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In the light of our recent exchange I would

appreciate your views on the subject of Salvestrols. The claim to discovery of

efficacy of Salvestrols is made by someone no les than Dr Gerry Potter who is

credited with the original discovery of Abiraterone Acetate, now known as

Zytiga. He owns the patent rights for Salvestrols, through a Trust, as far as I

know and I think he markets Salvestrols through a company he owns. All of which

makes me suspicious, but….. he IS Dr Gerry Potter and has a tremendous

reputation. In defending what he saw as my attack on the credibility of Dr

Potter and Salvestrols, one of the men on the Yana Forum said:

<snip> As for the credibility of Salvestrols.

Prof Gerry Potter is responsible for “Zytiga”

http://www.zytiga.com/ which is now marketed and sold by Janssen Biotech. So by

your logic, we can trust him to produce a pharmaceutical drug that’s gone

through clinical drugs and is now sold for I believe some $4000. But when he

produces a natural product that’s freely available and sold for I believe

$100, its rubbish and questionable. <snip>

My response in part was:

<snip> Of course I never said what you have

implied, but anyone with any element of intelligence and logic would know that

merely because a man was involved in producing a pharmaceutical this would not

automatically preclude him from using his reputation to make money for himself

by skipping the tedious process of actually PROVING that anything worked. I am

not suggesting that Dr Potter is being dishonest in any way – I am merely

pointing out an inherent flaw in what you have to say. There are many instances

in this modern world of doctors with good reputations selling trademarked goods

or therapies for which they make claims that are not independently

substantiated. <snip>

This is not a trick question or aimed at trapping you

in any way. I am genuinely interested in your views – and of course any

one else’s views. Am I being too hard on a scientist whose work is internationally

recognized at one level?

The relevant Threads on the Yana Forum are at

1. http://tinyurl.com/cugtr9m titled

initially as My dads story-So far anyone


2. http://tinyurl.com/cacz2z9

titled salvestrols

For ease of reference the edited relevant part of the

exchange on the first thread follows:

J F : May 30, 2010

Here is a message I received from Prof Gerry Potter,

the inventor of Abiraterone Acetate and the discoverer of Salvestrols.

Reply by Prof Gerry Potter on May 27, 2010 at 5:56pm

Dear , as you

might imagine since I invented abiraterone 20 years ago that I might have made

further discoveries since then ! And indeed I have. The most important has been

the discovery of Salvestrols which are non-toxic natural molecules that

selectively destroy cancer cells by selective tumour bioactivation with the

CYP1B1 enzyme (a relative of the CYP17 enzyme that Abiraterone targets). These

are effective against all forms of cancer. Since Salvestrols are natural food

based molecules I have been able to formulate them as a product without the

need for clinical trials, since I understand how lengthy the trials process is

and also how urgent the need for effective therapy is. Personally I do not know

anyone with cancer since my friends who had this disease have recovered with

salvestrol therapy. The problem is because they are produced as a food product

rather than a medicinal product we cannot legally advertise the products for

cancer. Thus the news can only be spread by word of mouth or on the internet.

So if there is anyone out there with cancer spread the news on salvestrols. Our

latest product that is recommended is called Salvestrol Platinum, and this

should be taken at 1 capsule. The dose can be increased to 3 capsules daily for

advanced cancers. We have also developed a cream, Salvestrol Gold, for skin

cancer. These products are avilable from www.salvestrolnaturalproducts.com in

the UK, or www.salvestrol.ca

in the US.

For further info you can google on " Salvestrol Case Studies "

They are explained in detail at


I will leave the decision up to you and your medical

team, as to whether you decide to purchase them or not.

If you require any further information on Prof Gerry

Potter then just Google his name. May 30, 2010 Something seems a bit

dodgy with this stuff. The site that you can buy silvestrol from refers to a

University of Sutherland that doesn't exist in wikipedia (although it has a

nice web site page)and the word silvestrols desn't come up in PubMed literature

search and PubMed has research papers on all sorts of standard and alternative

medications. I thought I might buy some but I don't think so now.



May 31, 2010

I believe that your posts on salvestrols are made in

a genuine desire to provide information on a subject which you accept and do

not breach the 'no commercials' rule, but I am somewhat concerned about the

lack of any demonstration of the value of salvestrols apart from the statements

from the man who makes and sells the product, like this one

Since Salvestrols are natural food based molecules I

have been able to formulate them as a product without the need for clinical

trials, since I understand how lengthy the trials process is and also how

urgent the need for effective therapy is. Personally I do not know anyone with

cancer since my friends who had this disease have recovered with salvestrol


That kind of vested interest and statement usually points

to a pretty dodgy product and can be seen in connection with many other

products that, despite claims made have not demonstrated any real value.

One site I found says: Research has shown salvestrols

can destroy cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. but fails to mention

what the research was, who carried it out, what proof there was that this claim

was accurate. It may be that the research was based on what are termed in vitro

experiments where compounds are tested in Petri dishes. We know that very few

of the observed results in such experiments result in viable treatments.

I think that anyone considering using salvestrols

should read articles like this one TRADEMARKED SCIENCE TRADE-OFFS and do more

research on the alleged value. As the legal maximum has it: Caveat emptor - Let

The Buyer Beware

JF May 31, 2010

I have always been a sceptic when it comes to natural

medicines, as my wife knows, because she has tried them on many occasions over

the years, with mixed results.

Regarding my post on Salvestrol, You are right in

assuming that I am only trying to help people, with information on what is on

offer, to maybe treat people who are infected with Prostate Cancer. What

impressed me about Solvestrol is who discovered it and the case studies I found

on the internet, of its success in treating people with Terminal Cancer. i.e.


and http://www.natuurdietisten.nl/files/Salvestrolen%20case%20studies4.pdf

admittedly the last link was written by Prof G Potter and Prof D Burke, both of

whom have a conflict of interest in promoting this treatment.

I am in no way promoting or endorsing this product, I

am only passing on information provided to me by Prof Gerry Potter, maybe

because I am on the Phase 3, Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

of Abiraterone Acetate (CB7630) Plus Prednisone. Trail, which he invented and

to which my untreatable prostate cancer is responding to, I may be biased.

Like all treatments and medications available, it is

up to the individual to do their own research and make the decision as to

whether they wish to pursue them any further or not.

The link you provided seems to base its conclusion

that is quackery, on the fact that both Prof Potter and Burke are a part of the

company that has been formed to produce and sell this product. I may be wrong

but I cannot see any thing wrong with the fact that they should be able to

market a product that they themselves have discovered and researched over many

years. Both men as far as I can find out, are ethical scientists, with years of

research into treatments or a cure for cancer.


Herbert May 31,


We all interpret things through the lens of our own

experiences and there seems to be nothing that is easily found on the subject

of Salvestrol that is not authored by Dr Potter - both references you gave have

him as author.

So essentially we have a man, who no doubt genuinely

believes that his latest discovery is even better than his previous one, and so

he promotes it as a cure without any proof that it is. Why, one may well

wonder, did he go the distance with trials and studies for Abiraterone Acetate

and not for Salvestrol? That doesn't make much sense to me.

The anecdotal evidence in the links you gave are far

from convincing - at least for me because I have seen dozens of such examples

of claimed cures for any number of compounds and treatments, all with anonymous

but amazing recoveries......but with no evidence that these recoveries were in

fact due to the compound or treatment claimed.

If they did experience a 'cure' could this have been

spontaneous regression rather than Salvestrol? I wrote up a piece in December

last year which anyone interested can find by putting spontaneous regression

into the search engine on this forum. In my last post I quoted from an Study

Suggests Some Cancers May Go Away in the New York Times series on Cancer.

It refers to a study in Norway - those darned

Scandinavians!! - and it says in part …new study, to be published Tuesday

in The Archives of Internal Medicine, suggests that even invasive cancers may

sometimes go away without treatment and in larger numbers than anyone ever


Jun 1, 2010

If someone has discovered a cure for cancer(or even

something that would stop it for even 10 years in 75% of cases) they would get

a Noble Prize and be the richest person in the world already.

On the other hand I do drink pomegranate juice in the

blind faith that it works too ;-)

It always helps to have something to believe in just

don't spend too much money on it and make sure to tell your doctors.

All the best

Prostate men need enlightening, not frightening

Terry Herbert

- diagnosed in 1996 and still going strong

Read A Strange Place for unbiased information at http://www.yananow.org/StrangePlace/index.html

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