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Sammy Bates's message to continue debate on his concepts

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I have decided to forward Sammy's message inviting continuance of the discussion of his concepts on his group.At present the views expressed are Sammy's and not the moderator's of this group. Hi folks, this prostate cancer group with a different slant is recruiting --


Here is the lowdown:

Medical archives and archaeological evidence point to the fact that prostate

cancer (PC) was a disease virtually unheard of just 150 years ago. [ The mean

age of diagnosis at 70 years, and the average age of human survival has been a

constant "three score and ten" for millennia. 4000 years ago well-fed middle

class Egyptians lived into their eighties, yet there is no evidence of prostate

cancer in mummified remains. Increased survival alone in the "modern age" does

not explain the increase in prostate cancer incidence. ]

AND ..

Conventional treatment for prostate cancer is flawed. Despite earlier detection

of prostate cancer with PSA testing, and the expectation this would lead to

better treatments, overall death rates have changed little for decades.

Because science has failed to nail down the true cause, misleading concepts and

inaccurate diagnostics have lead to both false positive and false negative test

outcomes. This means patients are treated either too early for something they do

not have, or too late for something that will kill them. Community

chemoprevention can actually increase some men's chances of being diagnosed with

advanced PC. Early treatment is based on either surgical removal or

radio-sterilisation of the tumor which can lead to incontinence and impotence,

often unnecessarily. Late treatment is based on castration (removal of

testicles). This inevitably leads to advanced, incurable disease – castration

resistant prostate cancer (CRPC).

Frightened? Then become enlightened. Join the discussion. Make a start by

reading the web pages at --

http://fitcare.org.uk/epidemic/ *

If have something to say you can then make a contribution to the discussion at



* These web pages are based on the book, "Prostate Cancer: a 21st century

perspective. Natural history, ecology and sociology of a malignant epidemic."

ISBN 9780954993511

NOTE: The book is available free to anyone who agrees to write a review (good or

bad), 1000 words minimum. Text quotes limited to one line + page references.

There is a one month deadline after the book has been received.

About the book -- a modern perspective for a modern disease.

In this book it is argued that male hormones are essentially good for a man, and

that they even keep prostate cancer at bay in normal circumstances. At the

moment very few scientists are saying this because the evidence based material

is weak and off-course. It will take another generation of scientific research

to get it right. In the meantime men with prostate cancer are obliged to endure

castration for want of anything better to treat advanced disease.

Researching your own predicament may help you increase survival chances and

improve quality of life.

So, do your homework, get involved.

Despite the mounting evidence, many urological, oncological, pharmacological and

supporting institutions insist that prostate cancer is caused by male hormones,

the androgens testosterone and DHT. This is based on the work of Huggins

in the 1940's on dogs.

Huggins arrived at his discovery after he experimentally increased serum

androgen levels in new born puppies. Abnormal growth of the prostate was

observable and repeatable. Even though the animals were starved under a severe

calorie restricted dietary regime, Huggins saw their prostates increase in size

quite dramatically and mistakenly assumed this was due to the proliferative

effect of androgen.

His expression "..testosterone feeds the cancer" has become one of the most

fateful and catastrophic phrases of 20th century medicine. It has lead

uro-oncological medicine and pharmacology to the plethora of chemical castration

formulations we have been inundated with in the last seventy years.

Yet castration is only a palliative treatment and inevitably castration

resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) emerges to kill the host. CRBC tells asimilar

story with breast cancer. Due to this absurd fixation with castration,p romising

new technologies and therapeutic techniques are being passed by. The reason?

For-profit medicine has found a cosy niche to hole-up in. For a man,prostate

cancer in particular is an unpleasant, embarrassing disease, affecting his most

private parts and the core of his identity as a "bloke" or a "guy". To complain

about debilitating castration treatment is further embarrassment and

degradation. So men suffer and endure, and castration medicine profits.

It starts here.



About the author.


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