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A summary of my prostate woes

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I have benefited greatly from reading the messages on this site. I feel that

it's my turn to contribute.

My age is 61. From June '07 to Sept.'08 my PSA had jumped from 2.73 to a

high of 6.66 with several intermediate readings.

I ignored the urologist's call for a biopsy. The reasons are varied, it's a long


Finally, I had a biopsy that came out positive for PC in August of 2010. I

showed two(out of 12) positive needles; one Gleason 6 tumor covering 25% of the

sample and one Gleason 7 tumor (3 + 4) on the other side with 10%.

After consulting several urologists, I decided to have a radical prostatectomy

using the Da Vinci robot. I was refered to my surgeon (oncology urologist) by

one of my urologists. (Would you believe 4 urologists?)

It has been ten days since my operation (10/18). The caterer is out and I am

feeling better each day.

The pathology states that the tumor involved all quadrants as microscopic foci

and was contained in the prostate. The lymph nodes were benign.

No vascular invasion identified. Perineural invasion is identified. The

prostatic adenocarcionoma is a Gleason grade 6.

The doctor told me that all of the tumor is out and to return in 3 months for a

check up.

I think that I dodged a big bullet. Thanks to all for helping me to sift through

what is relevant and critical regarding this disease.

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Glad to hear the good news, Milton. Good luck going forward. Keep up wityh the Kegel exercises.

Mike C.

Subject: A summary of my prostate woesTo: ProstateCancerSupport Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 10:28 AM

I have benefited greatly from reading the messages on this site. I feel that it's my turn to contribute. My age is 61. From June '07 to Sept.'08 my PSA had jumped from 2.73 to a high of 6.66 with several intermediate readings.I ignored the urologist's call for a biopsy. The reasons are varied, it's a long story.Finally, I had a biopsy that came out positive for PC in August of 2010. I showed two(out of 12) positive needles; one Gleason 6 tumor covering 25% of the sample and one Gleason 7 tumor (3 + 4) on the other side with 10%.After consulting several urologists, I decided to have a radical prostatectomy using the Da Vinci robot. I was refered to my surgeon (oncology urologist) by one of my urologists. (Would you believe 4 urologists?)It has been ten days since my operation (10/18). The caterer is out and I am feeling better each day. The pathology states that the

tumor involved all quadrants as microscopic foci and was contained in the prostate. The lymph nodes were benign.No vascular invasion identified. Perineural invasion is identified. The prostatic adenocarcionoma is a Gleason grade 6.The doctor told me that all of the tumor is out and to return in 3 months for a check up.I think that I dodged a big bullet. Thanks to all for helping me to sift through what is relevant and critical regarding this disease.------------------------------------There are just two rules for this group 1 No Spam 2 Be kind to othersPlease recognise that Prostate Cancerhas different guises and needs different levels of treatment and in some cases no treatment at all. Some men even with all options offered chose radical options that you would not choose. We only ask that people be informed before choice is made, we cannot and should not

tell other members what to do, other than look at other options. Try to delete old material that is no longer applying when clicking replyTry to change the title if the content requires it

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