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Beet juice

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Only thing I drink or eat that makes my urine turn reddish is beets or beet juice. When I open a can of pickled beets, I love to drink the juice. But the next morning when my first urination looks a little red, it scares me until I think back about what I had for dinner the night before. Jim SchwindtTo:

ProstateCancerSupport Sent: Wed, February 24, 2010 10:13:51 AMSubject: Re: (unknown)


Even in the quantities I drink, pomegranate juice definitely does not stain urine red - sorry!

From: <esterberry3@ yahoo.com>Subject: Re: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] (unknown)To: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) comDate: Wednesday, 24 February, 2010, 13:54

My husband had a radical perineal prostatectomy 10 days ago. Got a hemotoma at the incision site that was drained this past monday after a return visit because he was in so much pain. THis releaved much of the pressure and pain, but caused a constant steady dripping from the site of fluid mixed with blood. Then he went in the next day (Tuesday) and had the catheter removed. It seemed like it was fine, but when he got home, the pressure was so great on his bladder, that when he went into pee for the first time on his own, it all came out the incision site. So back to the dr.'s office, and the catheter put back in...now for at least a month! AHG!We are worried that infection could be a problem...Although the catheter bag is clear most of the time (thinking the red we see may be from the pomegranite juice he is drinking?).. .but concerned what we should now

do. His wound site is SOOO sore, but has finally stopped leaking. One side looks healed, but where the drain once was, the tissue is thick and not as healed. Still swollen. It looks like his swelling is going down all over...so that is good. However, he is still worried about bowels, urine infection into the body etc.He had a severe bowel spasm that had him having diarreha the day before the catheter was taken out, and also sneezed 2 times really hard that night before too. We are wondering IF this could have caused the urethra to tear from the healing site...as his urine was clear before this happened. However, like I said, when he did have red in the bag the night and morning before he had the catheter removed...it had a lot of red in it. We just assumed it was the Pomegranite juice. What do you think?

From: M <taylormade6325@ yahoo.com>To: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) comSent: Tue, February 23, 2010 7:57:46 PMSubject: Re: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] (unknown)

Thanks..Im on cipro now..and will continue for 10 days. I hope it works. Did you have IMRT? What was you gleason and stage?? Thank you very much for your response..

From: Tom Lauterback <tkl60123wowway (DOT) com>To: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) comSent: Tue, February 23, 2010 7:59:10 AMSubject: RE: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] (unknown)

I'm about 6 months ahead of you and had much the same symptoms. My probably oversimplified understanding is that cancer doesn't hurt until its final stages. I've been treated with photons rather than protons and unfortunately went through a period of extreme pain, which I hope you can avoid. Whether the pain was from the radiation treatment or from a botched TUMT, I guess I'll never know, but thank God it has subsided. I was on Cipro and two other antibiotics. And I'm sure I had BPH for years before I was diagnosed last spring. Hang in there, , and the best wishes for your treatment. The human body's ability to heal itself is pretty remarkable.

Tom Lauterback

From: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) com [mailto:ProstateCan cerSupport@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of MSent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 6:08 AMTo: ProstateCancerSuppo rtyahoogroups (DOT) comSubject: [ProstateCancerSupp ort] (unknown)

I have a Q. Iwas diagnosed with PCa in Sep 09, GI 3+3=6, and PSA of 1.2. They found a small nodule on my left side of the prostate during a colonoscopy. I will be receiving proton treatement next month I am having some slight irritation in the tip of my penis and some discomfort in my groin. Slight burning or warm feeling when urinating. Nothing painful, but irritating, and aggravated by sitting down. Ive had these symptoms even prior to my diagnosis. It lasts for 1 week or so then tapers off. My stream varies from weak to normal. Yesterday, it was normal. I havent been able to correlate it with any food or activity other than maybe driving and sitting. Also, my urine tested slightly positive for leukocytes uisng a home strip this past Friday. My semen flow has tapered off a bit. However, my PC provider thinks it might be prostatitis and has precribed

ciproflaxin. I am guessing its prostatitis or BPH. Anyone out there have the same symptoms? Or could this be a symptom of cancer?

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