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Morn' all...chooks are fed, eggs collected, washing's out, beds r made, coffee's brewed , Valentine's 'blokes bunch 'native blooms sent off my Hubby's workplace, now where was I up to with you lot......

: gosh that Is a big'un, Mum will be pleased to hold her bundle in her arms & her tummy will feel so LIGHT! How exciting for you Sista....baby's make me go weak at the knees, I adore their mystery & the wisdom in their eyes. (even when they can't FOCUS!) Sooooo special!

Bruce: what a special post you sent with the snapshot of this Air Family..you waxed ever so lyrical our Bugle Boy!

Gwynne: so sorry to hear of your mother's ill health Lady G. I hope she's on the road to recovery. It must make you concerned that she's got lung implications too.

Bookclub Babs: Yay I like "The Hobbit" even more than the Trilogy...I look forward to that. I must say I only went to the first of the Trilogy movies..I got BORED by all the you- beaut action, techno wizardry , special effects & NOISE! Generally I prefer the BOOK to the movie every time. Ashton Scholastic was used in Aussie schools too...I have fond memories of the challenge of churning through those at a great rate!

Bonnie May: hey I've thought of an opposite for 'wee' (humungous & ginormous don't SOUND right in Scots)...howse about WHOPPER.....I'm chuffed to hear of the red wine glass gift for Andy (r u trying to encourage him to drink water too! LOL!!!)

Leanne: the Small Steps blurb was so RIGHT....thanks for such a thoughtful Post.

Beth n' H.H. Peggy: now girls, you two have me SALAVATING.....dropped, rolled, swung, gyrated I don't CARE...can you POST me some...anything with the word DUMPLINGS in it has me hooked! Apple CRISP sounds yummy too...recipes PLEASE!

Princess H.H. Peggy: aaw WHAT did Red know ????(I can't watch videos on my Interent Dial-up (too slow)? I remember my parents laughing their socks off at his antics (I was doing homework in another room & only allowed to watch Tele in my holidays. (We didn't get tele until 1966/67!) Before then, sometimes when my Dad was away on business, my Mum would take us up to a local Greek Cafe that had a big Tele on the wall. It was always on Sunday evening after Mass & we kids LOVED it! Took Ages to eat our Dinner of course. I don't tink my Dad EVER knew of these naughty outings!

Geeta: Can't wait to see the wedding photos. So glad you managed it all - it must've been very taxing for you. Do take care now that it's all over, your illness since could weel be related to your defences being overwhelmed by all the excitement & energy being used.

Mama-Sher: so NO not MORE horrid O2 stories...I recommend you sending nose clips & mouth tape (For the mouth breathers) around & request that THEY get an idea of how hard it is to breathe impeded! Oh Mama 'Tassie' COULD take you away..that is EXACTLY how it feels being down here..AWAY from the rest of the world, floating in the southern ocean...drifting...bright blue unpolluted sky, white wispy clouds, then red-grey FULL turning black clouds heralding a weather front from the Antartic! Life is simple & good here!

A.J.: Yes the movie "Rabbit Proof Fence" does give a good idea of just what the Stolen Generations is all about. The Aboriginal Ranger & I met at Lake Mungo in South Australia was telling us how he'd been raised at Alstonville on the North Coast of NSW & how long & difficult it was for him to find his way back to his own Country (Lake Mungo area)....I was BLOWN AWAY...Alstonville is a village just near Lismore & I used to send my Child Care Students on Practical to a Boys Home run by a Church there. He was there during those very years! It is in a different STATE & THOUSANDS of miles /Kilometres away from where he was born.....I'd never realised that the kids were taken so far away from their home areas. Lake Mungo, South Australia, is the place where Archaeologists have found a skeleton of a man currently the OLDEST ever found on the globe..more than 45,000 years old. Mungo Man he's been named.

P: I'm sorry to hear that your PH hasn't improved from a whole year of taking Tracleer (is that another name for Bosanten....I suspect it is????) Bosanten is being trialled for use in UIP/IPF..it's got to BUILD III status so there must be something looking promising.

Kathie: glad you enjoyed my story....your input is always appreciated too!

Irene: oh how you suffer Irene, we all feel so helpless in the face of what you endure. Crohns by itself is such a cruel disease but to cop all the other problems as well...you've drawn the VERY short straw girl but the LONG straw on courage!

Joyce: Queenie dearest, you never cease to amaze us! Lucien has had a steep learning curve to learn the new procedure. What a TEAM you two are! I do hope somebody sees how beneficial it would be for you both to get some extra medical home help...that's all astonsihing to me...so much hangs on getting it right & it's so exacting on both of you. Doesn't seem right to me!

Caro: a last a sense that things are improving & not still slipping. Are you telling us that you're STILL with the unprofessional. leave-his-patients-in-the lurch Pulomo...it'll happen again dear girl...perhaps pushing through & finding a more professional outfit would be well worth it.

ET AL: I'll catch up with the rest of you as the day goes on...hope all is well....

lotsa Tassie AIR to youse all


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