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Re: Survival tips

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Anthea, you wrote " It was simple in the end - they used chlorine gas to kill

people in

the first world war and I was breathing it in with my lovely hot shower! "

Just to ease your mind, you cannot be exposed to chlorine gas in the shower, the

chlorine in treated water is in a combined state and it takes more than heat to

release it in the gas form used in WWI. Just the same you're right, the

combined form can be very irritating ie.) swimming pools and tap water.

is- Ging was a patient of Dr. Kaplin in Long Is. and Therese and I are

patients here in SC ( I have my first appt with him in Aug) so thanks for the

article. According to Ging he is supposed to be one of the best, although

Therese may beg to differ. ( Sorry Therese your appt didn't go that well, let

us know what the name is of the experimental drug, according to the article he

is experimenting with immunosuppresive drugs) I'll let y'all know what I think

of him next month.

RE: Bug bites: this is kind of gross but unsmoked cigarette tobacco mixed with a

little saliva and placed on a sting works great ( I think it is an old southern

redneck trick). I just tried it for a wasp sting and I didn't get a golf ball

sized lump like before, I had immediate relief from the pain and itching. So if

you are out of tenderizer, find someone who smokes!

RE: Invisible bugs- I have them all the time too.

Best to all- Sallie

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Hi everyone The first experimental drug that Dr Kaplan tryed on me was called

Sandimmune Cyclosporine capsules USP. I stayed on it for about six months

and did not really see a big difference but it could help someone else. I

have been fighting with my stomach cannot seem to keep anything on it Dr

Kaplan thought it might be the Sandimmune but i have been off ot it for a

month and still having problems. It is very expensive about 348.00 a month. I

will let everone know today about the other drug.

Thanks Therese

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