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New York City Regional Symposium on Minorities, the Medically Underserved & Cancer

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Malecare has been working with a number of other cancer related organizations to organize a regional conference on cancer and the medically underserved.  The conference will be held on December 10th and 11th at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.  Registration is only $15.00 and includes Saturday continental breakfast as well as lunch.

The program will include a Market Place of Ideas where different cancer education and support groups will be available to describe their programs, three Plenary sessions (Community-Academic Partnerships; a session on Clinical Trials and a session on Survivorship) as well as 9 separate breakout sessions including:

Preparing for Disasters:Vulnerable Populations with Special NeedsCancer Pain Relief Matters: Unraveling Confusion, Exposing Disparities and Taking ActionLGBT Access to Health Care - moderated by Malecare's Executive Director, Darryl Mittendorf

Male issues – Men, the Hidden Medically Underserved Minority- moderated by Malecare's Director of Advanced PC Programs, NowakDisparities in Breast CancerDiet, Nutrition, and Healthy Lifestyles

Innovative Programs to Increase Cancer Screening Genetics

Side Effects of Treatment: During, Following and Long TermStress Management Tools for Anyone Touched by CancerTo view the program and to register go to: www.iccnetwork.org/

-- T Nowak, MA, MSWDirector for Advocacy and  Advanced Prostate Cancer Programs, Malecare Inc. Men Fighting Cancer, TogetherSurvivor - Recurrent Prostate, Thyroid, Melanoma and Renal Cancers

www.advancedprostatecancer.net - A blog about advanced and recurrent prostate cancerwww.malecare.com - information and support about prostate cancer

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/advancedprostatecancer/ - an online support group for men and their families diagnosed with advanced and recurrent prostate cancer

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