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Petrol crisis

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Oh joy - I have about a week's worth of petrol left then I will be walking

6 miles a day to take my children to

and from school. Should be good for weight loss I suppose. I can walk to

local shops but Sainsbury's is out so I suppose I ought to go and do a big

shop there. I just know that sooner or later some ghastly pensioner is

going to remark with glee that its just like the war. I'm too tired for

all this, I just want to be able to hop into my car and not have to think

about it. I know I'm just an idle, petrol guzzling hag but my whole life

revolves around the car now and I just, sob, sob, can't cope without it.

Also, I want to go and visit my new kitten and can't because it will take

up too much petrol. I also really, really wish I hadn't volunteered to

deliver a load of newsletters which were an easy job with a car and are now

a very long hike round the streets of Worthing.

- feeling deprived.

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At 06:17 AM 9/12/00 +0000, you wrote:

>We have nowhere near enough petrol to last us a week - it's 2 miles each

>way to

>'s school (i.e. 8 miles a day) 2 miles in the opposite direction to

>Sainsburys, and about a mile and a half to the station.

We always used to walk about that to school as my parents only had one car

and my father needed it for work. Its good fun when turned into a nature

walk. I have lovely memories of scrunching through piles of autumn leaves

as deep as your waist (aged about 3). Aren't the conkers ready yet? (no

horse chestnuts round this way just lots of acorns from the oak trees)



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Well, I'm looking at walking 1.5 miles to school tomorrow (6 miles total,

there and back twice) along lovely busy smelly dual carriage way , (at least

there's a path) dodging traffic on a very busy roundabout and then along

another busy road. What fun :o(

Hannah, 26

Mum to Bethany 6, Lawrence 4 1/2, Verity 2 and Baby No.4 due Feb 2001

> At 06:17 AM 9/12/00 +0000, you wrote:

> >We have nowhere near enough petrol to last us a week - it's 2 miles each

> >way to

> >'s school (i.e. 8 miles a day) 2 miles in the opposite direction to

> >Sainsburys, and about a mile and a half to the station.


> We always used to walk about that to school as my parents only had one car

> and my father needed it for work. Its good fun when turned into a nature

> walk. I have lovely memories of scrunching through piles of autumn leaves

> as deep as your waist (aged about 3). Aren't the conkers ready yet? (no

> horse chestnuts round this way just lots of acorns from the oak trees)


> Miranda

> www.twinkleontheweb.co.uk

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But Hannah - the roads will be less busy as each day goes by... :-)


>Hannah writes:

>...dual carriage way , (at least there's a path) dodging traffic on a very

busy roundabout and then along another busy road. What fun :o(


> Hannah,

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Miranda wrote:



> We always used to walk about that to school as my parents only had one car

> and my father needed it for work. Its good fun when turned into a nature

> walk. I have lovely memories of scrunching through piles of autumn leaves

> as deep as your waist (aged about 3). Aren't the conkers ready yet? (no

> horse chestnuts round this way just lots of acorns from the oak trees)


Unfortunatley I don't fancy my chances with a 3 year old and a push chair up a

steep single track road - along which cars travel far too quickly, then across

a busy main road, with no pavements anywhere - its dangerous enough in a car.

Next year, when starts at 'Big School' we can walk - its only a mile

each way along the pavement!

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>LOL, but add me to your list, though I'm a diesel guzzling hag, damn shame

>Olivia starts nursery this Thursday as this adds to my petrol consumption.

>I did have the good fortune to have filled up on Friday.

> Mc

At least you won't run out of nappies! I hear the big Tescos in north

Bristol ran out at 6pm yesterday....



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Miranda wrote>>>

At least you won't run out of nappies! I hear the big Tescos in north

Bristol ran out at 6pm yesterday....<<<<

I have been rather smug about this, but it was getting to look like i might have

to share mine, good job it's over now


SAHM 6, Olivia 3, 1, 15/3/00.

nearly ex-Editor Wallingford and District

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Another good reason for Bfeeding? Beat the Blockades, no need to queue for




Miranda wrote>>>

At least you won't run out of nappies! I hear the big Tescos in north

Bristol ran out at 6pm yesterday....<<<<

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