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In a message dated 10/24/00 11:15:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

CJWatts88@... writes:


Hi Shirley,

Well, I went for my ultrasound this morning and the technician said the only

way she could do the ultrasound was to push hard. She said it was because


the gas buildup in my stomach. I'm still trying to figure out what that has

to do with being able to do an ultrasound of the pancreas. I've had many

ultrasounds but they've never had to push the way these technicians do.

Anyway, I wouldn't let her since the last one four weeks ago put me in


pain for two weeks. She took a few pictures without pushing hard but I'm

sure the size won't be accurate. I'll just have to wait until I get the

results in a few days. I'm going to suggest another CT scan if my insurance

will agree.

How is your arm? I do hope it is getting better. I still think you need an

antibiotic especially since you are scheduled for surgery. An antibiotic

couldn't hurt and it just might help. Let me know how you are doing.

You're in my thoughts and prayers and I know your surgery will be a success!

You deserve to be able to eat and to be without pain.

Hugs & Prayers



Hi Carole, What if when you have the next ultrasound you take an enema or a

laxative before you go for the test. Do you think that would help relieve

some of the gas. Maybe the gas is due to the pancreas though. If so maybe

if you just had clear liquid s the day and night before. I am grasping at

straws here. I want you to have an ultrasound that is a good and clear one

without someone pushing so hard on your stomach. I hope it works out for you


My arm is still sore and swollen. I have done every thing the doctor told me

to do. I have practically boiled my arm with hot towels. I am still on the

coumadin which I don't feel good about since I am scheduled for surgery Dec

8. Thurs. I am going to see my doctor about my arm. I hope to get some

answers then. Tomorrow I have decided that I am not going to put any hot

towels on my arm at all. I am just going to try to ignore it and see what

happens. My husband thinks that I am cooking my arm and if I stop with the

hot towels I will heal on my own. I don' t know. I have thought about an

antibiotic like you said but if I had an infection wouldn't I have a temp?

Thanks for encouraging me about the surgery Carole. Please keep me in your

thoughts and prayers. I feel so much relief just knowing that people are

praying for me. Just remember Dec 8. I am praying for you also. I pray

that you will get well from this terrible disease. Take care, love,Shirley

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In a message dated 10/25/00 12:00:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

CJWatts88@... writes:


Good Morning Shirley,

I'm so sorry your arm isn't any better. Your husband may have a

point...since the compresses haven't worked, your burning your arm could be

making it worse. Are you sure you aren't running a fever? When I'm on my

pain med which has the same ingredient as Tylenol in it, it would be hard to

know what my temperature really is. You may have a fever and not be aware


it if some of your medication lowers temperature while helping your pain.

Just a thought....hope the doctor helps you on Thursday. I know you are

scared about your surgery but remember I may not be there with you in a

physical sense but I will be there emotionally supporting you in every way I

possibly can. You are and always will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Hugs & Prayers



Hi Carole, I don't think I have a temp. I always can tell when I do have a

temp. Tomorrow when I go to my doctor I am going to tell her that this arm

has been bothering my for five weeks and nothing is helping it. I want more

test and something has to be done to find out what is wrong with it. I don't

want anything to stand in the way of my surgery. Even though I dread it. I

want it but I don't want it. Can you understand that or am I crazy? lol I

stopped putting hot compresses on my arm because it was not helping. I think

it was making it worse. My doctor will not like that one bit. Once I

stopped taking medication she prescribed for me and she has a real temper

fit. She screamed and yelled at me. She was really angry. I thought to

myself is this the way she talks to her husband or children when she gets

angry? She had me crying but I stood up to her. I guess if she made me cry I

didn't stand up to her very well. Oh well I don't care anymore. I just want

to feel better and be able to eat. Thanks Carole for thinking of me and I

really do appreciate your prayers. Please remember Dec. 8. Love, Shirley

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Hi Shirley,

Yes, I do understand and no, you are not crazy...just human like the rest of

us. Put in your place, we would all have those same feelings. Good luck

with your doctor's appointment Thursday and don't allow her make you cry

again. Make her listen to you!!! God bless you, Shirley and hope you get

the help you need with your arm.

Hugs & Prayers


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In a message dated 10/25/00 4:18:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

CJWatts88@... writes:


Hi Shirley,

Yes, I do understand and no, you are not crazy...just human like the rest of

us. Put in your place, we would all have those same feelings. Good luck

with your doctor's appointment Thursday and don't allow her make you cry

again. Make her listen to you!!! God bless you, Shirley and hope you get

the help you need with your arm.

Hugs & Prayers



Thanks so much Carole. Shirley

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this is a great funraiser and only takes a couple minutes!

Verne , Cookie Baker and SCA3 Spazz

(no subject)

> It only takes a few seconds!



> Hi Everybody,


> If you go to http://health.yahoo.com and click on the PINK RIBBON

> (on the left side of the screen) , Yahoo will donate $1.00 to the

> G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. It's effective through 15 November.


> Spread the word.


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In a message dated 10/31/2000 1:51:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,

CJWatts88@... writes:

<< I'd be very interested in all members' views on this subject Vs

Pancreatitis and if any of you have this awful habit. Wishing you all a

pain-free day! >>

Hi Carole,

I am guilty as charged!!!!! I am a smoker too. I quit after I was in the

hospital in a coma with my last attack, but it got harder before it got

easier. When I first came home, I was so weak and just plain different for a

while, it didn't really bother me as much. Then when I got better, met my

now hubby, he smoked like a chimney and I just couldn't do it. I had stopped

for 10 months and I am very dissapointed in myself for starting again. I

also feel as though I have let everyone down that prayed for me to make it

out of the coma. They all cared and worried so much and here I am destroying

myself. Anyway, I know that it has a bad effect on my condition because it

effects my triglycerides which is what caused my pancreatitis in the first

place. I am not totally sure why, all I can think is that it deprives our

bodies of needed oxygen.

Just thought I would let you know that you are not alone. I am hopeful that

I can quit again someday.........you just have to want to!!!


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In a message dated 10/31/00 9:58:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, Havir


<< << Two doctors and an HMO manager died and lined up at

>the pearly gates for admission to heaven. St.

>asked them to identify themselves.


>One doctor stepped forward and said, " I was a


>spine surgeon and helped kids overcome their

>deformities. " St. said, " You may enter. "


>The second doctor said, " I was a psychiatrist. I

>helped people rehabilitate themselves. " St.

>invited him into heaven, too.


>The third applicant stepped forward and said, " I was

>an HMO manager. I helped people get cost-effective

>health care. " St. said, " You can come in also. "


>But as the HMO manager walked by, St. added,

> " You may only stay for three days. After that you can go

>to hell! "

> >> >>

In a message dated 10/31/00 4:12:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, FD Rog 37


<< Two doctors and an HMO manager died and lined up at

>the pearly gates for admission to heaven. St.

>asked them to identify themselves.


>One doctor stepped forward and said, " I was a


>spine surgeon and helped kids overcome their

>deformities. " St. said, " You may enter. "


>The second doctor said, " I was a psychiatrist. I

>helped people rehabilitate themselves. " St.

>invited him into heaven, too.


>The third applicant stepped forward and said, " I was

>an HMO manager. I helped people get cost-effective

>health care. " St. said, " You can come in also. "


>But as the HMO manager walked by, St. added,

> " You may only stay for three days. After that you can go

>to hell! "

> >>

>From: and Sherrell Reid <jareid37@...

>Subject: A funny



>Two doctors and an HMO manager died and lined up at

>the pearly gates for admission to heaven. St.

>asked them to identify themselves.


>One doctor stepped forward and said, " I was a


>spine surgeon and helped kids overcome their

>deformities. " St. said, " You may enter. "


>The second doctor said, " I was a psychiatrist. I

>helped people rehabilitate themselves. " St.

>invited him into heaven, too.


>The third applicant stepped forward and said, " I was

>an HMO manager. I helped people get cost-effective

>health care. " St. said, " You can come in also. "


>But as the HMO manager walked by, St. added,

> " You may only stay for three days. After that you can go

>to hell! "


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my husband gerald herbold was diagnosed with pk in 1994 and msa in 1997 at

mayo==the pk diagnosis was in newton and confirmed in iowa city===we

continued to go to mayo for a time but the trip was too hard on my husband so

we discontinued our trips---the drs are fine but the nurses and other help

are not as nice as we expected--really ---my husband fainted in the waiting

room after the sweat test and no fluids except a little bit of pop and some

crackers I got hurridly---the seculeduling was bad I thought but I suppose I

am glad we went---our neuro thought it was shy drager but was not

uncomfortable with the mayo diagnosis---I wouldn t do it again nor would my


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You mention " our neuro thought it was shy drager but was not uncomfortable

with the mayo diagnosis [of MSA] " .

They are one in the same thing. MSA refers to a group of three disorders --

Shy-Drager Syndrome (SDS), Sporadic OPCA and SND. Researchers discovered

that they are caused by the same underlying problem, but present differently

based on the part of the brain that is initially impacted.

The good news for you and your husband is this is a good place to come for

more information. There's lots of patients, care givers and loved ones

here. All try their best to share their own experience to help one another.



B. Fisher

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You mention " our neuro thought it was shy drager but was not uncomfortable

with the mayo diagnosis [of MSA] " .

They are one in the same thing. MSA refers to a group of three disorders --

Shy-Drager Syndrome (SDS), Sporadic OPCA and SND. Researchers discovered

that they are caused by the same underlying problem, but present differently

based on the part of the brain that is initially impacted.

The good news for you and your husband is this is a good place to come for

more information. There's lots of patients, care givers and loved ones

here. All try their best to share their own experience to help one another.



B. Fisher

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Actually Shy-drager and MSA are one in the same if I understand the newest

terminology. Marilyn in TN


>From: HyFyC72@...

>To: shydrageregroups

>Subject: Re: (no subject)

>Date: Tue, Nov 7, 2000, 8:39 PM


>my husband gerald herbold was diagnosed with pk in 1994 and msa in 1997 at

>mayo==the pk diagnosis was in newton and confirmed in iowa city===we

>continued to go to mayo for a time but the trip was too hard on my husband so

>we discontinued our trips---the drs are fine but the nurses and other help

>are not as nice as we expected--really ---my husband fainted in the waiting

>room after the sweat test and no fluids except a little bit of pop and some

>crackers I got hurridly---the seculeduling was bad I thought but I suppose I

>am glad we went---our neuro thought it was shy drager but was not

>uncomfortable with the mayo diagnosis---I wouldn t do it again nor would my




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Bernice Bowers wrote:

> Blanch, I see you are from Indiana, I wonder if you know there is a PSP

> support group in Indianapolis?

> Bernice


> Blanche I am also in Indiana. I live in andria, 50 miles No. of

> Indy. Are you close to me? God Bless Carolyn cg Ed dec 5-00

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>From: CHANPC@...

>To: Loriike@...

>Subject: (no subject)

>Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 16:33:41 EST



>A salesman goes up to a house and knocks on the front door.


>It's opened by a little ten year-old boy who has a lighted cigar in one =

>hand, a glass of whiskey in the other and a Penthouse magazine tucked =

>under his arm.


>Salesman: " Hello son. Is your mom or dad home? "


>Little boy: " What the hell do you think? "


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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>To: debgardner@..., newcreationsdb@..., jlgard@...,

>tstj2000@..., vsmith@...

>Subject: Fwd: Fw: (no subject)

>Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2001 09:03:07 -0500






>>To: " Joan Gardner "

>>Subject: Fw: (no subject)

>>Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 07:53:01 -0500



>> (no subject)



>>Three old sisters--92, 94,and 96 years old,

>>respectively--all lived together.


>>One day the oldest drew a bath. She put one foot

>>in the water, paused, then called downstairs to her

>>sisters " Am I getting in the tub or out of the tub? "



>>The middle sister started up the stairs to help,

>>then paused and called back downstairs

>> " Was I going up or coming down? "



>>The youngest sister, who was sitting at the

>>kitchen table having tea, said,

>> " I guess I'll have to help. I hope I never get

>>that forgetful! " and knocked on wood.

>>She got up then, and paused. " I'll come

>>up as soon as I see who's

>>at the door! " she called.





Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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Does he have Medicare? If so they will pay for it - but it is rented. Actually

our PT's did not suggest the tray for Charlottes arms but the padded arm rests

for the arms. The tray was for eating.

Charlotte's wheelchair will cost about $2200 by buying it through Medicare and I

have to pay about $535 of that (for tray and other uncovered items). BUT, I

could buy the chair outright for $867 from a website (would be about $75 in

shipping charges).

Does he presently use a wheelchair? Maybe you could add something to that


Charlotte is getting a chair that will brace her and help hold her up with a

harness. The tray will only be for eating, as it is too hard for leaning on and

would have to have a pad on it. I'll send a picutre when we get it.

Take care, Bill and Charlotte


BHartz5738@... wrote:

> To all

> Ralph,s hands has gone into a fetus position and swollen.

> and can not stand on his feet . He isjust like a dish rag when they get him

> out of bed

> confusse d and when he does talk you can not hear him most of the time.

> Now the therpy came in and wants to order a new wheel chair with a tray on

> to lay his arms on and smaller one to fit his body the cost 2,000. or more

> but he is in a nursing home and medicare does not paid for it or any part

> is it worth it? at this time Iwant him to be comfortable .but a daughter

> does not think it will help.

> Blanche wife of Ralph with sds



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Does he have Medicare? If so they will pay for it - but it is rented. Actually

our PT's did not suggest the tray for Charlottes arms but the padded arm rests

for the arms. The tray was for eating.

Charlotte's wheelchair will cost about $2200 by buying it through Medicare and I

have to pay about $535 of that (for tray and other uncovered items). BUT, I

could buy the chair outright for $867 from a website (would be about $75 in

shipping charges).

Does he presently use a wheelchair? Maybe you could add something to that


Charlotte is getting a chair that will brace her and help hold her up with a

harness. The tray will only be for eating, as it is too hard for leaning on and

would have to have a pad on it. I'll send a picutre when we get it.

Take care, Bill and Charlotte


BHartz5738@... wrote:

> To all

> Ralph,s hands has gone into a fetus position and swollen.

> and can not stand on his feet . He isjust like a dish rag when they get him

> out of bed

> confusse d and when he does talk you can not hear him most of the time.

> Now the therpy came in and wants to order a new wheel chair with a tray on

> to lay his arms on and smaller one to fit his body the cost 2,000. or more

> but he is in a nursing home and medicare does not paid for it or any part

> is it worth it? at this time Iwant him to be comfortable .but a daughter

> does not think it will help.

> Blanche wife of Ralph with sds



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Greetings Blanche!

Just wondering out loud ... Would it be possible to rent the wheelchair to

see if it would help? I would hope the therapist might know where to rent




B. Fisher

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  • 8 months later...

In a message dated 10/10/2001 10:34:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

klywood@... writes:

> ROFLMHO!!! Only *we* would be jubilant about such subjective aspersions...

> hee hee hee


> Congratulations! LOL

> Kris


I know :0) My " thin " friends just don't get it :0)


Lap RNY 2/26/01

Dr. N. Bertha, D.O.

@ town Memorial Hospital

town, NJ

Down 170lbs as of 9/27/01

Seeing the weightloss in MY eyes for the FIRST TIME!

Mommy to:





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ROFLMHO!!! Only *we* would be jubilant about such subjective aspersions... hee

hee hee

Congratulations! LOL


Mommy2IrishTwnz@... wrote:

> 32.3 - 44.8

> severe overweight - high risk


> According to this my BMI of now 44.7 I'm just severely overweight... no

> longer morbidly obese :0) YAYAYAYAY


> *~Joy~*

> Lap RNY 2/26/01

> Dr. N. Bertha, D.O.

> @ town Memorial Hospital

> town, NJ

> Down 170lbs as of 9/27/01

> Seeing the weightloss in MY eyes for the FIRST TIME!

> Mommy to:


> 1-9-99

> &

> Saralyn

> 12-15-99



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