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We got a phone call from my eldest daughter

yesterday morning to let us know that she'd spent all night in

A & E (Accident & Emergency) being carefully monitored for a

SNAKE bite...they tested the fluid around the bite & apparently it

didn't appear 'venomated'. In other words the snake had already used up

its venom store probably on an earlier dinner. LUCKY HER!

They insisted she stay all night for major organ monitioring &

observation & drew blood regualry to check for signs. Our local

hospital is a Specialist Snake Bite Centre ('cos we have so many of the

critters people are often bitten!) It can take up to 24 hours for

symptoms to kick in. They let her go home but warned her to return

straight away if any signs showed up even in the slightest.

On the issue of A & E reaction time... was taken straight through as soon as she arrived! Top Priority!

She was bitten on her thumb while gardening...she'd seen the snake

earlier & watched where it went.She made the mistake of returning

to a patch of new mulch that she'd only laid a little earlier &

then moved on to another part of the garden. The SNAKE decided it was a

jolly good hiding place from the irritation of her being in it's

territory & slid in underneath to take cover. Then she goes &

sticks her hand right in there to rearrange it!!!!!

Now she's decided that she'll do a jolly intense watering job on the

garden BEFORE she starts mucking about in it. Snakes tend to remove

themselves from water! Well at least that's the theory!!!

This is her 2nd snake bite in her life (as a kid she was bitten through

the bottom of her sandshoe & got a bit sick but didn't need

ant-venene treatment)

I'm hoping there won't BE a 3rd time, but in all probability there will be, knowing her lifestyle!

Her 2 kids are banned from entering the garden area....Cripes THEY are a worry!

in Ever Exciting Oz

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