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Postponed Groupie Response

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OK I've had some sleep & just got back online to do last night's responses oh WAIT there's ANOTHER round of Posts to catch up on first....boy I wonder if we break ALL the Yahoo records for chatting!

Mama Sher: what's this about giving up on being our MAMA...it pays to have more than one Mama & Lady G is most welcome to be ANOTHER but you are surely STUCK with it! Ladybug or not....MAMA you are! Just wait until that O2 kicks in you'll be all fired up again!

Jane: so good to hear that you are relatively stable & that the Trial looks promising for you to be involved in. I was interested to hear of the change in your diagnosis from NSIP to UIP....I'm realising that I'm not the only one to have a confusing diagnosis.

BOOKWORMS ( Beth, Babs, Zena et al): hey I'm in the Club...since I was a kid Search Parties have been mounted to locate me & to drag me out of my secret reading hole & back into the hurley burly of family life! IF we do have a Book Club we'd just need to make sure we always used BOOK CLUB at the start of our Subject Line so folks could ignore us if they're not into it!

CAMPING STORIES: LOVED the camping yarns....my Dad used to have us set up in an old World War II Tent complete with camp-beds....he drove a HUGE Dodge but my Mum insisted on bringing up the rear with her little British Minor..she'd sleep in there all night with the radio going, smoking her head off & eating chocolate! Dad & the 4 kids did the Army number with glee. Mum had her clothes in the Boot of her car...she always included some nice stuff for the Theatre 'just in case' she could detour my father to the nearest big town or City! My Parents were sometimes a bit of a 'mismatch' but when we saw them on the Dance Floor it was clear they were 'made for each other' - both tall, dark haired & handsome they glided the floor together like a dream!

Sandie: I'm worried 'bout you girl...you sound defeated right now. IT's all been a terrible long haul with no end in sight with getting help & understanding from your Docs. Do stay with us Pearlie Girlie...we love you too & want to hang in there with you on your journey!

Bruce: now Bugle Boy get THIS...we don't share a birthday you, Irene & I BUT 15th October 1994 is the date of my 2nd marriage (to .) It was in the Dandenong Ranges beyond Melbourne in a lovely outdoor setting with a ish Theme..he's of the Macgillivray Clan & I'm a Buchanan/Elliot Clan gal by birth heritage! What were you & Irene up to on your Birfdais in 1994????

Bruce again: I'm sorry to pick up that your PFT's have progressed downwards. You are so much appreciated here...I know I muck about with you heaps but that no way infers that I don't take your posts seriously too! You are so patient & generous with the time you take to answer newbies' questions...I know I rely on you to take up that role, I'm so 'late' onto the Board most days you've already got it down & dusted!

Kerry: you are a real BRICK girl...we're so grateful for your visits to Joyce & keeping us in the loop. It's good to be getting to know you more too & I can feel you becoming a big part of this air family. Now we're all anxiously awaiting news of YOUR tests. Your description of your High Functioning time was most valuable to me too, as I'm sure it was to Diwhala. I'm still pretty good although I reckon I've slipped a notch or two since last May. It IS hard to remember that it IS all real & happening let alone imagine how it'll be in the future. I still wonder if I'm 'imagining' things..then I run downstairs to the washing line 'cos it's about to rain & by the time I've got back upstairs I've REMEMBERED!

Kathie: hey I'm having a 'Senior' moment here it WAS Kerry who posted about her high Functioning time wasn't it...not you....I've been enjoying your Posts too about your NSIP experiences. IT's so good to start to get a handle on this form of PF. Once I've started on my Reply I can't go back to the MESSAGES section to check thiongs or I'[ll lose what I've just typed!

P: Your Cats n'Dogs number was a HOOT!

/SISTA: oh I'm busy imagining you in your new house...it'll be HOME soon for you I hope. Have fun & enjoy the new fresh feeling!

: your news was unsettling, the nosebleeds must've been so scarey...any idea of what caused them. We're hoping for you that your transplant will come along soon.

Brett: we're all so upset for your family. It's seems so unfair that one family gets hit so hard. There is some reseasrch being done on this form of PF, have you been put in touch with the research teams?

A.J. RETIREMENT! WOW! is Alaska ready to have you 'at liberty'.....I love seeing your name among the Posts..it feels like a fresh breeze from the 'Other' Pole! Take Care friend!

Princess H.H. Peggy: what can I say, you contimue to make me laugh, cry & cuss along with you.....I WISH I was coming to your place...I'll be reading avidly about it all. I'm concerned that your eye job hasn't gone as you hoped it would. I'm eagerly awaiting news of your new appointment & hope so much that they can help to improve things.

Zena: you are SUCH an inspiration W.P...to be facing such a huge prospect with so much spirit & oomph. I really enjoy your posts, long or short...you always give me a BIG FAT GRIN!

Huggy Joyce: Queenie, I'm beyond words at your portrayl of your BH experience. It sounds like an 'out of body' bizarre happening...too weird to be true except that it WAS! I'm gobsmacked that you're up & back at the keyboard as well...we're so HAPPY to see you psoting again but PLEASE take it easy peasy AS!

Remaining Gangsters: I've run out of ergs & memory bank now....I hope you're all chipper as can be...lots of love,

in Oz

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