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Re: Brachy

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Thanks for your response and input, sounds like were both on the same page regarding Brachy HDR.

"Eddie21bjaol" <Eddie21bjaol> wrote:> Had a Bracky seed implantation this past Monday. 104 seeds were> implanted. Had the catheter removed yesterday and peeing on my> own however at times I have a strong urge and all I get is a> spurt of blood and have to wait a while and keep trying again> until the flow begins. Experiencing discomfort when peeing.> My Gleason was 3+3=6. Doc has me on Cipro 500MG X2, Doxazosin> 4MGand Doc-q-lace 100 mg.> Doc said the seed implant went exceptionally well took three> hours. In recovery for five hours due to an allergic reaction> from the narcotics which in my case caused extreme vomiting.> Is this pretty much the aftermath of what takes place with most> of us?At least some of it sounds within the normal range to me. I hadtwo sessions of HDR brachytherapy. I seem to recall having someblood in the urine, more in semen. I would hope that would clearup in no more than a few weeks.As for the strong urge to pee, I had that one in spades. Theproblem is that radiation makes the prostate tissue swell up withinflammation. The swollen prostate clamps down on the urethra,the channel for urine from the bladder to the penis, that runsright through the prostate. So your bladder fills, the pressurebuilds, but you can't get it through the clamping. Furthermore,when the pressure builds up enough to push through, after someurine gets through the pressure decreases and the clamping closesdown the urethra before you can completely empty the bladder. Asa result, you may feel an urgent need to pee again in just anhour or two.The Doxazosin prescribed by your doctor helps this. I usedFlomax, a very similar drug. Without it, I would have hadtrouble urinating at all. It's possible that, if you're not atthe maximum dose, he can up the dose a little - though I bet he'salready got you at the maximum.The bad news is that this can last for some months. The goodnews is that it only lasts for some months and then the swellingsubsides and everything goes back to normal. For me, it began toslowly get better after about 6-7 weeks. It took about 5 monthsto be completely normal again.I found it an inconvenience but not much more. I kept a jar bythe bedside so I could sit up, urinate, and go right back tosleep. I also kept a plastic jar with a tight fitting lid in mycar in case I had to make a long drive and had a sudden urge thatcouldn't wait.Your case may be a little worse than mine. I was able to get ridof the catheter the first night - but just barely. The docwanted to keep it in but I danced around in front of the toiletfor ten minutes until I was finally able to urinate enough toconvince her I didn't need it.Ain't growing old fun?Best of luck.Alan

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" Eddie21bj@... " wrote:

> Had a Bracky seed implantation this past Monday. 104 seeds were

> implanted. Had the catheter removed yesterday and peeing on my

> own however at times I have a strong urge and all I get is a

> spurt of blood and have to wait a while and keep trying again

> until the flow begins. Experiencing discomfort when peeing.

> My Gleason was 3+3=6. Doc has me on Cipro 500MG X2, Doxazosin

> 4MGand Doc-q-lace 100 mg.

> Doc said the seed implant went exceptionally well took three

> hours. In recovery for five hours due to an allergic reaction

> from the narcotics which in my case caused extreme vomiting.

> Is this pretty much the aftermath of what takes place with most

> of us?

At least some of it sounds within the normal range to me. I had

two sessions of HDR brachytherapy. I seem to recall having some

blood in the urine, more in semen. I would hope that would clear

up in no more than a few weeks.

As for the strong urge to pee, I had that one in spades. The

problem is that radiation makes the prostate tissue swell up with

inflammation. The swollen prostate clamps down on the urethra,

the channel for urine from the bladder to the penis, that runs

right through the prostate. So your bladder fills, the pressure

builds, but you can't get it through the clamping. Furthermore,

when the pressure builds up enough to push through, after some

urine gets through the pressure decreases and the clamping closes

down the urethra before you can completely empty the bladder. As

a result, you may feel an urgent need to pee again in just an

hour or two.

The Doxazosin prescribed by your doctor helps this. I used

Flomax, a very similar drug. Without it, I would have had

trouble urinating at all. It's possible that, if you're not at

the maximum dose, he can up the dose a little - though I bet he's

already got you at the maximum.

The bad news is that this can last for some months. The good

news is that it only lasts for some months and then the swelling

subsides and everything goes back to normal. For me, it began to

slowly get better after about 6-7 weeks. It took about 5 months

to be completely normal again.

I found it an inconvenience but not much more. I kept a jar by

the bedside so I could sit up, urinate, and go right back to

sleep. I also kept a plastic jar with a tight fitting lid in my

car in case I had to make a long drive and had a sudden urge that

couldn't wait.

Your case may be a little worse than mine. I was able to get rid

of the catheter the first night - but just barely. The doc

wanted to keep it in but I danced around in front of the toilet

for ten minutes until I was finally able to urinate enough to

convince her I didn't need it.

Ain't growing old fun?

Best of luck.


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Eddie, I had 69 seeds implanted in November 2006. I also had some discomfort peeing and IIRC, some blood in the urine for a little while. I didn't need a catheter, though. For the first month or two after the procedure, I had some urgency, but that ended after two months.

Sounds like you have a larger prostate than me since you needed 50% more seeds than I did. That might be why you're having a little more discomfort than I did. I didn't have any vomiting after the procedure either.

So far, though, the results have been good. My PSA has been at .01 for a year and a half which my uro says is undetectable. I just saw him yesterday and got another PSA test so I'll know about that in a few days. I've had no trouble with urination. Erectile function is fine with the help of Cialis (not so good without it).

Good luck with your recovery!



Had a Bracky seed implantation this past Monday. 104 seeds were implanted. Had the catheter removed yesterday and peeing on my own however at times I have a strong urge and all I get is a spurt of blood and have to wait a while and keep trying again until the flow begins. Experiencing discomfort when peeing.

My Gleason was 3+3=6. Doc has me on Cipro 500MG X2, Doxazosin 4MGand Doc-q-lace 100 mg.

Doc said the seed implant went exceptionally well took three hours. In recovery for five hours due to an allergic reaction from the narcotics which in my case caused extreme vomiting.

Is this pretty much the aftermath of what takes place with most of us?

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Thanks for your good wishes.

I appreciate your information also. It all helps me to understand

what is happening.


Eddie, I had 69 seeds implanted in November 2006. I also had some discomfort peeing and IIRC, some blood in the urine for a little while. I didn't need a catheter, though. For the first month or two after the procedure, I had some urgency, but that ended after two months.

Sounds like you have a larger prostate than me since you needed 50% more seeds than I did. That might be why you're having a little more discomfort than I did. I didn't have any vomiting after the procedure either.

So far, though, the results have been good. My PSA has been at .01 for a year and a half which my uro says is undetectable. I just saw him yesterday and got another PSA test so I'll know about that in a few days. I've had no trouble with urination. Erectile function is fine with the help of Cialis (not so good without it).

Good luck with your recovery!



Had a Bracky seed implantation this past Monday. 104 seeds were implanted. Had the catheter removed yesterday and peeing on my own however at times I have a strong urge and all I get is a spurt of blood and have to wait a while and keep trying again until the flow begins. Experiencing discomfort when peeing.

My Gleason was 3+3=6. Doc has me on Cipro 500MG X2, Doxazosin 4MGand Doc-q-lace 100 mg.

Doc said the seed implant went exceptionally well took three hours. In recovery for five hours due to an allergic reaction from the narcotics which in my case caused extreme vomiting.

Is this pretty much the aftermath of what takes place with most of us?

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My pleasure! Feel free to email any time.


Had a Bracky seed implantation this past Monday. 104 seeds were implanted. Had the catheter removed yesterday and peeing on my own however at times I have a strong urge and all I get is a spurt of blood and have to wait a while and keep trying again until the flow begins. Experiencing discomfort when peeing.

My Gleason was 3+3=6. Doc has me on Cipro 500MG X2, Doxazosin 4MGand Doc-q-lace 100 mg.

Doc said the seed implant went exceptionally well took three hours. In recovery for five hours due to an allergic reaction from the narcotics which in my case caused extreme vomiting.

Is this pretty much the aftermath of what takes place with most of us?

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