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Re: Symptom List

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> I couldn't access anything before 1999 in the archives. How do you


> there?

> Terry

You go to , log in, and when you are at " My Groups " click

on graves_support. On the left hand side there is a list. Click on

Files. For now, there is only one: the 1997 Survey Results.

Okay. I've compiled the list from that survey. Here is the

cumulative list of symptoms from the survey participants. There is

only one of Jeannette's abbreviations which I can't figure

out –


Rapid pulse, tremors, anxiety, weak legs, hyper bowels, insomnia,

hot, sweaty, mood swings, confusion, memory loss, eye strain, muscle

pain, depression, ShBr, fatigue, hunger, irritability, graying hair,

weak leg muscles, dry eyes, difficulty eating, loss of coordination,

dizziness, amenses, sore throat, hair loss, panic, severe uticaria,

stomach cramps, hives, smelly feet, headaches, dry skin, bone aches,

goiter, eyes bulged, numbness in limbs, itchy skin, nail changes, low

libido, chest pain, restlessness, rash, atrial fib., nightmares,

heartburn, lethargy, clumsiness, vitiligo, double/blurred vision,

muscle spasms.

Luckily, no one had ALL the symptoms (except, maybe, me :) Maybe we

should give a prize to whomever figures out what ShBr means.

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Good additions. My sis had smelly, sweaty feet for YEARS before diagnosis

when she was a teenager. She was diagnosed around age 25. Now she doesn't

have the problem. Does that mean that her GD had started years before

diagnosis? That is pretty scary.

Re: symptom list

Dear Terry

This is a great idea, good on ya.

Could I add to the list -

Pre ATDs

High Blood Pressure

Difficulty exercising and walking up stairs



Longer between cycles with shorter and lighter menstruation

Generalised itchy skin

Total intolerance to heat

Higher body temperature

Increased perspiration (I had very sweaty smelly feet which improved with


Lowered libido

Increased number of bowel motions (up to 8 per day)

Loss of hair and lack of lustre of hair

Low cholesterol level

Symptoms I've had since, but I don't know if they are associated with

becoming hypo on ATD's or the GD

Aching joints, especially elbows, knees, wrists and fingers.

Sensations of 'fire' going through bones that lasts about 8hrs or so and

target the one area, eg 1 finger.

Feelings of depression and easily being overwhelmed

Intolerance to stress

Difficulty with physical activity

I'll let you know about the post surgical symptoms as time goes by.



Terry ding wrote:

> Here's a copy of all I have so far. If you find any inaccuracies, let me

> know. Also anything left out. I'll just keep it going until it stops!

> Terry


> Graves Symptom Roundup


> Before ATD¹s (hyper)

> oily skin and hair

> Racing heart (rapid pulse)

> Vibrating feeling all the time

> Hard time breathing

> Weak legs & arms

> Dizziness

> Disorientation

> Enlarged thyroid

> Sleeplessness

> Irritability

> Shaking hands

> Unable to write clearly

> Unable to stay engaged in anything

> Unable to sit still

> Forgetfulness/brain fog

> Complete lack of stamina (quickly exhausted)

> Constant hunger

> Weight gain or loss (gain for me!)

> Blotchy itchy hips

> Graves rage


> Stablized w/ ATD¹s

> Stress causes destabilization and recurring symptoms

> Other autoimmune problems (such as viral gum disease)

> Less stamina than pre GD

> Rising cholesterol level

> Need to fine-tune dosage frequently or go hypo or hyper


> Overmedicating with ATD's leads to hypo symptoms of:

> oLethargy

> oheadaches

> obrain fog

> ohair loss

> oweight gain

> Constant phlegm in throat at night


> Hypo (mostly I think from post-RAI)

> thick and dry tongue

> eyebrows stopped growing completely

> dry brittle hair

> severe hair loss

> nails that split and break and get very thick and can¹t be filed and have


> enamel

> Joint pain,

> muscle aches

> puffiness of eyes, face, hands and feet

> even higher cholesterol levels & triglyceride levels

> sleepiness, but insomnia at night

> depression

> sometimes panic attacks

> irregular heartrate ( bradycardia)

> feeling like you can't get moving (like a slug)

> Sleep apnea

> Aversion to cold

> Never the " right " temperature

> brain simply does not work.

> Loss of memory

> Can¹t perform simple tasks like spelling own name.

> Unable to stop crying but not really sad.

> Cannot do simple daily tasks without outside intervention and direction



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I believe I had GD for at least 1 year before diagnosis. It seems that diagnosis

happens when the thyroid gets

bigger and the hyperthyroidism becomes toxic. But the auto immune problem (GD)

could have been bubbling alone for

years (my belief).


" Fleming, " wrote:

> Good additions. My sis had smelly, sweaty feet for YEARS before diagnosis

> when she was a teenager. She was diagnosed around age 25. Now she doesn't

> have the problem. Does that mean that her GD had started years before

> diagnosis? That is pretty scary.


> Re: symptom list


> Dear Terry


> This is a great idea, good on ya.


> Could I add to the list -


> Pre ATDs


> High Blood Pressure

> Difficulty exercising and walking up stairs

> Miscarriage

> Infertility

> Longer between cycles with shorter and lighter menstruation

> Generalised itchy skin

> Total intolerance to heat

> Higher body temperature

> Increased perspiration (I had very sweaty smelly feet which improved with

> ATDs)

> Lowered libido

> Increased number of bowel motions (up to 8 per day)

> Loss of hair and lack of lustre of hair

> Low cholesterol level


> Symptoms I've had since, but I don't know if they are associated with

> becoming hypo on ATD's or the GD


> Aching joints, especially elbows, knees, wrists and fingers.

> Sensations of 'fire' going through bones that lasts about 8hrs or so and

> target the one area, eg 1 finger.

> Feelings of depression and easily being overwhelmed

> Intolerance to stress

> Difficulty with physical activity


> I'll let you know about the post surgical symptoms as time goes by.


> Cheers

> Caroline


> Terry ding wrote:


> > Here's a copy of all I have so far. If you find any inaccuracies, let me

> > know. Also anything left out. I'll just keep it going until it stops!

> > Terry

> >

> > Graves Symptom Roundup

> >

> > Before ATD¹s (hyper)

> > oily skin and hair

> > Racing heart (rapid pulse)

> > Vibrating feeling all the time

> > Hard time breathing

> > Weak legs & arms

> > Dizziness

> > Disorientation

> > Enlarged thyroid

> > Sleeplessness

> > Irritability

> > Shaking hands

> > Unable to write clearly

> > Unable to stay engaged in anything

> > Unable to sit still

> > Forgetfulness/brain fog

> > Complete lack of stamina (quickly exhausted)

> > Constant hunger

> > Weight gain or loss (gain for me!)

> > Blotchy itchy hips

> > Graves rage

> >

> > Stablized w/ ATD¹s

> > Stress causes destabilization and recurring symptoms

> > Other autoimmune problems (such as viral gum disease)

> > Less stamina than pre GD

> > Rising cholesterol level

> > Need to fine-tune dosage frequently or go hypo or hyper

> >

> > Overmedicating with ATD's leads to hypo symptoms of:

> > oLethargy

> > oheadaches

> > obrain fog

> > ohair loss

> > oweight gain

> > Constant phlegm in throat at night

> >

> > Hypo (mostly I think from post-RAI)

> > thick and dry tongue

> > eyebrows stopped growing completely

> > dry brittle hair

> > severe hair loss

> > nails that split and break and get very thick and can¹t be filed and have

> no

> > enamel

> > Joint pain,

> > muscle aches

> > puffiness of eyes, face, hands and feet

> > even higher cholesterol levels & triglyceride levels

> > sleepiness, but insomnia at night

> > depression

> > sometimes panic attacks

> > irregular heartrate ( bradycardia)

> > feeling like you can't get moving (like a slug)

> > Sleep apnea

> > Aversion to cold

> > Never the " right " temperature

> > brain simply does not work.

> > Loss of memory

> > Can¹t perform simple tasks like spelling own name.

> > Unable to stop crying but not really sad.

> > Cannot do simple daily tasks without outside intervention and direction

> >

> >

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Hi ,

Normally, hyper symptoms are reduced during the 2nd and 3rd trimester as your

hCG levels decline and your protein binding concentrations change. Most

people on thyroid hormone need their therapeutic doses increased, and people

on ATD's have a dosage reduction. The latest info cautions about getting

thyroid hormone levels too low. And any decent endo should know that TSH

levels may take many months to reflect these changes.

Excess bleeding, etc. are symptoms related to hypo. It's unfortunate that so

many endos are arrogant and fail to keep up on the latest info, particularly

info regarding TSH levels.

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What a great job you've done. But I just have to question the heavier menses

for hyper. All my sources list hyper as amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea, absent

or scant menses respectively.

Heavy periods are generally listed with hypo.

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To Anyone, I was curious about something. When I was pregnant with my last

child (have 4) in 1998 I was treated with PTU for my hyper T. I believe my

endo was over treating me having dropped my T4 and T3 to low normal levels.

My FT4 was even too low for a pregnant woman (0.4) but I never had readable

TSH so the endo wouldn't drop my dose. I was so incredibly lethargic I

couldn't get out of bed. I was so cold all the time I felt like I had the

flu for months. It was only after my OB insisted that my PTU be lowered to

200 from 300 did the endo give in. Here is the question: despite the lower

PTU dose I still felt hypo. In my 7 month I had unexplained bleeding and

ended up on best rest until 36 weeks. Within a few days of this I started

to bleed again and delivered my daughter 4 weeks early. I also bled quite

badly post delivery. The thing is the OB could never find the source or the

problem. I am convinced it had to do with my hypo symptoms. I know from

being a maternity RN that hypo can cause miscarriage early on but I don't

know much about later on in pregnancy. Has anyone had similar experience or

know of anyone who is hypo and may have had this? Just trying to determine

if there is a correlation.... I.

Re: symptom list

> Yes, I noticed results within a few days. I lost weight, quit having food

> cravings, and quit having sinus drainage. I plan on buying some almond


> one of these days so I can make almond cookies.



> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



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Hi -

Hypothyroidism can cause premature births and stillbirths in an apparently

healthy pregnancy.

They didn't know it when I was pregnant (only would check TSH) but I was

hypothyroid when my son was born. You can tell from pictures too. I had a

very masklike face. The placenta was the smallest the doctor had ever seen

and Tavis was in distress and born face-up with the cord wrapped around his

neck. Any one of those things wouldn't have concerned me too much (except

the very small placenta) but taken all together they're concerning. The

OB/GYN is concerned this time too. He is going to do serial ultrasounds

throughout my entire pregnancy if I'm blessed enough to get pregnant again.

He is also going to check ALL my thyroid levels more frequently this time

then they did last time (they only checked TSH once every 3 months).

I really think they don't know what they're doing with us regarding

fertility and pregnancy. They're just starting now to make some


Take care,

Re: symptom list



> > Yes, I noticed results within a few days. I lost weight, quit having


> > cravings, and quit having sinus drainage. I plan on buying some almond

> flour

> > one of these days so I can make almond cookies.

> >

> >

> > -------------------------------------

> > The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

> intended to replace expert medical care.

> > Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> > ----------------------------------------

> >

> >



> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



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Oh Yeah (thanks Elaine for prompting me)! They never increased my thyroid

dose even though I had no thyroid function of my own at all during

pregnancy. I was on 150 mcg of T4 when I got pregnant, throughout pregnancy

and when I delivered.

Take care,

> Hi ,

> Normally, hyper symptoms are reduced during the 2nd and 3rd trimester as


> hCG levels decline and your protein binding concentrations change. Most

> people on thyroid hormone need their therapeutic doses increased, and


> on ATD's have a dosage reduction. The latest info cautions about getting

> thyroid hormone levels too low. And any decent endo should know that TSH

> levels may take many months to reflect these changes.

> Excess bleeding, etc. are symptoms related to hypo. It's unfortunate that


> many endos are arrogant and fail to keep up on the latest info,


> info regarding TSH levels.

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You can do a poll through the egroups site. That should work pretty well

for a survey.



> Reply-To: graves_supportegroups

> Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 10:11:15 -0800

> To: Graves Support <graves_supportegroups>

> Subject: Symptom List


> Hi everyone,


> I promised myself I'd get this list back here before I leave for a visit

> with my daughter in Colorado tomorrow, so here it is. I'll be off line from

> tonight until the 1st, but if ya'all could think of a way to turn this into

> a survey, I'd love to do that. Not to get everyone's personal symptoms but

> to find out whether we see patterns, whether certain symptoms happen to

> everyone regardless of whether they are taking ATD's or have had RAI or

> surgery, etc. Also, if I missed anything or glossed over anything by

> combining similar symptoms, I'd love to know.


> In the meantime, have a good next week.


> Terry


> Graves Symptom Roundup


> Hyper


> Goiter

> Racing heart (rapid pulse)

> Feel like you¹re vibrating, tremors

> Dizziness

> Disorientation, confusion, brain fog

> Sleeplessness

> Irritabilty

> Shaking hands, loss of dexterity, inability to even write clearly

> Loss of stamina

> Loss of coordination

> Inability to sit still

> Bouncy legs

> Weakness in legs and arms

> Memory loss

> Mood swings

> Depression

> Panic

> Difficulty breathing

> Shortness of breath

> Intolerant of stress (even a scary book or movie will increase heart rate)

> Sleeplessness

> Rage

> Constant hunger

> Hair loss

> Dry, brittle, lusterless hair

> Graying hair

> Weight loss or gain (rapid)

> Sweating easily, heavily

> Smelly sweat (esp. feet)

> Aversion to heat, always warm

> Amenses or heavier menses

> Miscarriage

> Infertility

> Lowered libido

> Nails weak, cracking

> Nails split into 2 layers

> Onycholysis (separation of nail from it¹s bed)

> Nail margins uneven

> Dots (horizontally) in nails

> Ridged nails (vertically) " washboarding "

> Hyper bowels (up to 8 movements a day)

> Sore throat

> Difficulty eating

> Stomach cramps

> Heartbury

> Headaches

> Numbness in limbs

> Vitiligo (patchy loss of pigmentation in skin)

> Low cholesterol level

> Uticaria (rash)

> Hives

> Blotchy itchy patches without rash

> Increased susceptibility to other immune problems (gum disease, etc.)

> High or low blood pressure problems




> Weight gain on ATD¹s

> Less stamina even when stabilized on ATD¹s

> Rising cholesterol level on ATD¹s


> Hypo


> Severe weight gain even when not eating much

> Thick, dry tongue

> Eyebrows stop growing

> Severe hair loss

> Dry, brittle hair

> Nails that split, break, get thickened

> Puffy eyes, face, hands, feet

> Aversion to cold

> Never " right " temperature; internal thermostat not working

> Sleep apnea

> Sleepy all day, insomnia at night

> Depression

> Panic attacks

> Brain stops working

> Loss of memory

> Feeling of being overwhelmed

> Can¹t spell own name

> Inability to be self-directed or stay on task

> Unable to stop crying although not " sad "

> Suicidal thoughts

> Feeling like a slug; no energy

> Can¹t get moving

> Joint pain

> Headache

> Irregular heart rate (bradycardia)

> High cholesterol & triglyceride levels

> Long menstrual cycle

> Eyestrain

> Blurring of vision

> Double vision

> Bulging eyes

> Dry eyes

> Sensitive to light







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Symptom to add for pre Graves - Menstrual cramps, ovarian cysts, and


I am not sure about these, but I know my sis had these problems. Was it GD?

Also, I believe you should set up some tables in the Database part of

egroups site to list these. Check them out. I am a member of another

support group through egroups and we use them for everything from FAQs to

patient history.

Just a thought....

Symptom List

Hi everyone,

I promised myself I'd get this list back here before I leave for a visit

with my daughter in Colorado tomorrow, so here it is. I'll be off line from

tonight until the 1st, but if ya'all could think of a way to turn this into

a survey, I'd love to do that. Not to get everyone's personal symptoms but

to find out whether we see patterns, whether certain symptoms happen to

everyone regardless of whether they are taking ATD's or have had RAI or

surgery, etc. Also, if I missed anything or glossed over anything by

combining similar symptoms, I'd love to know.

In the meantime, have a good next week.


Graves Symptom Roundup



Racing heart (rapid pulse)

Feel like you¹re vibrating, tremors


Disorientation, confusion, brain fog



Shaking hands, loss of dexterity, inability to even write clearly

Loss of stamina

Loss of coordination

Inability to sit still

Bouncy legs

Weakness in legs and arms

Memory loss

Mood swings



Difficulty breathing

Shortness of breath

Intolerant of stress (even a scary book or movie will increase heart rate)



Constant hunger

Hair loss

Dry, brittle, lusterless hair

Graying hair

Weight loss or gain (rapid)

Sweating easily, heavily

Smelly sweat (esp. feet)

Aversion to heat, always warm

Amenses or heavier menses



Lowered libido

Nails weak, cracking

Nails split into 2 layers

Onycholysis (separation of nail from it¹s bed)

Nail margins uneven

Dots (horizontally) in nails

Ridged nails (vertically) " washboarding "

Hyper bowels (up to 8 movements a day)

Sore throat

Difficulty eating

Stomach cramps



Numbness in limbs

Vitiligo (patchy loss of pigmentation in skin)

Low cholesterol level

Uticaria (rash)


Blotchy itchy patches without rash

Increased susceptibility to other immune problems (gum disease, etc.)

High or low blood pressure problems

Weight gain on ATD¹s

Less stamina even when stabilized on ATD¹s

Rising cholesterol level on ATD¹s


Severe weight gain even when not eating much

Thick, dry tongue

Eyebrows stop growing

Severe hair loss

Dry, brittle hair

Nails that split, break, get thickened

Puffy eyes, face, hands, feet

Aversion to cold

Never " right " temperature; internal thermostat not working

Sleep apnea

Sleepy all day, insomnia at night


Panic attacks

Brain stops working

Loss of memory

Feeling of being overwhelmed

Can¹t spell own name

Inability to be self-directed or stay on task

Unable to stop crying although not " sad "

Suicidal thoughts

Feeling like a slug; no energy

Can¹t get moving

Joint pain


Irregular heart rate (bradycardia)

High cholesterol & triglyceride levels

Long menstrual cycle


Blurring of vision

Double vision

Bulging eyes

Dry eyes

Sensitive to light

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Hi Elaine-

I had oligomennorhea before I started on T3. But there was no question in

the endo's mind that I was hypothyroid. I too had also read that it was

associated with hyperthyroidism. But apparently, not always.

I think a lot of the same symptoms sometimes happen with both hyper and

hypo. I've sometimes had that problem. I'll get a little off either way

and have the same symptoms. So it's difficult to tell what the problem is

until I actually go to the doctor (almost always, it's hypo). But in

general, certain symptoms are associated with hypo and certain ones are

associated with hyperthyroidism.

Take care,

> Terry,

> What a great job you've done. But I just have to question the heavier


> for hyper. All my sources list hyper as amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea,


> or scant menses respectively.

> Heavy periods are generally listed with hypo.



> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



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Hi -

Menstrual cramps and ovarian cysts are associated with hypothyroidism too.


Take care,

Symptom List

Hi everyone,

I promised myself I'd get this list back here before I leave for a visit

with my daughter in Colorado tomorrow, so here it is. I'll be off line from

tonight until the 1st, but if ya'all could think of a way to turn this into

a survey, I'd love to do that. Not to get everyone's personal symptoms but

to find out whether we see patterns, whether certain symptoms happen to

everyone regardless of whether they are taking ATD's or have had RAI or

surgery, etc. Also, if I missed anything or glossed over anything by

combining similar symptoms, I'd love to know.

In the meantime, have a good next week.


Graves Symptom Roundup



Racing heart (rapid pulse)

Feel like you¹re vibrating, tremors


Disorientation, confusion, brain fog



Shaking hands, loss of dexterity, inability to even write clearly

Loss of stamina

Loss of coordination

Inability to sit still

Bouncy legs

Weakness in legs and arms

Memory loss

Mood swings



Difficulty breathing

Shortness of breath

Intolerant of stress (even a scary book or movie will increase heart rate)



Constant hunger

Hair loss

Dry, brittle, lusterless hair

Graying hair

Weight loss or gain (rapid)

Sweating easily, heavily

Smelly sweat (esp. feet)

Aversion to heat, always warm

Amenses or heavier menses



Lowered libido

Nails weak, cracking

Nails split into 2 layers

Onycholysis (separation of nail from it¹s bed)

Nail margins uneven

Dots (horizontally) in nails

Ridged nails (vertically) " washboarding "

Hyper bowels (up to 8 movements a day)

Sore throat

Difficulty eating

Stomach cramps



Numbness in limbs

Vitiligo (patchy loss of pigmentation in skin)

Low cholesterol level

Uticaria (rash)


Blotchy itchy patches without rash

Increased susceptibility to other immune problems (gum disease, etc.)

High or low blood pressure problems

Weight gain on ATD¹s

Less stamina even when stabilized on ATD¹s

Rising cholesterol level on ATD¹s


Severe weight gain even when not eating much

Thick, dry tongue

Eyebrows stop growing

Severe hair loss

Dry, brittle hair

Nails that split, break, get thickened

Puffy eyes, face, hands, feet

Aversion to cold

Never " right " temperature; internal thermostat not working

Sleep apnea

Sleepy all day, insomnia at night


Panic attacks

Brain stops working

Loss of memory

Feeling of being overwhelmed

Can¹t spell own name

Inability to be self-directed or stay on task

Unable to stop crying although not " sad "

Suicidal thoughts

Feeling like a slug; no energy

Can¹t get moving

Joint pain


Irregular heart rate (bradycardia)

High cholesterol & triglyceride levels

Long menstrual cycle


Blurring of vision

Double vision

Bulging eyes

Dry eyes

Sensitive to light

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You know it is amazing that I mentioned all these things to my endo at the

time and he said I was still hyper because of the TSH. I was not as

knowledgable as I am now so did what I was told. But I can tell you it is

frightening to have such heavy bleeding during your pregnancy. Another

thing to mention is my baby was 7lb. 6oz. and was 4 weeks early. This is

large for gestational age. Also post partum was hard for me because I had

extreme fatigue and actually gained weight after giving birth. I breast fed

fulltime and got my period after only 8 weeks and continued to get it every

21-24 days thereafter. It came to me that something was direly wrong here.

The endo said hyper but my levels were low and he wouldn't give me

replacement meds. It was my OB/Gyn and GP who didn't like what was going on

and recommended I question my dosage or change endos. I have been to 3

other endo since and all continued to recommend more PTU until my TSH kicks

in. Guess what - after being either euthroid or what I called hypo for more

than 15 months still no TSH. Maybe I will never have TSH again. I

Re: symptom list

> Hi ,

> Normally, hyper symptoms are reduced during the 2nd and 3rd trimester as


> hCG levels decline and your protein binding concentrations change. Most

> people on thyroid hormone need their therapeutic doses increased, and


> on ATD's have a dosage reduction. The latest info cautions about getting

> thyroid hormone levels too low. And any decent endo should know that TSH

> levels may take many months to reflect these changes.

> Excess bleeding, etc. are symptoms related to hypo. It's unfortunate that


> many endos are arrogant and fail to keep up on the latest info,


> info regarding TSH levels.



> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



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Suggestion, if you don't mind, maybe a separate category for any and all eye

symptoms and list something in there to see who has TED w/o RAI and who has

it w/ RAI?



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Mine went the way you described them...thought I was in 7th heaven, loosing

weight, low cholesterol, 1-3 day spotty cycles...until the hammer dropped.

Reading this list sure was a reminder of where I was 4 years ago, and where

I am now. I can't get over how many of the symptoms apply to both hyper and

hypo, but when we bring it up to drs. they say they aren't thyroid

symptoms...next candle I blow out I'm gonna wish they have to live with each

set of symptoms for at least a week. I know that isn't nice of me, but just

maybe they would understand and actually do something!



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Hi Terry don't drive your daughter crazy. I have a bladder problem. I've

had it for years. They don't quite know what it is. It was becoming

intolerable. I was at the gyno's yesterday. She said " people with thyroid

problems get weird bladder problems. So you might add weird bladder

problems, to your list.

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Hi all

Thanks for suggestions here, and on the database section of e-groups and

polling through e-groups. When I get back I'll investigate these. I am also

adding everything mentioned to the list, so I'll republish as well.

I often wonder how we are to differentiate which symptoms are attributable

to GD, and which to other factors. I've had increasingly heavy menses for

the last several years, and am definitely not hypo. But, they've also become

very irregular, I'm 51 and I think it simply could be part of menopause. I

don't have fibroids or anything, so who knows! I think I had both amenohrrea

and heavy period responses under " hyper " when I asked, though some responses

were just symptoms, without categorizing. That's why I think the list needs

further work.



> Reply-To: graves_supportegroups

> Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 12:42:17 -0700

> To: <graves_supportegroups>

> Subject: Re: Symptom List


> Hi Elaine-


> I had oligomennorhea before I started on T3. But there was no question in

> the endo's mind that I was hypothyroid. I too had also read that it was

> associated with hyperthyroidism. But apparently, not always.


> I think a lot of the same symptoms sometimes happen with both hyper and

> hypo. I've sometimes had that problem. I'll get a little off either way

> and have the same symptoms. So it's difficult to tell what the problem is

> until I actually go to the doctor (almost always, it's hypo). But in

> general, certain symptoms are associated with hypo and certain ones are

> associated with hyperthyroidism.


> Take care,





>> Terry,

>> What a great job you've done. But I just have to question the heavier

> menses

>> for hyper. All my sources list hyper as amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea,

> absent

>> or scant menses respectively.

>> Heavy periods are generally listed with hypo.



>> -------------------------------------

>> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

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>> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

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> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

> intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

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In a message dated 10/24/00 8:16:40 PM Central Daylight Time,

luckystrike@... writes:

<< Subj: Re: Symptom List

Date: 10/24/00 8:16:40 PM Central Daylight Time

From: luckystrike@... (Jody Spitale)

Reply-to: graves_supportegroups

To: graves_supportegroups


Suggestion, if you don't mind, maybe a separate category for any and all eye

symptoms and list something in there to see who has TED w/o RAI and who has

it w/ RAI?


_______ >>

Jody, I'd love to see eye stuff separate too :)) thanks Kim

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Hi -

Can't really think of anything either except that they most certainly don't

know everything about thyroid function. I know a lot of doctors and all of

the ones that I know say that.

I've always had plenty of T4 floating around. But the quantity is useless

since I have a hard time converting it to T3. I've often wondered if some

receptors that cause us to be " hyperthyroid " are sensitive to any thyroid

hormone (T4 or T3) while others might be geared to T3 only. This could

possibly explain the " mixed symptom " etiology that some of us get post-RAI

and post-surgery. I don't know.

I never had any " mixed symptoms " before I had anything done with my thyroid.

Before RAI, all hyper symptoms I had were because I had hyperthyroidism. I

never was hypothyroid before RAI so I can't comment on it. I only became

hypothyroid after RAI.

Anyhow, all this is very interesting. It seems like from what I've read,

all this " mixed " stuff comes after treatment.

Take care,

> Some of these symptoms seem to overlap. I have diabetes and some of the

> symptoms of

> low blood sugar and high blood sugar overlap. Of course I have one of my

> many theories about blood sugar but I can think of nothing that would

> make hyper and hypo

> act in the same manner. Perhaps we can discuss this strange thing.


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Some of these symptoms seem to overlap. I have diabetes and some of the

symptoms of

low blood sugar and high blood sugar overlap. Of course I have one of my

many theories about blood sugar but I can think of nothing that would

make hyper and hypo

act in the same manner. Perhaps we can discuss this strange thing.

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About the inconsistency in menses symptoms, if they come only

infrequently, say in hyperT patients, might they not be heavier when they

do appear? There are also other factors depending on the individual, such

as in my case - I stopped breastfeeding several months ago and my body's

adjusting to no longer being pregnant or lactating, as I'd been one

and/or the other for an extended " period " prior to developing GD.



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Dear All

I wonder if the 'common' symptoms are more related to GD and an unbalanced

endocrine system than just hypo or

hyper??? I guess that one good reason why Terry started the list.



Jody Spitale wrote:

> Elaine,

> Mine went the way you described them...thought I was in 7th heaven, loosing

> weight, low cholesterol, 1-3 day spotty cycles...until the hammer dropped.


> Reading this list sure was a reminder of where I was 4 years ago, and where

> I am now. I can't get over how many of the symptoms apply to both hyper and

> hypo, but when we bring it up to drs. they say they aren't thyroid

> symptoms...next candle I blow out I'm gonna wish they have to live with each

> set of symptoms for at least a week. I know that isn't nice of me, but just

> maybe they would understand and actually do something!


> Jody

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> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

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> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

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I just found this article in one of my lab books while looking for something

else. It's a pretty good overview of GD symptoms.

" Most of the signs and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis (excess thyroid hormone)

stem from the excessive production of heat and from increased motor activity

and increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system. The skin is

flushed, warm, and moist; the muscles are weak and tremulous; the heart rate

is rapid, and the heart beat is forcefull and the arterial pulses are

prominent and bounding. The increased expenditure of energy gives rise to

increased appetite and, if intake is insufficient, to loss of weight. There

also may be insomnia, difficulty in remaining still, anxiety and

apprehension, intolerance to heat, and increased frequency of bowel

movements. Angina, arrhythmias, and hart failure may be present in older

patients. Some indviduals may show extensive muscular wasting as a result of

thyroid myopathy. Patients with long-standing undiagnosed or undertreated

thyrotoxicosis my develop osteoporosis due to increased bone turnover. "

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Rapid pulse, tremors, anxiety, weak legs, hyper bowels, insomnia,

hot, sweaty, mood swings, confusion, memory loss, eye strain, muscle

pain, depression, ShBr, fatigue, hunger, irritability, graying hair,

weak leg muscles, dry eyes, difficulty eating, loss of coordination,

dizziness, amenses, sore throat, hair loss, panic, severe uticaria,

stomach cramps, hives, smelly feet, headaches, dry skin, bone aches,

goiter, eyes bulged, numbness in limbs, itchy skin, nail changes, low

libido, chest pain, restlessness, rash, atrial fib., nightmares,

heartburn, lethargy, clumsiness, vitiligo, double/blurred vision,

muscle spasms.

Luckily, no one had ALL the symptoms (except, maybe, me :) Maybe we

should give a prize to whomever figures out what ShBr means.


I had shoulder pain really bad he said it was related.I forgot what els if I

remember I will add it later.


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