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Men's Health Night

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November 21

is the world’s first annual Men’s Health Night. 

We are askingevery home to light a blue light to honor the men we love,

those who are living and those who we wish were still with us.  One blue light bulb, one night a year, one

evening to show that we care about the men in our lives.


November 21

is and will be the evening that we, the people light the light of awareness,

warmth and strength in our homes.  On

this night men commit to taking care of their health to insure they will be

with us for many more years.  On this

night women commit to making sure their men make an appointment to see the

doctor, to insure that they will be with us for many more years.


When you

turn on a blue light and think to yourself, “I ought to make a doctor’s

appointment,” then Blue Moon Night has done its job.  We need to say to ourselves that we are worth

taking care of, that our lives are worthy of health and happiness, that I will to

asking my doctor what tests I need to stay alive.


November 21

2010 is the Night of the Blue Moon.  We

don’t want men to wait to see a doctor until the next blue moon.  Too many men die, too young, for no good

reason.  Many diseases can be treated,

life extended if diagnosed early. 



our country’s national men’s cancer survivor nonprofit, developed Men’s Health

Night, but we want you to own it yourself. 

On November 21, we will light a blue light and think about how we can

care more about the men in our lives, and take better care of ourselves.  It is time to speak up.  LIGHT THE LIGHT.


Go to www.menshealthnight.org to read more

about this event and to post a picture of your loved one.



-- T Nowak, MA, MSWDirector for Advocacy and  Advanced Prostate Cancer Programs, Malecare Inc. Men Fighting Cancer, TogetherSurvivor - Recurrent Prostate, Thyroid, Melanoma and Renal Cancers

www.advancedprostatecancer.net - A blog about advanced and recurrent prostate cancerwww.malecare.com - information and support about prostate cancer

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/advancedprostatecancer/ - an online support group for men and their families diagnosed with advanced and recurrent prostate cancer

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