in the salt

water and feel the waves.  It has been such a long time.  I will have to take

time out and do this more often.  Yes, I am trying your 2 hour feeding

schedule.  I am on day 3 with no diarrhea, so far. I seem to limit myself to

snacks rather than meals as my stomach is not stretched enough to allow too much

food in.  But I am trying and so far I 'm doing good.  Thank You, Dolores &


From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against the

use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium difficille

propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the metronidazole

or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a month

will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>

Sclero Derma <rheumatic >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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If my memory serves me okay, I remember reading that the actual plant is not

good to ingest as is due to the fact that there is a laxative effect. The

processing takes that ingredient out of the leaf and you do not need that.


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Dolores....Day #3....Great!!!!


In a message dated 7/4/2010 9:14:22 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

martysfolks2004@... writes:

OH! I am so sorry. Have you been on antibiotics? Or is the damage not

reversible. Good thing your husband does the cooking. Yes, I do live in

Paradise now. We wrnt to the beach today. It felt good to frolic in the salt

water and feel the waves. It has been such a long time. I will have to

take time out and do this more often. Yes, I am trying your 2 hour feeding

schedule. I am on day 3 with no diarrhea, so far. I seem to limit myself to

snacks rather than meals as my stomach is not stretched enough to allow too

much food in. But I am trying and so far I 'm doing good. Thank You,

Dolores & Mike

From: Ana Andrescu <_anaandrescu@..._ (mailto:anaandrescu@...) >

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea

_rheumatic _ (mailto:rheumatic )

Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM

Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against


use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium


propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the


or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a


will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <_martysfolks2004@..._

(mailto:martysfolks2004@...) >

Sclero Derma <_rheumatic _

(mailto:rheumatic ) >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea

Hello group! I have a problem. I have always been prone to having a


gut. It started in childhood. It was called travelers diarrhea back then


all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with


scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year


taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative. So, nothing was done. The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation. Well


inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal. I


acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also


intolerant. The lactose intolerance started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer. Doc said it was negative


bacteria and gave me Prevacid. That did cure the ulcer and eased the


from the hernia. Then

along came the Scleroderma. The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I

was on

Minocin. Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed


about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile


After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way. So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of


disease. How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission? All


symptoms are gone. My skin is soft and supple. My heart & lungs are


well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which


the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some


spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away. I also


white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away. It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots. That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal

problems as

I can swallow just fine. The problem is the dumping once the food gets


into my stomach. I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy. I am confused.


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition. I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac. Have been tested several times. I am always negative.

But I

am worried. Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone

else at

the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma. I seem to drink lots of fluids as


lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often. I have increased my proteins

as I

think I am losing mostly proteins. Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins. Seems I have been a bit deficient

in that

area.. Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have


problem also. Dolores

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Hi Carol.  R U referring to the aloe leaf itself.  I have a nice size plant

that I just bought.  If I remember my plant that I had in California, I think

it was making babies all the time.  If so, I will transplant them.  The gel

that oozes out of the plant heals cut and burns quickly and good for sunburn

also.  Very soothing.  Or R U referring to the licorice plant...I haven't

looked that one up yet. Been busy surfing the net.  Looking to order a hot

tub.  Just checking what is out there.  Take care, Dolores

From: Bob & Carol Zarn <bczarn@...>

Subject: rheumatic Re: Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 10:33 AM



If my memory serves me okay, I remember reading that the actual plant is not

good to ingest as is due to the fact that there is a laxative effect. The

processing takes that ingredient out of the leaf and you do not need that.


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Hi Dolore,

I have been on abx on and off. In the beginning all inflammatory parameters went

down, then they plateaued and I began to feel worse. I stopped mino last year

when my ankles started swelling and my right flank was hurting at night.

Unfortunately, I never found a sympathetic infectious disease doctor willing to

look into the infectious cause of my ra.

keep up the good work,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>


Sent: Sun, July 4, 2010 6:05:58 PM

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


OH! I am so sorry. Have you been on antibiotics?  Or is the damage not

reversible.  Good thing your husband does the cooking.  Yes, I do live in

Paradise now. We wrnt to the beach today.  It felt good to frolic in the salt

water and feel the waves.  It has been such a long time.  I will have to take

time out and do this more often.  Yes, I am trying your 2 hour feeding

schedule.  I am on day 3 with no diarrhea, so far. I seem to limit myself to

snacks rather than meals as my stomach is not stretched enough to allow too much

food in.  But I am trying and so far I 'm doing good.  Thank You, Dolores &


From: Ana Andrescu <anaandrescu@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Friday, July 2, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Dolores,

a few years ago, a study done by a north European country advised against the

use of h pump inhibitors when on long term abx because of clostridium difficille

propensity to quickly spread its colonies in an alkaline gut.

therefor do a bacterial stool study and find out if you need the metronidazole

or if you can't, just take the metro and see how it feels.

are you positive for h. pylori? two glasses of raw cabbage juice for a month

will do wonders, you maybe able to get away from the prevacid.

good luck,



From: mike rosner <martysfolks2004@...>

Sclero Derma <rheumatic >

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 1:52:26 AM

Subject: rheumatic Chronic Diarrhea


Hello group!  I have a problem.  I have always been prone to having a loose

gut.  It started in childhood.  It was called travelers diarrhea back then and

all the tests in the world came back negative. When I came down with systemic

scleroderma, it was not my first symptoms, but somewhere in my third year of

taking antibiotics, the problem started to become more frequent. Again all

tests, colonoscopies, etc, were negative.  So, nothing was done.  The last

gastro doc said , it just showed that my bowel had inflammation.  Well this

inflammation is getting worse. Now it is happening after every meal.  I take

acidophillus, Immodium after each loose B.M. and lactaid as I am also lactose

intolerant.  The lactose intolerance  started about 40 years ago. About 10


ago I developed a hiatial hernia and an ulcer.  Doc said it was negative for

bacteria and gave me Prevacid.  That did cure the ulcer and eased the heartburn

from the hernia.  Then

along came the Scleroderma.  The gut problem did not become uncomfortable


the 3rd year of my disease and by then I was healing all over because I was on

Minocin.  Now all the symptoms have gone, but the diarrhea and I noticed lately

about once a month, I get a spell of nausea followed by projectile vomiting. 

After the episode, I feel fine and go on my way.  So, tonight I did some

research and it said that diarrhea usually occurs in the latter stages of the

disease.  How could that be is I am supposed to be in remission?  All other

symptoms are gone.  My skin is soft and supple.  My heart & lungs are behaving

well. And my blood work ANA & RF is normal. I don't have any calcinosis,

raynauds, sclerodactyly, but I still have a few red spots on my face which is

the telangialectasia.Hope ( I spelled that right.) And I have some vitiligo

spots on my forehead that developed early on and never went away.  I also have

white spots on my arms

and legs that never went away.  It looks like I lost the pigment in those

spots.  That could be part of vitiligo also. I don't have esophageal problems


I can swallow just fine.  The problem is the dumping once the food gets down

into my stomach.  I get bloated, uncomfortable and gassy.  I am confused. 


could I be in a late stage of scleroderma, when all signs say I'm in


My last doc said it was the antibiotics and blood work showed I was not

anemic. So, I am getting some nutrition.  I am not underweight nor

overweight. I

am not a celiac.  Have been tested several times. I am always negative.   But


am worried.  Any thoughts or suggestions and has this happened to anyone else


the 3-5 yr level of having scleroderma.  I seem to drink lots of fluids as I

lose lots of fluids and feel thirsty often.  I have increased my proteins as I

think I am losing mostly proteins.  Have been told in the past when I was

hospitalized to increase my proteins.  Seems I have been a bit deficient in


area..  Waiting to see if it is only me or do others with Scleroderma have this

problem also.   Dolores     

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Hi Dolores,

It is the aloe vera plant that is not recommended to eat unless processed as

there is something in it that has a laxative effect. I guess if you are needing

the effect then it might be okay.


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Hehehehehe!  No, I will not start nibbling on my aloe vera plant.  That would

be the last thing I need.  They would have to hose me off the floor.  Thank

you, I needed a laugh for the day.  We were just about to go out shopping when

one of our tropical storms just blew over.  Thankfully, they only last a few

minutes.  Going to the health food store to check out the aloe juices and some

other things, but as you probably read today is day #5 sans diarrhea and I am

ecstatic.  You all were so wonderful in responding to my dilemma and I have

implemented many of the suggestions and so grateful to the group for all your

concerns and responses.   This is a very special group of people.  I'm glad I

found this site.  My best to all of you.  I don't usually jump in on the AS

and reactive arthritis posts as I know very little about those diseases and the

side effects from taking the antibiotics.  I, myself with scleroderma would be

afraid of taking

Embrel long term.  I know Lupus rears its ugly head with Minocin or so it has

been reported.  But I leave those questions to the experts and thank you Ethel

for that report re: the FAQ.  That, I will save and make reference to it when

necessary.  Take care all~~~~Dolores

From: Bob & Carol Zarn <bczarn@...>

Subject: rheumatic Re: Chronic Diarrhea


Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2010, 9:45 AM


Hi Dolores,

It is the aloe vera plant that is not recommended to eat unless processed as

there is something in it that has a laxative effect. I guess if you are needing

the effect then it might be okay.


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