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Welcome ! I hope we do hear from you, sounds like you may have good

input since you have been around this plan for a couple of years. I too

started a couple of years ago but I am just getting back into it. Glad to

have you here!!


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi ....Welcome to our wonderful club, thanks to Sue!.....Your letter

is such an inspiration to me and I'm sure the others.....Send more like it

and maybe one day down the road we all can also send encouraging


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Hi , It's me again, Judi....Yep, unfortunatly I do remember what a

tomatoe tastes like....and think I better stop have my tomatoe every day with

my salad for lunch...I didn't realize that they were so " bad " that we should

not be able to remember what they tasted like....!...Oh, do you take any

suppliments ....You sound like you really got the hang of this diet but I see

no metion of any vitimens etc...And that's wonderful about your

colestrol!....and that your Dr. is supportive of your losing weight on this


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  • 1 month later...

Welcome Jules,

Sounds like your a very busy person. I think that while on induction for the

first 14days,

You are not to exceed 20gr. of carbs. Then after induction you add 5 for

grams of carbs.

a week.

Hope that helps!


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Jules -

I started 3 weeks ago at about 30 carbs...I have now switched to Atkins for

the Induction period is much less on the carbs. I recommend reading both

books because everybody's body is different...good luck and welcome.


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Most of my extra 40 pounds was left over from my son - of course he's 13!!!




Nita's Nest, with " Beginning with Birds " basic care sheet.


> From: JJules71@...


> Hello, My name is Jules and I am a 28 y/o married mother of two boys.I


> heard alot about this life style change from my uncle who lost 60 lbs in 5

> months. He started the change b/c his cholesteral was out of control and


> medicine wasn't working. I am truly hoping that I can get a good start on

> this I need to loose 60lbs which is left over from my last son, he is 2


> as of thursday, so I really need to get it together! Although I am very

> motivated and have good intentions I have a huge fear of failure. I don't

> want to pack this extra around for the rest of my life, and I am sick of


> comments from my family members so here I am. I am quite busy with the


> and school,( I am going to college to be a pharmacy tech) But I really


> the support and I am no this computer all the time too! Please feel free


> send any advise I need it!! One question I do have is where did you all


> carb wise?? The stuff I got online said start at 30-40 grams of carbs in a

> day total, then go lower if you need to. Is this right? What success have


> of you had? How much exercise do you get in? What type? Thanks for the

> talk..... JULES.....


> ---------------------------

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sorta like when people ask how old i am, and i say 40; then they ask me when

my birthday was, and I say " three years ago... "

->Most of my extra 40 pounds was left over from my son - of course he's



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Hey, I'm 43, too - I could use that line!



Nita's Nest, with " Beginning with Birds " basic care sheet.

Re: Hello



> sorta like when people ask how old i am, and i say 40; then they ask me


> my birthday was, and I say " three years ago... "



> ->Most of my extra 40 pounds was left over from my son - of course he's

> 13!!!




> ---------------------------

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Hi all!

Sally, we are huge NASCAR fans!!!! The whole family watches every week...we

have a satellite dish too so we watch it commercial free!

Write to me personally if you want to chat about more Nascar! :o)


mom of 3, two w/CF

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Laurie,

When were you diagnosed? What treatment plan are you currently following?

Feel free to throw any and all questions out here, someone will always

answer them :)

I'd like to suggest that you read the posts on here from the beginning,

there are about 1400 or so now I *think*, though I'm having brain fog right

now so I could be off by a few hundred :)

Just know your not alone with this disease anymore and all the folks here

are great for support, questions or just listening when you need to vent.

*HUGZ* to you.



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Hi Laurie:

Glad you found this group. I hope you find it as valuable and supportive

as I have. I was diagnosed 10/99 and started on PTU 11/99. I'm in my 6th

month of treatment and am doing quite well now.

At 07:01 PM 04/26/2000 -0700, you wrote:



>I am new to your list. I just found out that I have Graves.


>Im not even really sure what it is, or how it will affect me.


>That's why I joined your list!


>My name is Laurie and I live in Oregon with my husband


>and my 5 Chihuahua's.




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>The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

>Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.




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>I am new to your list. I just found out that I have Graves. Im not even

really sure what it is, or how it will affect me. That's why I joined your

list! My name is Laurie and I live in Oregon with my husband and my 5


Hee hee. Five chihuahua's!!!

Welcome to the list! How are you feeling?


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Do you think it is associated with Graves? I have two chihuahuas.


Elaine (Virginia)

RE: Hello

> >I am new to your list. I just found out that I have Graves. Im not even

> really sure what it is, or how it will affect me. That's why I joined your

> list! My name is Laurie and I live in Oregon with my husband and my 5

> Chihuahua's.


> Hee hee. Five chihuahua's!!!


> Welcome to the list! How are you feeling?


> Kari


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> High rates giving you headaches? The 0% APR Introductory Rate from

> Capital One. 9.9% Fixed thereafter!

> http://click./1/3010/3/_/585824/_/956850802/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



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Hee! I can see the headlines: " Breaking News!: Chihuahua's found to be

cause of Graves Disease! "

err....if we ever were any kind of news, that is.

Kari, one cat

Re: Hello

Do you think it is associated with Graves? I have two chihuahuas.


Elaine (Virginia)

RE: Hello

> >I am new to your list. I just found out that I have Graves. Im not even

> really sure what it is, or how it will affect me. That's why I joined your

> list! My name is Laurie and I live in Oregon with my husband and my 5

> Chihuahua's.


> Hee hee. Five chihuahua's!!!


> Welcome to the list! How are you feeling?


> Kari


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> High rates giving you headaches? The 0% APR Introductory Rate from

> Capital One. 9.9% Fixed thereafter!

> http://click./1/3010/3/_/585824/_/956850802/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------




Was the salesman clueless? Productopia has the answers.




The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.


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Hey Kari...how bout

" Chihuahua's Now Known rs of Graves Disease "

I have 2 weird cats and one Shi Tzu named Pepe who use to be my moms dog. I

couldn't imagine life without them :) They just seem to know when I'm not

feeling well they gather round and petting them seems to make me feel




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Hi Laurie,

Before the drs. rush you into the RAI, please please please take the time to

read about all of the treatments out there. If you read back through the

posts here you will see so many of them that are doing well on the ATD's

(anti-throid drugs). You will also see some posts from about BRT

(block and replace therapy) which has had a great deal of success in Europe

(correct me here if I'm wrong somebody). Just take the time to read and

learn about this disease BEFORE a dr. pushes or talks you into either RAI or

surgery. Both of those are permanent :( And both of those don't mean you

will stop bouncing from hypo to hyper on this roller coaster ride.

I was pushed into RAI 4 years ago. If I were diagnosed today I would have

done things differently, I would have learned about this disease and learned

how to fight for time with the drs. and in all likelihood made different

choices. Learning about it is the best thing you can do for yourself right





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I don't know if codeine is good or bad...I do know that I couldn't take it

because it created horrible stomach pains for me. I did have a script for

adavan (sp?) and used it when I absolutely HAD to get some sleep, but it

left me groggy the next day...unless of course that was just the Graves

Brain Fog ;P

Have they started you on any ATD's yet? Or propananol for the heart palps?

Are you having the heart palps? Did they recommend that while you are hyper

to not exercise except for some relaxing walking? While hyper, your body is

in overdrive and you don't need to add to it.

Another thing you may want to becareful with is shellfish, vitamins with

iodine in them, kelp, salt with iodine...your thyroid will take in the extra

iodine and produce more T4 which it is already doing in excess...you truly

don't want to add to that. There is a vitamin called Vitasana that has no

iodine in it. It is expensive, here it runs me about $18.00 for 90 tablets.

As you are reading, keep a pen and paper with you and write down questions

as they arise, if you don't find the answers in the posts, just put them out

here, someone will answer them.

Good luck with the reading...and know you are no longer alone in this

Laurie. We are all in this together.




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Jody Spitale wrote:Hi Laurie,When were you diagnosed? What treatment plan are

you currently following?


I was just diagnosed with it. I have not felt good for a long time.

I am also very anemic.

I am suppose to go see a Dr. next week about some radioactive

treatment. Im not even sure what my options are.


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Oh Laurie I am so sorry about not having the insurance, that can make it

tough. I am surprised they haven't put you on ATD's and propananol

though...the ATD will block the production of hormones from your thyroid and

the propananol will slow your heart rate down significantly. You may want

to call them and ask them about it. As for the drugs, PTU is less costly

than Tapazol, but I believe that someone wrote a post on here recently that

there is now or will be soon a generic form of Tap. Propananol is a generic

beta blocker.

Also Graves is now recognized as a disabling disease. You may want to check

into that, though I am not sure how to do it or where. But if your drs.

would do your paperwork and you were able to get SSI or disability or both,

you may also qualify for some medical assisstance too. I sure do hope so.

Is your job a very physical one? If so, then you should call your dr. about

it and see if you can get the disability going right away...or at the very

least get the beta blockers. Graves can be treated Laurie, and when it is

it is not life threatening...untreated in some form and it can be deadly, it

can also cause permanent heart problems. So persevere.

We all know about the tiredness :( and the muscle fatigue...the brain fog

and weight gain were and still are the worst for me. I told someone else

earlier, and I will tell you now, Patience must be your middle name as you

start this journey...just know your not alone okay.




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There are (from everything I've learned from this group, my doc, and reading

info) three treatments for this disease (no cure, as yet...):

1. Drugs (ATD's, they're called, I believe..)

2. Radioactive Iodine treatment (RAI)

3. Surgery

I'm on the drugs (Propylthiouracil, or PTU) plus a beta-blocker to keep my

heartrate down. They've worked wonders! I've been on them since last fall,

and feel a heck of a lot better. My levels are quite normal, and now we

just a wait-and-see if I go into remission.

Others will tell you similar stories, and a few here have had the RAI or

surgery, and will undoubtedly share their stories. I hope they do. The

information I've received from this list (as I said in an earlier post

today! jeez, chatty, aren't I?) has helped me make some important decisions

about my health. Do read the archives for some Radioactive treatment

stories, though, before you decide.


Re: Hello

Jody Spitale wrote:Hi Laurie,When were you diagnosed? What treatment plan

are you currently following?


I was just diagnosed with it. I have not felt good for a long time.

I am also very anemic.

I am suppose to go see a Dr. next week about some radioactive

treatment. Im not even sure what my options are.





$2. Click for details.




The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.


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Guest guest

>Hey Kari...how bout " Chihuahua's Now Known rs of Graves Disease "

:P Poor little guys.

>I have 2 weird cats and one Shi Tzu named Pepe who use to be my moms dog.

Huh! My friend just adopted a blind, 8 year old toy poodle named Pepe.

Small world.

>I couldn't imagine life without them :) They just seem to know when I'm


feeling well they gather round and petting them seems to make me feel


:) My kitty gets very upset when I cry, and comes and sits with me, looking

very concerned. She's only one year old, too! Sweet little thing. Aren't

pets the best? So comforting.


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