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Thanks so much for your post. I am going to go read all the back posts and

information I can find.

The Dr office just called and they are going to give me codeine to help me

sleep. Is this good or bad?


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Thanks for all your help.

I have to go to work at 3:30 am. I get so tired. I have been working 10 hour


They have not given me any meds yet. I know my resting heart rate is 120. Who

knows what it is when Im working.

They never told me about the seafood either. They really did not tell me much of


I think sometimes not having insurance.....

well anyway when I call the Dr's they say oh you are the one with no insurance.


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> Another thing you may want to becareful with is shellfish, vitamins with

> iodine in them, kelp, salt with iodine...your thyroid will take in the extra

> iodine and produce more T4 which it is already doing in excess...you truly

> don't want to add to that. There is a vitamin called Vitasana that has no

> iodine in it. It is expensive, here it runs me about $18.00 for 90 tablets.

$18! Yipes. Have you checked around for other brands? I get mine at

Wal-mart, they are the Spring Valley brand, women's daily. No iodine

:-) and they run me about $4 for 80 or 100 (no bottle in front of me, I

can't remember numbers still LOL). But I quite like them, tho I wish they

weren't quite horse pills (I have this lovely gag reflex. I've been known

to have problems getting my irth control pills down).


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> Another thing you may want to becareful with is shellfish, vitamins with

> iodine in them, kelp, salt with iodine...your thyroid will take in the extra

> iodine and produce more T4 which it is already doing in excess...you truly

> don't want to add to that. There is a vitamin called Vitasana that has no

> iodine in it. It is expensive, here it runs me about $18.00 for 90 tablets.

$18! Yipes. Have you checked around for other brands? I get mine at

Wal-mart, they are the Spring Valley brand, women's daily. No iodine

:-) and they run me about $4 for 80 or 100 (no bottle in front of me, I

can't remember numbers still LOL). But I quite like them, tho I wish they

weren't quite horse pills (I have this lovely gag reflex. I've been known

to have problems getting my irth control pills down).


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I did try the Walmart brand ones, but must have had a reaction to the dye in

them because within 30 minutes I started getting a headache, within an hour

I couldn't focus the headache had gotten so bad. I never attributed it to

the vitamins and took them for another 5 days with the same results. I

talked to 2 different pharmacists and both suggested I not take them for a

few days, stopped them, headaches never came back, talked to the pharmacists

(who don't know each other) and both said the same thing, probably the dye

in them. So I spend the extra money ... for now :)


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Were you never given ATD's before the decision for RAI was made? I can not

take either one of them, Tapazole or PTU, so I will have to have RAI



Re: Hello

> Hi Laurie,

> Before the drs. rush you into the RAI, please please please take the time


> read about all of the treatments out there. If you read back through the

> posts here you will see so many of them that are doing well on the ATD's

> (anti-throid drugs). You will also see some posts from about BRT

> (block and replace therapy) which has had a great deal of success in


> (correct me here if I'm wrong somebody). Just take the time to read and

> learn about this disease BEFORE a dr. pushes or talks you into either RAI


> surgery. Both of those are permanent :( And both of those don't mean you

> will stop bouncing from hypo to hyper on this roller coaster ride.


> I was pushed into RAI 4 years ago. If I were diagnosed today I would have

> done things differently, I would have learned about this disease and


> how to fight for time with the drs. and in all likelihood made different

> choices. Learning about it is the best thing you can do for yourself


> now.


> *HUGZ*

> Jody

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> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

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I was given " Ambien " (a sleeping pill) to sleep. I don't think I slept for

one entire month before this was given to me.


Re: Hello

> Jody,


> Thanks so much for your post. I am going to go read all the back posts and

information I can find.


> The Dr office just called and they are going to give me codeine to help me

sleep. Is this good or bad?


> Laurie





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> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

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> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------




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Ativan is an ant-anxiety pill. It will make you very sleepy. The doctor

gave me a prescription for that and then later my sister told me that she

became addicted to Ativan. So I have not been taking them. I am

experiencing extreme anxiety though. At least I am pretty sure that is what

it is, I " freak " out all of the time and start hyperventilating.


Re: Hello

> Laurie,

> I don't know if codeine is good or bad...I do know that I couldn't take it

> because it created horrible stomach pains for me. I did have a script for

> adavan (sp?) and used it when I absolutely HAD to get some sleep, but it

> left me groggy the next day...unless of course that was just the Graves

> Brain Fog ;P


> Have they started you on any ATD's yet? Or propananol for the heart


> Are you having the heart palps? Did they recommend that while you are


> to not exercise except for some relaxing walking? While hyper, your body


> in overdrive and you don't need to add to it.


> Another thing you may want to becareful with is shellfish, vitamins with

> iodine in them, kelp, salt with iodine...your thyroid will take in the


> iodine and produce more T4 which it is already doing in excess...you truly

> don't want to add to that. There is a vitamin called Vitasana that has no

> iodine in it. It is expensive, here it runs me about $18.00 for 90



> As you are reading, keep a pen and paper with you and write down questions

> as they arise, if you don't find the answers in the posts, just put them


> here, someone will answer them.


> Good luck with the reading...and know you are no longer alone in this

> Laurie. We are all in this together.

> *HUGZ*

> Jody

> ________________________________________________________________________

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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Was the salesman clueless? Productopia has the answers.

> http://click./1/3019/3/_/585824/_/956879318/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------




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I was on Tap and inderal (beta blocker) for 5 weeks off for 1 one then given

RAI. I was told at time diagnosis that remaining on the ATD's was NOT an

option for me and I had to chose between RAI and Surgery. After watching

some video on treatments, my husband and I chose RAI. I can tell you this

right now e, if I were able to make the decision all over again I

would NOT do the RAI. It scares me way to much. If it were absolutely true

that the ATD's would not work for me I would have gone to the surgery.

It is wierd but there was just a story on the noon news on the radio today

regarding the breakdown of 3 Mile Island in Pa. in 1979 and how researchers

have been following 32 people within a 5 mile area of 3 Mile Island for

cancer. Their deduction: Radaiation has NO links to cancer...There is a

woman down there that was quoted to the say that those same researchers did

no research or following on individuals for " auto-immune diseases or

neuological diseases " and she has in hand facts and figures how much of an

increase there has been in residents in a 30 mile radius have such a high

increase in both auto-immune and neuological diseases....hmmmmmmmm those of

us with an Graves disease are also at a much higher risk to get at least one

other auto-immune disease...I am curious if those of us that have had RAI

are more prone to that. I don't want diabetes, I don't want lupus, I don't

want, Rheumatoid Arthritis...and I am scared to death of getting them

because I already have one A-I and RAI.

A friend is bringing me a copy of the story and I am going to try to contact

this woman. It is a story from the ABC news. I want to know more about


I truly wish you could consider at least consulting with a surgeon and

asking the questions of how many he/she has done, how many a month he/she

has done, what complications have he/she run into.

I know with your moms history the thought of surgery is scaring you to

death...it would me too. But your moms journey is NOT your journey. Your

mom probably didn't have the access to information and support that you

have, and it sure sounds like her follow up wasn't there. You are too smart

and know there are people who are here for you to allow what happened to

your mom happen to you. Also a second opinion or a new endo altogether

would be a good thing for you too, just based on what you have been telling

us this one has been like for you.

You also have talked about wanting children in the future. I, along with

others don't believe they truly KNOW what long term effects there are that

could cause problems in that area. I think it was in one of s past

posts that in some country's they won't do RAI on women of childbearing

years...something else to consider.

These are just *my* opinions e. The ultimate decision is YOURS and

YOURS alone...not mine, not your dr., not anyone else and you have to do

what is right for YOU.

If you are going to do the RAI, and your numbers are showing you still very

high hyper, please talk to your dr. about the dangers to you there. As your

thyroid begins to die off it will put all of the stored hormone it has into

your system making you more hyper than you have been...ask your dr. what the

chances of this causing you to go into thyroid storm will be. They wouldn't

do RAI on me until they got my numbers down before having it, had they not

been able to accomplish that with the Tapazole, then surgery would have been

my only options.

I was fortunate.

I am soooooooooo very glad you wrote today. Not hearing from you for the

last couple of days has had me worried about you. e, we all care so

much...and no matter what YOUR choice is...we are all here for you.




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It was Ambien that I was given, not the Atavan...I'm sorry Laurie that I

gave you the wrong one...and thank you e for bringing the right one

into it. Your right the Atavn is very addictive, my aunt was on it for

years and when the drs. quit giving it to her cold turkey, the withdrawals

for her were horrible. She was 83 when they refused to perscribe it for her




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> I did try the Walmart brand ones, but must have had a reaction to the dye in

> them because within 30 minutes I started getting a headache, within an hour

> I couldn't focus the headache had gotten so bad. I never attributed it to

> the vitamins and took them for another 5 days with the same results. I

> talked to 2 different pharmacists and both suggested I not take them for a

> few days, stopped them, headaches never came back, talked to the pharmacists

> (who don't know each other) and both said the same thing, probably the dye

> in them. So I spend the extra money ... for now :)

Well, that sucks big time. I have a friend who has a wheat allergy and has

to hunt for wheat free vitamins (tho I think she also gets the Spring

Valley, but a different formulation). The things we go thru to stay

healthy :-)


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Hi ,

I have a glucose tolerance test done every 12-18 months since I was a child

and became ill with a low grade temp and they could never figure out what it

was. They were so sure then it was diabetes, but it wasn't...at that time.

My mom continued to have me tested growing up and it is something I still

continue with, especially having had gestational diabetes when pregnant with

my last pregnancy.

I just had it done 2 months ago and was fine. But as for diabetes not being

that bad... I am so terrified of needles I don't know how I would do

it personally. When I go get my bloodwork done, either my hubby or a friend

goes with me so I can white knuckle their hands. I have been like this

after having some arterial bloodwork done and other blood tests done at the

UCSD Medical Center in '86 and they infiltrated a major vein...thank God it

wasn't the artery they did. But it was very painful and I was bruised for

over a month. I have never gotten over it.



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Hi Jody, If you have had high glucose levels before, you will probably

get diabetes.

There have been some experiments giving people at risk for diabetes

Metoformin. I do not know what the outcome of this was. From what I have

been told, and I mistrust all the medical information I am told or read,

Graves developes AFTER diabetes has been established. 5% of people with

diabetes go on to develop Graves. You can be a diabetic and not know

it. If you blood sugar is 150 after a 12 hour fast you are a diabetic.

Being a diabetic is not the end of the world.

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Hi e and Jody-

I had RAI over 12 years ago at the age of 24. My thyroid is completely dead. I

was able to have a baby after 3

years of infertility with the help of fertility drugs. Everyone else in my

family but me and my cousin with no

thyroid function (she doesn't have autoimmune disease but neither of us have a

thyroid regardless of the reason) can

easily have babies. I have been off birth control this time since 2/99 and

haven't been able to get pregnant yet

despite trying. Please don't assume that you'll be fertile after RAI regardless

of what your doctors tell you.

They cannot figure out why I'm having problems since all my female hormone

levels are well within the normal range.

I've had a perfect ultrasound too. Duh! I'm missing something that most people

have that drives everything. I

can't figure out why that's so hard to understand. I suppose it's an arrogance

about treatment.

It disgusts me that they dicker with our lives so and then can't or won't help

us when there're problems.

I know this is an angry letter but I just can't help it.

Take care,

Jody Spitale wrote:

> e,

> I was on Tap and inderal (beta blocker) for 5 weeks off for 1 one then given

> RAI. I was told at time diagnosis that remaining on the ATD's was NOT an

> option for me and I had to chose between RAI and Surgery. After watching

> some video on treatments, my husband and I chose RAI. I can tell you this

> right now e, if I were able to make the decision all over again I

> would NOT do the RAI. It scares me way to much. If it were absolutely true

> that the ATD's would not work for me I would have gone to the surgery.


> It is wierd but there was just a story on the noon news on the radio today

> regarding the breakdown of 3 Mile Island in Pa. in 1979 and how researchers

> have been following 32 people within a 5 mile area of 3 Mile Island for

> cancer. Their deduction: Radaiation has NO links to cancer...There is a

> woman down there that was quoted to the say that those same researchers did

> no research or following on individuals for " auto-immune diseases or

> neuological diseases " and she has in hand facts and figures how much of an

> increase there has been in residents in a 30 mile radius have such a high

> increase in both auto-immune and neuological diseases....hmmmmmmmm those of

> us with an Graves disease are also at a much higher risk to get at least one

> other auto-immune disease...I am curious if those of us that have had RAI

> are more prone to that. I don't want diabetes, I don't want lupus, I don't

> want, Rheumatoid Arthritis...and I am scared to death of getting them

> because I already have one A-I and RAI.


> A friend is bringing me a copy of the story and I am going to try to contact

> this woman. It is a story from the ABC news. I want to know more about

> this.


> I truly wish you could consider at least consulting with a surgeon and

> asking the questions of how many he/she has done, how many a month he/she

> has done, what complications have he/she run into.


> I know with your moms history the thought of surgery is scaring you to

> death...it would me too. But your moms journey is NOT your journey. Your

> mom probably didn't have the access to information and support that you

> have, and it sure sounds like her follow up wasn't there. You are too smart

> and know there are people who are here for you to allow what happened to

> your mom happen to you. Also a second opinion or a new endo altogether

> would be a good thing for you too, just based on what you have been telling

> us this one has been like for you.


> You also have talked about wanting children in the future. I, along with

> others don't believe they truly KNOW what long term effects there are that

> could cause problems in that area. I think it was in one of s past

> posts that in some country's they won't do RAI on women of childbearing

> years...something else to consider.


> These are just *my* opinions e. The ultimate decision is YOURS and

> YOURS alone...not mine, not your dr., not anyone else and you have to do

> what is right for YOU.


> If you are going to do the RAI, and your numbers are showing you still very

> high hyper, please talk to your dr. about the dangers to you there. As your

> thyroid begins to die off it will put all of the stored hormone it has into

> your system making you more hyper than you have been...ask your dr. what the

> chances of this causing you to go into thyroid storm will be. They wouldn't

> do RAI on me until they got my numbers down before having it, had they not

> been able to accomplish that with the Tapazole, then surgery would have been

> my only options.

> I was fortunate.


> I am soooooooooo very glad you wrote today. Not hearing from you for the

> last couple of days has had me worried about you. e, we all care so

> much...and no matter what YOUR choice is...we are all here for you.


> *HUGZ*

> Jody

> ________________________________________________________________________

> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com


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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------

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I have never had any desire to have children, so I don't think that will be

a problem. I have often wondered why I have never gotten pregnant though.

I miss my birth control pills for a week at a time and then take a handful

of them, always have for the 17 years I have taken them and I have never

gotten pregnant. I would never wish my genes on anybody. I sure wish my

mother would have done the same and spared me this miserable life.


Re: Hello

> Hi e and Jody-


> I had RAI over 12 years ago at the age of 24. My thyroid is completely

dead. I was able to have a baby after 3

> years of infertility with the help of fertility drugs. Everyone else in

my family but me and my cousin with no

> thyroid function (she doesn't have autoimmune disease but neither of us

have a thyroid regardless of the reason) can

> easily have babies. I have been off birth control this time since 2/99

and haven't been able to get pregnant yet

> despite trying. Please don't assume that you'll be fertile after RAI

regardless of what your doctors tell you.

> They cannot figure out why I'm having problems since all my female hormone

levels are well within the normal range.

> I've had a perfect ultrasound too. Duh! I'm missing something that most

people have that drives everything. I

> can't figure out why that's so hard to understand. I suppose it's an

arrogance about treatment.


> It disgusts me that they dicker with our lives so and then can't or won't

help us when there're problems.


> I know this is an angry letter but I just can't help it.


> Take care,




> Jody Spitale wrote:


> > e,

> > I was on Tap and inderal (beta blocker) for 5 weeks off for 1 one then


> > RAI. I was told at time diagnosis that remaining on the ATD's was NOT


> > option for me and I had to chose between RAI and Surgery. After


> > some video on treatments, my husband and I chose RAI. I can tell you


> > right now e, if I were able to make the decision all over again I

> > would NOT do the RAI. It scares me way to much. If it were absolutely


> > that the ATD's would not work for me I would have gone to the surgery.

> >

> > It is wierd but there was just a story on the noon news on the radio


> > regarding the breakdown of 3 Mile Island in Pa. in 1979 and how


> > have been following 32 people within a 5 mile area of 3 Mile Island for

> > cancer. Their deduction: Radaiation has NO links to cancer...There is a

> > woman down there that was quoted to the say that those same researchers


> > no research or following on individuals for " auto-immune diseases or

> > neuological diseases " and she has in hand facts and figures how much of


> > increase there has been in residents in a 30 mile radius have such a


> > increase in both auto-immune and neuological diseases....hmmmmmmmm those


> > us with an Graves disease are also at a much higher risk to get at least


> > other auto-immune disease...I am curious if those of us that have had


> > are more prone to that. I don't want diabetes, I don't want lupus, I


> > want, Rheumatoid Arthritis...and I am scared to death of getting them

> > because I already have one A-I and RAI.

> >

> > A friend is bringing me a copy of the story and I am going to try to


> > this woman. It is a story from the ABC news. I want to know more about

> > this.

> >

> > I truly wish you could consider at least consulting with a surgeon and

> > asking the questions of how many he/she has done, how many a month


> > has done, what complications have he/she run into.

> >

> > I know with your moms history the thought of surgery is scaring you to

> > death...it would me too. But your moms journey is NOT your journey.


> > mom probably didn't have the access to information and support that you

> > have, and it sure sounds like her follow up wasn't there. You are too


> > and know there are people who are here for you to allow what happened to

> > your mom happen to you. Also a second opinion or a new endo altogether

> > would be a good thing for you too, just based on what you have been


> > us this one has been like for you.

> >

> > You also have talked about wanting children in the future. I, along


> > others don't believe they truly KNOW what long term effects there are


> > could cause problems in that area. I think it was in one of s past

> > posts that in some country's they won't do RAI on women of childbearing

> > years...something else to consider.

> >

> > These are just *my* opinions e. The ultimate decision is YOURS


> > YOURS alone...not mine, not your dr., not anyone else and you have to do

> > what is right for YOU.

> >

> > If you are going to do the RAI, and your numbers are showing you still


> > high hyper, please talk to your dr. about the dangers to you there. As


> > thyroid begins to die off it will put all of the stored hormone it has


> > your system making you more hyper than you have been...ask your dr. what


> > chances of this causing you to go into thyroid storm will be. They


> > do RAI on me until they got my numbers down before having it, had they


> > been able to accomplish that with the Tapazole, then surgery would have


> > my only options.

> > I was fortunate.

> >

> > I am soooooooooo very glad you wrote today. Not hearing from you for


> > last couple of days has had me worried about you. e, we all care


> > much...and no matter what YOUR choice is...we are all here for you.

> >

> > *HUGZ*

> > Jody

> > ________________________________________________________________________

> > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > Get paid for the stuff you know!

> > Get answers for the stuff you don't. And get $10 to spend on the site!

> > http://click./1/2200/3/_/585824/_/956944526/

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

> > -------------------------------------

> > The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

> > Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> > ----------------------------------------



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> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------




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  • 4 months later...

Dear Amber,

My suggestion is to get support for yourself in dealing with a person with

this disorder. He has to be in charge of his body, his health, and the way

he wants to deal with this illness. You have to let it go, and support him

in his choice of how to live with this.

-Judy in Virginia

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Amber, I would check with his allergist, because my GP and my pharmacist both

had a cow at first when they saw the amount of antihistamines the allergist

prescribed. I had done the same thing like you said and took benadryl at

night and my GP and pharmacist both said no, but the allergist said it was

OK. But then she gave me allegra 180 mg and zyrtec to take and I dont need

the benadry. The pharmacist is still bothered that I am on 2 different

antihistamines, but its working.


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Dear Zelma,

If your pharmacist is bothered by your prescriptions, he doesn't have a clue

how to treat urticaria. Our's is a disorder that is only managed by steroids

or lots and lots of differnt types of H1 and H2 antihistimines at very high

doses. If you read here, you'll hear story after story of high dose

anithistimines. When the doses are too low, we suffer. I can't tell you how

long I suffered before I got educated and demended correct dosing, and relief

came. Don't be scared by medical folks who are ignorant about this disorder.

We all deserve relief from symptoms.


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Many (if not most) of us tend to respond better to a combination of H1 and

H2 antihistamines. With urticaria, both types of histamine are coursing

through the body, so suppressing just one won't solve the problem. The two

most common combos are zantac with zyrtec and atarax with tagamet. - Jackie


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Many (if not most) of us tend to respond better to a combination of H1 and

H2 antihistamines. With urticaria, both types of histamine are coursing

through the body, so suppressing just one won't solve the problem. The two

most common combos are zantac with zyrtec and atarax with tagamet. - Jackie


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Laurie,

Welcome to the group, I am glad you found us. Since you have recently had

RAI, I will try to explain a bit about what is going on, there are others

who can and will do a much better job for you though. The RAI is killing

your thyroid, while it is so new, it is struggling to live, so it is working

overtime and putting much more thyroid hormone into your system. This will

settle down in soon. I won't comment on your meds and dosages because I

wasn't aware enough back when I was diagnosed and had my RAI to do so.

The best piece of advice I can give your right now is to get into the

archives here and start reading...you will be able to pick out the posts you

want by the subject in most cases, but reading from the beginning helped me

so very much. Those of us that I am aware of that have had RAI in this

group besides myself are Elaine (Daisy), U, _A, Redhen, e

(how are you doing btw e, it has been a long time since we have heard

from you?)...I am sure there are many more, I just am not aware of it.

Another thing, while reading the posts, keep a pen handy for questions, if

you don't find the answers in following posts, just ask them! You will

learn by your reading that you will now have to become very very aware of

your body and what it is feeling so you won't drop into hypo. Ask your dr.

to do labs on you every couple of weeks or so instead of 3 mos. down the

road. I can tell you this, I had RAI on 6/7/96...had my first blood test on

7/3/96 and blood work still showed me very hyper...on 7/18/96 I was so

exhausted I literally could not get up off the couch and had to crawl

upstairs to use the bathroom on my hands and knees...my husband called my

*then* endo, she ordered some blood work 'stat' called back the next morning

and told me I had to go on thyroid hormone...so one can definitely go hypo

very quickly at some point.

Another suggestion...get copies of ALL of your blood work...including those

that were taken that led to diagnosis and keep them. As you read the

archives you will see why they will come in handy.

I know these suggestions sound like a lot with your mind racing and your

body feeling so terrible, I think you may be surprised at how much reading

will help you to understand and grasp a bit of a handle on what is going on.

When we have some control over this disease, it seems a bit more

manageable. Another group that you may want to check out, if not now, down

the road is


Try to take care, the severity of what is going on now will calm down

shortly...write here whenever you have to! And keep reading. We do

understand what you are going through.

Take care,



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Hi Laurie, from what I understand it is quite common to go a little hyper

after RAI and probably eventually go hypo. Did you have the bad hyper

symptoms before when originally diagnosed or is it worse now? It takes at

least a week to 10 days before you will notice clinical improvement from the

PTU because it prevents release of more thyroid hormone but has no effect on

the hormone already in your bloodstream. These hormones need to used up

first. So we SUFFER with all the nasty hyper symptoms for a week or so. I

noticed your doc gave you Xanax for the anxiey. How much did you get

prescirbed a day. With one of my hyper bouts my doc gave me .5 mgs 2 times

a day bbut another time WHen really anxious I needed .5 mgs 4 times a day.

IT is important to use this only short term like weeks but it is habit

forming but can really help with the panic. Hope this is of some help,


> Hi I am new to the group so I wanted to introduce myself.

> My name is Laurie and I have recently been diagnosed with Graves. A week


> I had the RAI. Since then I have lost 7# and my thyroid is even more


> I am on Toprol, 200mgs. a day and on PTU, 300mgs a day. I am shaking,


> legs, plus I ache all over. This morning I popped my meds. then threw up.


> scared me because I haven't vomited since I was a kid and now I am 48


> old. Has this happened to any of you from the disease or from the PTU?

> Well I am out of work now with plenty of time on my hands and I thought


> group would give me a place to vent/complain and learn. Nobody really

> understands what this is all about until they go through it. I wish I


> use this energy to do constructive things but I am too weak to do much of

> anything. Even my computer that I dearly love gets me frazzled now. I am


> Xanax too to try to calm my insides.

> Sorry for going on and on.

> Laurie




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  • 1 year later...

Oh Kathy, I'm so sorry, I was thinking SURELY this must be something


I know most would consider this " totally off the wall " , and ok, I

would have a hard time arguing with them, but nonetheless...

You first noticed Cytoluminescent Therapy (CLT) awhile back, as

reported by Ralph Moss' Oct. newsletter. Now I have NO IDEA if

there is anything to CLT or not, but have generally gotten the

feeling that Ralph Moss is pretty quick to reject the obvious scams

(you know, Zappers and such). I'm a little slower to reject stuff he

feels positive about without a much closer look (although of course

his endorsement is no guarantee it " works " !).

Anyway, I noticed Kees Braam (on Yahoo groups " cancercure " and

webmaster of www.kanker-actueel.nl ) is following a breast cancer

patient who went to Ireland for the treatment. The benefits are

probably exaggerated ( " cure " is tough to achieve!), but if this even

helps extend survival time it could still be worthwhile.



Next week she will go in for scans, I sure hope it is successful!!!

I'll be watching over there to see what happens...

NOTE: for all CLT references, go to LINKS section of this

page, " Alternative Medicine " / " Cytoluminescent Therapy "

Kind of interesting this is coming out at the same time they are

starting to see success with PDT for lung cancer patients, tripling

the survival time (PDT is similar to but not the same as CLT)


How to Evaluate Alternative Therapies, by Steve Dunn




Best Wishes,

> Hi everyone,

> Returned from the hospital this am - went in for outpatient

bronchoscopy on Tuesday which was not successful (bleeding due to low

platelets). They admitted me and gave me platelets and then did a

thorascopy (sp?) on Wednesday. Ended up in ICU for 24 hours due to

complications with intubating me. Apparently, I have small airways.

The surgeon was able to get a whole nodule from the right lung base

and it came back positive for colon cancer. I was sure it was a

fungus or other lung infection. They compared it to my other two

slides (colon and retroperitonial nodes) and it is the same. So,

hows that for strange disease progression? Totally skipped my liver

and innumerable nodules in the lungs. Surgery out now due to number

of nodules, and they won't remove the lymph nodes with disease in my

lungs. All signs point to chemotherapy. We are still getting used

to this diagnosis and will begin researching on our own very soon.

What a lousy Christmas gift.

> Take Care,

> Kathy O.





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  • 2 weeks later...

this is from my surgeon..I received this am..hugs,kaye

-- RE: hello

I know that this is worrisome to you and please know that I am concerned too

I spoke with Dr. Bramham at length and we will follow up the previous

studies just after the first of the year. As we spoke about before, given

the information from the previous scans, it is not entirely clear where the

tumor might be located-the time has been necessary but I recognize difficult

I have not forgotten about you in the least. We will make arrangements for

the studies and then contact you.

Enjoy the rest of the holidays.

Best regards,

Lee Gorden M.D.

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  • 4 months later...
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" bellagrace2003 " <bellagrace2003@y...> wrote:

>But I'd first like to send my

> condolences to Betty at the loss of her husband. I'm so very sorry

> for your painful loss.

> Gracie

---Thanks so much. Sure glad you are here too, we all need to see this

uplifting news of your posts.

Hugs, Betty B.

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