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Re: 's - Story

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Dear ,

Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me about your struggles

with Chronic Panc. I always appreciate learning about people's stories, and

how they've dealt with this serious, life changing, chronic disease. You've

gone through a lot in aq relatively short time period. I think maybe the

first year is the hardest for a lot of folks to adjust, and accept that they

have something this big wrong with their health, but in your story, you

sound relatively accepting, and adjusting to so many sudden,life changing

events happenning to you. I admire your spirit, and you most certainly

aren't boring me! So when they told you that you have small ducts, does that

mean tyhat you have Pancreas Divism, or have they told you? Those lines are

such a problem with infection always waiting to errupt, and make you feel

even worse. Did you have several infections resulting in your having the two

cental, and one picc line? So you're totally N.P.O. now? Do you have a lot

of nausea? I'm happy for you that you're not a diabetic, and I hope that you

don't become that way! My diabetes was diagnosed in the Summer of 1997,

after having C. Panc. for five years, so it was an accumalation of damage

over those years of repeated attacks. I wish I had known of the Islet cell

transfer back when. Have you considered that as a preventive measure?

I'll be thinking of you on the 7th. when you have your appointement at the U

of M, and praying that you get to feeling betteer, and that they can come up

with a good program of treatment for your pain, and all of the other

symptoms that you suffer with. Try and keep your chin up! It's easy for me

to say that, and I can't always do it myself, but I keep hearing about the

value of a positive frame of mind as it relates to your health, and healing!

:) Thank's for your prayers regarding my upcoming surg. i've got a fantastic

surgeon, I'm still young, and I'm hopeful for some improvement, and

especially getting off of TPN, I don't have to tell you what a drag TPN can

be. Take good care of yourself my friend! Thank's again for sharing your

story with me, and good luck on the 7th.! :)

Your Pancreas Pal,



on 10/30/00 6:33 PM, mrsteep1@... at mrsteep1@... wrote:

> Hi Henry,


> I did read that your surgery got moved, but didn't change my prayers

> any..lol as far as telling you about me I don't know that I have and I don't

> mind telling you.. I was told in May of 2000 that I had chronic pancreatitis,

> although when I look back now I can tell you when I had others but blamed

> them on my IBS, they couldn't do anything here to help my pancreatitis my

> counts wouldn't come down they did a ct scan and 2 scopes and xrays and ultra

> sounds and just didn't know what else to do so they sent me to U of M in Ann

> Arbor which I was told I needed the ERCP and had a week after now at that

> point I was already on TPN for a mouth well they put in a 5 day stent and

> took it out a week later that did no good so she went back down and put a 8

> week stent in now while the stent was in I could eat and the pain was good

> but a week after the stent was out I had pain back.. I have had 2 central

> lines in and a Pic line which that is a whole nother story.. but then I just

> had another attack and was put in the hospital but for the first time since

> May my counts are normal so I guess that is good...I am not diabetic yet they

> don't know what caused this but that I have small ducts.... my brother also

> has pancreatitis .. so that is my story hope I didn't bore you...lol I go

> back to U of M on the 7th so hopefully they will have some answers.... hope

> all is well with you... thanks again...


> Wishing you all a pain free day

> from Michigan




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Hi Henry,

Thanks, I try to stay upbeat which sometimes is so hard.. I hate to not

be in control of things and when this is going on I have no control what so

ever.. thank god my loved ones are understanding and are there for me .. I

don't know how many times I have told them that I am so tired of being sick

and it has only been the last 7 mo but when you have never been kept down

before that is a long time..

They have never told me that I have divism but is something I am going to ask

also for all of my records .. from reading the post I have learned that you

find out alot more from them then the doctors tell you.. ok as far as my

central lines... they gave me the first one my first stay in the hospital cuz

they con't get my counts down then when I went to U of M for my first stent I

spiked a fever so Dr Elta had it taken out to be safe then I got a a pic line

which 4 weeks after having that I got an infection in that which I was very

sick.. so they took that out and tried to put another one in which they

couldn't get so I went back the next day and had them try again and they

couldn't get it in and then tried a central line and when my arm went numb I

said stop will when the surgery had to put me out the week later to get the

central line in I found out that it was a resident that was tring this before

I was not happy the hospital got a very long letter from me which I work at

the hospital and the president knows me very well since I have been right up

to see him about my health another story.. any way they got the central line

in and I used that one for some time before they took it out cuz I had

started a infection.. I was npo for 4-5 mo but I can eat now but very careful

on what I eat.. and if the nausea will let me.. somedays are ok and some are

bad... I thank god for this group and the love from my loved ones Cuz Henry

you have been through a hole lot too and you are so up beat and that is great

you give me spirt too.. you know you have my prayers .. but you have to get

through this surgery and hurry back to us for you will surely be missed a

hole lot...

take care and keep that chin up

Wishing you all a pain free day

from Michigan

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