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Fw: Re: Subversion

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Alan, I think this site is an excellent choice as well. I think we have to keep in mind that there are many issues here to explore and I for one want to explore them. We need to be open to all ideas and research that is out there. I don't think we should be sending off to other sites members who bring us relevant information. I'm not a scientist myself but I do try to understand and take the time to educate myself. Often times, actaully, most of the time , researchers write their papers with the idea in mind that other researchers and academics are going to read them. So they take a lot for granted in what their readers already know and make a lot os assumptions as well that may not apply to most of us. Also, researchers and doctors like to use language that excludes those that do not belong to their profession.

Which is why medicne and law still clings to a lot of latin phraseology. They know that those not inducted into the trade will have difficulty keeping up. Every profession has it's own language and it's often used to keep outsiders on the outside. The internet has opened a whole world of information to us that was once locked up in medical libraries out of the grasp of mere patients such as ourselves. This has turned the medical world upside down and inside out.

I shudder to think of some of the simpleton trash I used to read in what was available to me in public libraries prior to the internet. What existed there in fact often served to make the world of medical researcher even more unaccessable. Now we have the entire world of research at our fingertips. This is good and I for one want to read anything anyone has to offer us here.

I think we are perfectly capable of digesting this research and like you however, I have to admit that i'm not much in a position to debate it. When I was first Dx I was told that castration was good!! I could not get my head around that then and I still can't. But, there were all of those experts and patients who told me that was the case and who was i to argue? That was 12 years ago. Now some of those things I was told back then sound very stange to me and a lot of what I had suspected has come to pass. The cures were seldom cures and the absolutes were never absolute.

I think we have an opportunity here to benefit from the research of other members of our group. I know that you didn't mean to imply that you didn't want to see his posts, Only that for most of us the technical jargon could takes a lot of research to unravel. But to be honest iwth you, i've learned quite a bit over the years about science and biology that I thought I would never master. Even though some of it still eludes me.

On the issue of Vit D and anti-inflammatories I do not think that it's too difficult an issue for us to grapple with. And if one does not want to grapple with it, one does not have to. This is a good group .


...> The first paper by King, Beer et al(1), describes the effect of 24> hydroxylase on the role of vitamin D in maintaining a host of normal> functions. In a nutshell: remove protective vitamin D and increase the> risk (amongst other things) of prostate cancer. Subversion.>> The second paper is an old favourite of mine co-authored by> Gustafsson(2) at Karolinska in 2002, showing that the pure DHT> derivative 5alpha-androstane-3beta,17beta-diol (3betaAdiol) has a> protective function on prostatic growth and development in the rat....Sam,I think that what you're talking about here is way beyond thecompetence of most or all of us on this group to

understand muchless evaluate. You might try writing to some of the medicaloncology researchers who have published the articles you cite.Maybe one of them will discuss the issues with you.There's also a sci.med.prostate.cancer newsgroup where you couldpost. It's pretty moribund but I know there are a few scientiststhat at least look there from time to time.Best of luck.Alan

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